Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, October 10, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: The Return of La Pareja Increible

Week 37: The Return of La Pareja Increible

EB: It has been chaotic the past few weeks in CSP, with debuts and returns, title changes galore, violent attacks perpetrated on members of El Ejercito de la Justicia, and what may be a huge turn back to the tecnico side. The Texas Hangmen and Eric Embry have only been around a month or so, but they have been agents of chaos and violence, with Embry getting his hands on his former valet Sasha and physically hitting her, and the Hangmen severely injuring Invader #1 with a prolonged hanging. We’ll soon follow up on the fallout from that chaotic October 17 day in Miramar, but before doing so, it might be a good idea to take a moment and recap where everything stands as we head towards the end of October..

First, one detail we missed in all of the chaos is that it appears that CSP has moved TV stations. They are no longer on Channel 2 (Telemundo) and instead are now on Channel 4 (WAPA), with programs on Saturday and Sunday. WAPA will become their permanent TV home and remains as such to the current day. 

We also had quite a few title changes in the past month and half, so let’s do a rundown of who the current title holders are. Carlos Colon remains the Universal champion, having recently held back challenges from TNT, Kim Duk and Roadblock. Colon’s attention now seems to be focused on the Texas Hangmen, even more so now that they have put Invader #1 on the shelf. Kim Duk is the current Caribbean title holder, while Huracan Castillo Jr. is the World Jr champion, having regained it after it switched hands between Ron Starr and Invader #4. Sasha finally got some payback on Monster Ripper and won the Women’s World title in the process. As for the two sets of tag titles, they both are in the hands of the rudos of the moment, as the Texas Hangmen are the World tag team champions and Eric Embry & Rick Valentine are the Caribbean tag team champions. One final note, the Puerto Rico and TV singles titles are currently inactive or vacant, with the Puerto Rico title being in limbo since Manny Fernandez left with an injury and the TV title has been inactive ever since TNT vacated it after winning the Universal title. We’ll have to see if any of these titles come back at any point.

We also had a bit of wrestler movement, although some were only coming in for short tours.  We’ve already mentioned Eric Emrby and the Texas Hangmen, but we also have the notable returns of Sasha and Monster Ripper. In addition, the tecnicos have added the Giant Warrior to their ranks, someone they view as an equalizer against the larger monsters that El Profe could bring in. We had some short term arrivals with Kamala, Mr. Pogo and Roadblock all making appearances on the rudo side. We also got the return of Ricky Santana for a few weeks in October (who we saw trying to make the save for Invader #1 during the hanging). There was also another new arrival there running interference with the rudos, a wrestler by the name of Skywalker (also known as Nitron), we’ll talk about him in a bit.

Now that we have gone over where all the titles are and who has been in CSP throughout these past few weeks, let’s focus on the fallout from the hanging of Invader #1.  As mentioned before, Invader has been severely injured and is out. He is going to spend about a week and a half in the hospital from the attack and there is no indication yet if he’ll be able to make a full recovery and return to wrestling. We also had Sasha put herself in harm’s way trying to help save Invader #1 and falling victim to a physical attack from Eric Embry as a result. This is not going to sit well with the Super Medicos. Finally, TNT appears to have had a change of heart, coming out to save Sasha and Invader #1. Right now the Texas Hangmen are public enemy number one after what went down (although Eric Emrby isn’t too far behind). Let’s go to Miramar, where we have a tag match in progress, as the Texas Hangmen take on the team of Migeulito Perez and Giant Warrior.

