Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, October 03, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: The Ghost Brings Chaos

Week 36:  The Ghost Brings Chaos

EB: TNT has once again been thwarted in his quest for the Universal title. It looks like there was a plan in place among the duo of TNT and Kim Duk to ensure each walked away with a title on September 8. While TNT was successful in helping Duk win the Caribbean title (more on this shortly), Duk was not successful in his attempt to help TNT win the Universal title. Thanks to noticing Duk just in time and also being in a position to use TNT as a shield, Carlos Colon was able to avoid being misted in the face. Instead , TNT took the brunt of the spray and was pinned. Does this mean that TNT has run out of chances at the Universal title? Carlos Colon probably thinks so, but we will have to see if TNT will let the matter go. 

The barbed wire match was not the only notable match to take place on the September 8 house show. Abdullah the Butcher made a quick return to Puerto Rico and went to a double countout with Giant Warrior. Roadblock made his debut appearance for CSP in a match against Mr. Pogo. The Super Medicos were finally able to regain the World tag team titles from Lance Idol & Rick Valentine. As mentioned already, Kim Duk defeated Invader #1 in a kendo stick on pole match to win the Caribbean title. Also on the card was the Caribbean Express defending their Caribbean tag titles against recent arrivals the Texas Hangmen. Let’s go to Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel for that encounter.

EB:  You can tell this match is from September 8 since you have the coal miner’s pole attached to one of the corners. This is the Hangmen’s second week in and already they are challenging for gold. Your announce team is Hugo Savinovich and El Profe, so this must be from a Campeones airing. As the video starts, Hugo appears to be talking about the difficulty in telling the Hangmen apart and how that causes problems when figuring out who the legal man is. El Profe interrupts, basically seeing himself on screen and waxes poetic about how handsome he is. Hugo asks if he needs a moment and El Profe says he was only stating reality. Hugo asks him if his mother accepts