The match is already in progress, with Giant Warrior fighting off the Hangmen and tagging in Miguelito. Hugo and Eliud are your commentators. Perez works the arm of the Hangman in the ring. The Hangman fights out and makes the tag, but the Hangman that comes in (Killer?) ends up caught in an armdrag takedown. Hugo mentions that he heard from an anonymous source that apparently the Hangmen are brothers (not sure if this is something they’ll keep mentioning moving forward though). Eliud says he's inclined to believe it, they look very similar and it's tough to tell them apart (Eliud: El Profe claims that one has blue eyes but who's going to notice during the match). The tecnicos keep working the arm over with some quick tags, and Perez ends up hitting a handspring elbow on the Hangman (he must have picked up the move on of his recent foreign tours). Perez keeps the offense going with a slam and a legdrop, before tagging Warrior back in. As Warrior and the Hangman exchange chops, Hugo starts hyping that we might have an upset in the making. But as soon as Hugo mentions this the Hangmen start choking out Warrior and double team him in their corner. Hugo again mentions that it's really hard to tell the Hangmen apart but they are absolutely vicious. The Hangmen cheat with the bullrope and El Profe starts ringing the bell claiming that he was the one who moved it. Hugo is getting annoyed with the cheating Hangmen, wondering how they can be proud to be World tag team champions and act this way. Eliud thinks all the Hangmen care about is the money and hurting people. The Hangmen attempt a pin on Warrior but Migeulito makes the save. The Hangmen continue with the advantage on Giant Warrior, until a big boot by Warrior gives him the opening to tag in Perez. The match breaks down to a pier six brawl and El Profe distracts Miguelito. The Hangmen use the opening to grab the bullrope, nail Miguelito with the cowbell and get the pinfall victory.

Post-match, El Profe chucks Miguelito over the top rope as the Hangmen attack Giant Warrior and start hanging him like they did to Invader. Carlos Colon rushes the ring with a piece of wood and clears the rudos from the ring. Giant Warrior is down but not seriously hurt. The referee reverses the decision due to the post match attack and awards the win to the Perez and Warrior (Hugo: Justice is being done! If these Hangmen insist on causing harm, they have to be punished, they have to be fined, they cannot be allowed to continue to hurt wrestlers!).Carlos is thanked by Perez and Warrior as the video ends.

MD: The commentary suspects the Hangmen might be brothers. They can’t tell them apart so what hope do we have? Perez and Warrior make for a bit of a weird combo here but they work well together to start controlling on the arm. Perez actually hits a handspring into the corner which I don’t think we’ve seen him do much if at all in the 89-90 footage. Hangmen take over on Warrior with an eyerake and he plays face in peril, getting choked in the corner. Strange role for him but he does well enough with it, I guess. It certainly puts over the Hangmen as dangerous to be able to control a guy the size of Warrior. Not much in the way of hope spots either. He finally gets a foot up (falling over in the process), which worked as a visual and Perez comes in hot off at the tag. He zigs over to Profe when he jumps up on the apron and the ref, distracted in the other corner as things were breaking down, misses the cowbell shot. I think the post-match hanging attempt on Warrior might have been more powerful if he HADN’T played face-in-peril but Colon breaks it up quickly anyway.

EB: It’s clear that Carlos Colon  is looking to teach the Texas Hangmen a lesson after all of the attacks they have done. But with Invader #1 on the shelf, he needs a tag partner. Who will it be?

Meanwhile, the Texas Hangmen aren’t the only rudos with a target on their back. It's apparent that El Profe had the rudos organized to run interference to prevent El Ejercito de la Justicia from making the save for Invader #1. And Eric Emrby really took advantage of the situation when Sasha appeared. With the Super Medicos not around, Embry saw his chance to get at Sasha, grabbing her, dragging her around by her hair and just hitting her in a very nonchalant manner. The Super Medicos, particularly Medico #1, had indicated that they weren’t going to let tEmbry get at Sasha again but Embry had managed to do it in the chaos of the hanging. Let’s go to a scheduled TV match between the Caribbean tag team champions and the team of Huracan Castillo Jr. and Ricky Santana.

The ring introductions are made for both teams when the Super Medicos suddenly appear and start talking with the team of Castillo and Santana. Hugo and Eliud are on commentary, and they wonder what the tecnicos could be talking about. Eliud mentions that this looks to be an interesting matchup, with what Eliud describes as the dangerous pair of Embry and Valentine. Hugo mentions that it appears that the Super Medicos are asking Castillo and Santana if they will give the Medicos the spot right now against Embry and Valentine. Castillo and Santana seem to agree, shake the Medicos’ hands and leave the ring. It looks like the Medicos do not want to wait to get their hands on Embry and Valentine after their recent actions against them and Sasha. Hugo says this is not the official scheduled match as the Medicos start fighting with Embry and Valentine. The ref is confused as well, ringing the bell at first but then some moments later ringing the bell again as if to signal that this has been thrown out. It doesn't matter as what we have is a fight between the Super Medicos and Embry & Valentine. This is basically a street fight, as Valentine and Medico #1 start fighting on the outside of the ring, while Embry and Medico #3 are fighting inside the ring. Medico #1 rams Valentine into the wall but is stopped by Monster Ripper, who gets in between Medico #1 and Valentine. Medico #1 argues with Ripper for getting in the way but does not attack her (keeping true to himself by not stooping low in attacking a woman). 

Medico #1 walks away from Ripper and the fighting pairs switch locations, with Medico #1 and Valentine going into the ring and Medico #3 and Embry going outside. Valentine soon after tosses Medico #1 back to the outside and the fight continues on the floor as Valentine chokes Medico #1 with one of the production cables. Meanwhile, Embry is ramming Medico #3 into the ringside fence and into the ringpost. The Medicos turn things around, with Medico #3 blocking a ringpost ram attempt and countering Embry with one of his own. Medico #1 rakes Valentine’s eyes and starts choking Valentine with the same cable. Embry and Medico #3 exchange more punches, as Monster Ripper again interferes to save Valentine. Medico #1 again stares down Ripper, but Valentine sneaks up from behind with the cable to once again choke Medico #1. Eliud mentions that Ripper is taking advantage of the fact that Medico #1 is a gentleman and would not hit a woman. Ripper goes over to help Embry with Medico #3 as Valentine continues to choke out Medico #1 against the wall. Valentine finally releases the cable  and goes over to help Embry double team Medico #3. Medico #1 recovers from being choked and goes over to help his son. The video ends with Medico #1 tossing Embry into the ring and firing off a ‘maquinita de golpes’ as they go to the next segment. It’s clear that this rivalry is red hot and far from over.  

MD: Fun angle here as Castillo (wearing his Caribbean Express jacket) and Santana bow out with a handshake, letting the Medicos take over their match. It never really officially starts though as the ref doesn’t seem on board with this and it’s all chaotic brawling anyway. Embry and a Medico fight over the ringpost and who’s going to go head first into it. The other trades with Valentine choking each other with a wire. Monster Ripper makes the difference through distraction but this clip ends with Medico 1 rocking Embry in the ring with punches.

EB: With all of the chaos going on in CSP, there still is some wrestler movement going on. As the month of November begins, we get some quick visits from Vic Steamboat and Grizzly Boone. We also have the appearance of some Billy Joe Travis as a new challenger for the World Junior title. Perhaps the most notable appearance for our journey is that of a wrestler from the Dominican Republic named El Bronco #1. Bronco had been a top star in the Dominican Republic and was currently the champion in that territory. But it seems that he has decided to compete in Puerto Rico as well and makes his debut in early November. Let’s go to Miramar and get our first look at a wrestler that will be a key player in Puerto Rico throughout the 90s and beyond. Or maybe it’s our first look at two such wrestlers…

This is a short match featuring two masked men we are seeing for the first time. El Bronco #1 has arrived from the Dominican Republic and is taking on El Condor. Bronco fires off a few punches that send Condor reeling. Hugo and Eliud are on commentary, and are talking about how Bronco left everybody surprised with his upbeat entrance (he came out to some music from the DR and was dancing on his way to the ring). Hugo is excited to have this bit of flavor from the Dominican Republic in CSP and the commentators remark that the public seems to like Bronco as well. Bronco chops Condor into the corner, and then hits him with a backdrop when Condor charges out of the corner. The Dominican champion stands tall in the ring as El Condor decides to roll out for a breather. After taking a few moments to catch his breath, Condor gets up on the apron but Bronco catches him and suplexes Condor into the ring. Condor comes back with some punches and an eyerake, sending Bronco into the ropes. However, Condor makes the mistake of putting his head down too soon and El Bronco catches Condor with his signature move called the Bronco (it looks like a front facing bulldog). El Bronco gets the pinfall win and celebrates by doing his dance as the music starts back up. We’ll be seeing a lot more of El Bronco, who will definitely be someone to watch as we continue our journey through 90s Puerto Rico wrestling. We’ll also see more of El Condor in the future, as we have just had our first look at a young wrestler who will become a very important part of the Puerto Rican wrestling scene. You probably know him as Ray Gonzalez.

MD: This went about a minute and a half so not a ton to register here. Bronco had mass to him certainly and a unique way of playing to the crowd, all but hopping around at times. He hit hard. Condor is yes, our first look at Ray González, and he took stuff ok with a comeback that didn’t really get off the ground. He put his head down and Bronco absolutely flattened him with a straight down belly flop sort of DDT. 

EB: As we approach November 3, it looks like Carlos Colon has found a tag partner to face the Texas Hangmen and it is none other than TNT! This is a stunning turn of events after what has happened in the past months between Colon and TNT. We’ll have to see if both men  will be able to coexist as a team after what has gone down between them. Let's go to the November 3 Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre episode and hear some interviews from the Texas hangmen and this tecnico super team. We may also get an update on Invader #1’s condition.

One of the Texas Hangmen is partway through his remarks as the video starts, talking about how tonight it will be a war zone for Carlos Colon and TNT. Pain is their policy and hanging is their game.  

El Profe (at 0:20): Carlos Colon, when you look at this noose what you feel is panic, you feel fear. We can see the fear in your eyes Carlos Colon and TNT, because you're trembling right now. And tonight, when you step into the war zone against the Texas Hangmen, Carlos Colon. there will be no mercy for you. Take good notice of that hospital Invader's in, because that is exactly where you two are going. Or maybe it will be someplace worse.

Killer? talks and then El Profe speaks again.

El Profe (at 1:08): Carlos Colon and TNT, I repeat again, we can see the fear in your eyes. And tonight, Carlos Colon and TNT, we're going to make history. What we did to Invader, we merely did it for the pleasure, but tonight we have a motive for doing it. Because the two of you are trash! A traitor and a coward who picks up a traitor! So tonight, we'll make history when we finish with all of the legends of Puerto Rico wrestling! Then we'll be the only sovereigns, kings over the entire sport of wrestling! Today's the day TNT and Carlos Colon!

Hugo (at 1:44): Friends of WAPA television, with us is the Pareja Increible, "El Acrobata de Puerto Rico" Carlitos Colon. and "El Karateca Ninja" TNT. Tonight, in the Loubriel Stadium, they clash with the Texas Hangmen. Before talking about this match, there have been some fans, and I don't want to be a gossip but they have asked, Carlitos and TNT, how is it possible that, with all of the wars you two have had, with all the blood that has been spilled, that you two can form a team in professional wrestling?

Carlos (at 2.15): Well Hugo, all of Puerto Rico knows what happened between TNT and me. It's something that can't be denied. I've forgiven him, I believe the people of Puerto Rico have also, but forgetting about what happened, one never forgets completely what happened. If he's remorseful, he's going to have time to prove it and time will be the one to tell. The reasons for teaming up with him are two. One, he didn't have to do what he did. When he came out to help Invader, like I said last week, if it had not been for TNT, it's possible Invader would not be with us today. And I admire him for that. Second, TNT is a great wrestler, he's someone with guts, he's a tiger in the ring. That's exactly what I need to get the Hangmen out of Puerto Rico. That's my goal, to get these scoundrels out of Puerto Rico. They are criminals and they do not belong in wrestling, let alone in Puerto Rico. And that is why I chose TNT as my partner for this match.

Hugo (at 3:14): Well, at this moment we have TNT face to face with Carlos. Let it be his words that mark this moment.

TNT (at 3:20 in a subdued and emotional tone with pauses throughout): You know Hugo, Carlos and all of the fans, at this moment, for the first time in this world of wrestling, I've shed tears. (Takes a deep breath). I feel very regretful about everything that has happened. Because I was blinded in my quest for the Universal title. And that Wednesday, when they were hurting Invader #1, and they were also attacking a Puerto Rican woman, something that should never happen, my heart, the only thing it told me was to help my brothers. To help the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia, because they are all my brothers. They have never stopped being my brothers. And Carlos, this I say to you right from the heart, because if I could open my chest at this moment, take my heart out and speak to you with it in my hands Carlos, I would do it. Because I am very regretful about what happened a few months ago. And Carlos, I would like to take the opportunity right now to extend my hand out to you and shake it in honor Carlos, because I am very sorry. What I did will not happen again, because we have to finish the Texas Hangmen and all of these abusers that come to Puerto Rico. And this I tell you Carlos right from the heart, from a brother Carlos, because that's what I feel.

Hugo (at 5:20, with the camera zoomed in on Colon and TNT’s clasped hands): Tonight at the Loubriel in Bayamon, the Pareja Increible clashes with the Texas Hangmen. Let's relive that moment when TNT shocked the wrestling world and came to El Ejercito de la Justicia’s aid.

The video then cuts to the end of the program, where Hugo is hyping the tv shows on WAPA (Saturdays from 12pm to 1pm and Sundays from 11:30am to 1pm) and the night's card (there will be extra security inside and outside of the stadium to watch over the parked cars so fans can enjoy worry free the best wrestling in the world). He then introduces a special interview with Invader #1.

Hugo (at 6:13): How are you feeling Jose?

Invader: Well Hugo, I'm getting much better. I feel better because I'm at home, you know it's not the same thing to be in one's home than in a hospital. I was in the hospital for 11 days, and the doctor who released me told me those words I haven't forgotten, that I take care of myself and not stop following the program. And that's what I'm doing in this bed, trying everything possible to see if I can get better as fast as I can.

Hugo: Jose, are you still feeling pain at this time or is your situation more stable now?

Invader: Well the pain is minimal, you know, the pills the doctor gave me help, whenever the pain flares up I take a pill and I'm controlling it that way.

Hugo: Well, we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their calls, all those wonderful letters that we have received, and the great people at Doctors Hospital, all of the staff, doctors, nurses, they were really great throughout this whole ordeal with us and especially with Invader. Jose, sorry to talk about this, the fans already know about this, but tonight we have Carlos and TNT taking on the Texas Hangmen. Could we have a comment about this?

Invader: Well Savino, what I have to say about this is, I ask the people of Puerto Rico to give their support to Carlos Colon and TNT tonight. Because they are going to need it since they are facing these two bandits, because that's the word for them. And I ask Carlos Colon and TNT to be very careful of the Texas Hangmen, that what happened to me does not happen to them, that they do not suffer all that I have suffered.

MD: “Pain is our Policy and Hanging is our Game.” This gives us a chance to maybe tell the Hangmen apart. One seems to have more hair coming out of the back of his mask? Maybe. Carlos noting that if TNT didn’t save Invader, maybe he wouldn’t be with them anymore is quite the thing. TNT looks down, sniffs. It’s fairly powerful stuff. He notes he was blinded by wanting the title, but he really doesn’t give any other excuse. Just full on apology and noting they’re all brothers. It’s a powerful handshake between the two and they freeze frame on it. Invader’s ridiculously good at getting sympathy even just laying in a bed. Him giving the stamp of approval to TNT and asking the fans to back them probably put this over the top.

EB: The card for November 3 featured the following matchups: Grizzly Bonne defeating Victor Jovical; new arrival Billy Joe Travis winning the World Junior title from Huracan Castillo Jr. via the use of a foreign object; Invader #4 defeating Tom Burton; Giant Warrior vs Skywalker; a mixed trios match as Embry, Valentine & Monster Ripper defeated the Super Medicos & Sasha; Vic Steamboat defeated Kim Duk by DQ; and the main event of Carlos Colon & TNT vs. The Texas Hangmen.

As mentioned in the card lineup, we get a battle of giants as Giant Warrior faces Skywalker in what is billed as a rivalry of former tag partners. It seems that Skywalker has come to Puerto Rico looking for revenge on the tag partner that left him high and dry (according to Skywalker and El Profe anyway). Warrior and Skywalker have had a few matches between them and it looks like they are going at it once more. Because of the number of events run in Bayamon during these last months of 1990, we are not sure if this Giant Warrior vs Skywalker match is from November 3 or 10 (we don’t have the full card results for November 10 but know that they were in Bayamon that day as well). This match is definitely from the first half of November though, so let’s go to Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel for this bout.

Skywalker (or if you prefer Nitron) and Giant Warrior make their entrances, with Eliud Gonzalez announcing Warrior from the Land of the Giants and Skywalker from Oklahoma. The bell rings and Skywalker is pointing and berating Warrior to start, as Hugo calls this a clash of titans. Skywalker and Warrior continue exchanging words while standing almost nose to nose, and some shoves are given by each wrestler. They keep staring at each other and facing off, as El Profe gives the background on the issue between Warrior and Skywalker (they were tag team partners, had a lucrative contract to wrestle together, but Warrior abandoned his partner, opting to come to Puerto Rico instead to become the idol of the children). This is the reason Skywalker has come looking for revenge. Hugo explains that El Profe forgot to mention that Skywalker wanted to win by breaking the rules, something Giant Warrior did not agree with and that is why he broke up the partnership. In the ring, Skywalker backs Warrior against the ropes with punches, but a rope running sequence leads to several ducked maneuvers by Giant Warrior, ending with a back elbow to Skywalker’s face. Skywalker rolls to the outside of the ring to halt Warrior’s momentum. As Skywalker takes his time getting back in the ring, Hugo explains that in the previous match between the two men, Skywalker had attacked Giant Warrior with E Profe’s help and this is Warrior’s chance to get back at Skywalker for this. Skywalker gets a side headlock, one that he works for a while and is able to keep on by grabbing Warrior’s hair when he tries to break out of the hold. El Profe mentions that he thinks the only giant in CSP is Skywalker because he is taller and better than Giant Warrior (Hugo mentions that Profe thinks this because he also gets a percentage of Skywalker’s money). 

Skywalker continues working the side headlock despite the ref’s warnings about the hair pulls, but Giant Warrior breaks the hold with a back suplex. Skywalker rolls outside, with Warrior following him out. Warrior hits Skywalker with some punches and then rams Skywalker shoulder first into the ringpost a couple of times before the action returns to the ring. Warrior works over Skywalker’s arm in the corner and Irish whips him into the opposite corner, but Warrior ends up running into Skywalker’s boot. Skywalker takes over with several turnbuckle smashes and punches. Skywalker sends Warrior into the ropes and hits a back elbow, after which he taunts the crowd. Both men exchange blows but Skywalker stops Warrior with several shoulder thrusts to the midsection in the corner, followed by a suplex. A pin attempt only gets two. Skywalker starts choking Warrior over the bottom rope and as the camera zooms in on Warrior, we can see some blood on Warrior’s forehead (Hugo mentions that it appears a recent cut Warrior got when wrestling Abdullah has reopened). Skywalker continues attacking the prone Warrior with stomps to the back and then does another choke across the top rope. Skywalker guillotines Warrior across the top rope and again starts taunting the crowd. Warrior tries to come back with some punches but Skywalker continues in control with his strategy of working over Warrior’s throat area. Skywalker hits a slam but misses a follow up elbow drop, which opens the door for Giant Warrior to make a comeback. Warrior makes an unsuccessful pin attempt after a clothesline but continues on the attack. Warrior signals to the crowd that he is going for the big boot by stomping his foot against the mat. As Warrior sends Skywalker into the ropes, Profe on commentary starts complaining that he thinks Warrior must be loading that boot up. Skywalker is able to grab onto the ropes to avoid the big boot and charges with a clothesline. A cover is made and the ref counts to three, but Warrior got his foot on the ropes before the three count was completed. 

Skywalker starts celebrating his win, but the referee notices his mistake and starts telling Skywalker that the pin is invalidated. Skywalker argues with the ref, and after a few moments charges at Giant Warrior, but he runs right into a big boot. Giant Warrior makes the cover and gets the win. El Profe is complaining about the ref restarting the match but Hugo says the foot was on the ropes before the three so it was the right thing to do. Giant Warrior gets his hand raised and celebrates outside of the ring, while Skywalker gets on the turnbuckle yelling about what happened with regards to the restart. Looks like Giant Warrior was able to get some revenge after all. He will soon depart for a Japan tour, but we will see Giant Warrior  back before the year is out.

MD: Land of Giants explode! Actually, I don’t think they were teaming until the next week in AJPW, but you get the idea. Sky Walker comes out to Final Countdown, because of course he does. And no one’s going to believe me but this was actually pretty good!I think a lot of that was down to Nitron since he controlled for most of it but I was shocked. They didn’t quite work big enough but it was a solid conventional match between two guys. Nitron heeled it up, pulling the hair to keep the headlock, then grinding down on Warrior the whole way. He had an okay back elbow, worked on thim in the ropes and corner, even a decent punch, believe it or not. Warrior even bleeds. He got some hope (a belly to back out of that headlock, for instance), and finally came back big. His stuff didn’t look quite as well but it was fine; the crowd was ready for it. He set up for the big boot but Nitron hit him with a lariat out of nowhere. Warrior’s foot ended up on the rope and after thinking he won, Nitron ran right into said boot to end it. Little bit of a miracle match all things considered. That this was even good was a big surprise. 

EB: We have seen Carlos Colon and TNT make amends and now La Pareja Increible has returned to take on the hated Texas Hangmen. Again, we're not sure if this specific match is from November 3 or 10, although it likely is from November 10 based on some of the post match happenings. So let’s go once more to Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel for this awaited encounter.

EB: Right away you’ll notice that there is no commentary, this is straight from the master tape recording of the house show. So we’ll get all of the crowd and ambient noise. And the crowd is loud throughout. Both teams start fighting on the baseball field, with Colon and one of the Hangmen rolling around on the ground just fighting it out. TNT and Colon get the better of the Hangmen during this fight on the outside, with Carlos ripping one of the Hangman’s masks so he could better attack the Hangman’s forehead with blows. As Carlos rams one of the Hangmen into the ringpost, you can see off in the distance a ferris wheel and other carnival rides lit up, Around this time they would have a Christmas carnival  on the same grounds as Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel, so you’ll see the rides pop into view every now and then. After a couple of minutes of fighting on the outside, TNT gets the Hangman he is paired up with into the ring. Meanwhile, Colon rams the other Hangman’s head into home plate. In the ring, TNT hits a spin kick as the crowd gets loud. Finally Carlos and the other Hangman make their way into their corners and the match is now underway in the ring. 

Carlos and TNT make it clear they are not there to play by the rules, as evidenced by their use of double teaming in the corner, foreign objects hidden from the ref’s view (such as the object TNT takes out to stab the Hangmen with), and switches behind the ref’s back. This is a good summary of what I understand is the philosophy of Puerto Rican wrestling: ‘There is no point in dealing honorably with those that insist on acting without any honor.’  When Carlos is tagged in, he picks up where TNT left off with the foreign object. The tecnicos are out for revenge and payback. Colon keeps working over the head of Killer?, tearing his mask even more and attacking the forehead to draw blood. TNT is tagged back in and Colon hands the object back to TNT so he can continue using it on the Hangmen. The crowd of course is loving all of this. Even after the Hangmen switch out, the tecnicos remain in control, even causing El Profe to complain loudly at ringside at the tactics being employed by the good guys. 

For almost ten minutes, the Hangmen are at the mercy of Colon and TNT, getting paid back in kind for what has been their wrestling style up to this point in CSP. The tide turns for the Hangmen when one of them is able to get a low blow on Colon, allowing for the tag to be made and the Hangmen are able to implement their usual playbook. Carlos is sent into the rudo corner and is worked over by both Hangmen. TNT gets drawn intt eh ring and the Hangmen take advantage of the distraction to do more double teaming behind the referee’s back. The bullropes aren’t there (which El Profe makes a comment about needing the bullropes), so the Hangmen use the top rope to choke out Carlos instead. For the next few minutes, it’s all Hangmen, as they control the flow of the match and work over Carlos. Near the 14 minute mark, it looks like a missed charge might give Colon the opening to make the tag, but the Hangmen quickly grab Colon and continue working him over. Carlos counters with a sunset flip off the ropes, and TNT assists by kicking the Hangman over. That only gets a two count as the pin is broken up. The Hangmen work Carlos over with a chinlock as TNT pumps up the crowd. The Hangmen get a DDt but TNT breaks up that pin attempt. Carlos is able to briefly fight back and get the tag, but the referee misses it and orders TNT back to the tecnico corner. Carlos is bleeding and still tries to fight back, but the Hangmen remain in control. Another tag by Colon is missed by the ref, followed by the Hangmen delivering sone questionably low headbutts to Colon. 

Finally, around the 19 minute mark, Carlos responds in kind with a foul kick of his own and makes the tag to TNT. The crowd chants along (hwah! hwah!) as TNT takes it to both Hangmen. However, the two on one odds eventually overwhelm TNT and the Hangmen get control of the match as we hit the 20 minute time call. The Hangmen attack TNT in their corner and manage to toss him outside, where he gets thrown into the ringpost. TNT is thrown back in the ring and the punishment continues. Carlos has had enough and joins the other three men in the ring, causing the crowd to get loud as Carlos gets fired up. All four men end up on the outside fighting, similar to how the match started. They start heading in the direction of the rudo dugout as the referee continues his ring out count. The Hangmen, Colon and TNT are rolling around on the ground fighting and it looks like the ref has counted both teams out. El Profe is standing at a distance from the fighting teams, his body language showing concern about his team. As the tecnicos appear to have the upper hand in the fight, El Profe runs off into the dugout, emerging moments later with the bullropes. Profe hits Colon from behind with one of the cowbells and hands the other bullrope off. El Profe starts attacking the downed Colon with the bullrope as the Hangmen team up on TNT with the other bullrope. El Profe and the Hangmen just go off attacking Colon and TNT with the bullropes and bells. Suddenly, the crowd erupts as El Ejercito de la Justicia charges towards Profe and the Hangmen. Castillo and the Super Medicos get there first and chase off the rudos, with Invader #4, El Bronco and, holy cow, is that Jeff Jarrett? bringing up the rear. 

The tecnicos check on Colon and TNT, who have definitely taken quite the beating at the hands of the Hangmen and Profe. As Carlos and TNT start getting to their feet, TNT says ‘Carlos, let’s go after those #!#!s’. What follows is a few minutes of mayhem as Carlos and TNT try to charge into the dugout to go after the rudos and the rest of the tecnicos try their best to stop them (probably a good idea since they’d have the whole rudo locker room to contend with if they made it inside). The crowd of course is in favor of them charging in. It looks like the tecnicos have calmed down TNT and Carlos (although when Jarrett attempts to lift Colon’s arm up in victory he yanks it away, still mad about the Hangmen). El Ejercito de la Justicia starts walking back to their side of the ballfield, but TNT starts talking to Carlos and pointing in the opposite direction. It looks like they still want to go after the Hangmen. Colon and TNT stop walking and try to to turn back, but the other tecnicos and the ref keep trying to calm them down. All of a sudden, TNT and Colon make a break for the rudo dugout (as the crowd goes wild), with the other tecnicos giving chase and stopping them once more. This time, TNT and Carlos decide to head towards the timekeeper’s table, where TNT picks up a microphone. As the fans (and the piña colada vendor) watch, TNT speaks: ‘Texas Hangmen… today we couldn’t beat the crap out of you. But Carlos and I, we want wherever (Carlos yells ‘and whenever!’) and whenever a cage match with these two!’ And then Carlos and TNT make another attempt at the rudo dugout before being held back. Safe to say this feud is also not over.

MD: This was exceptional. Just a nearly perfect tag for what they were trying to do with a great crowd and awesome heat. Wrestling isn’t math but the closest thing to it might be a southern tag. This broke down as one minute of brawling, nine of shine, nine of heat on Colon, one minute of straight comeback, a couple of minutes of a second heat on TNT, and then Carlos recovering and things devolving into chaos. If it was going to have a real resolution you could tweak the end but otherwise, for what they were doing to keep things going, this was perfectly balanced. 

And the execution was pretty perfect as well. Colon and TNT controlled (after some TNT kicks) by hiding an object in their tights, the singlet, the boot, passing it between them. Just beautiful chicanery and everything the Hangmen deserved. You almost couldn’t imagine a better symbol for brotherhood now that TNT was back on the side of angels and justice. They shift to working on the leg for a few minutes and it almost feels like it’s going to be a rout. 

The Hangmen get a low blow on Carlos and start in on him. All the usual tricks. They draw the ref so a tag is missed. They draw TNT so that they can hit repeated low blows. Carlos gets a big hope spot in the middle with a TNT assisted sunset flip but they cut him off. He bleeds. It all builds to a big low blow of his own and TNT coming in hot before getting swept under by the numbers game. That’s just temporary though and the second Colon can recover, they start brawling to the outside and the ref calls it a no contest. Post match, Profe comes back out with a second bullrope and they lay waste to Colon and TNT until the babyface locker room empties to make the save. Even after that, TNT is super hot and wants to charge the heel locker room and it takes the combined might of everyone (people he was brutalizing just a few weeks before) to stop him. 

EB: Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, Carlos Colon and TNT want the Texas Hangmen in a cage and that’s just what they will get. Also, Billy Joe Travis and Huracan Castillo feud over the World Junior title. and the feud between the Super Medicos & Sasha and Embry, Valentine & Ripper marches on.

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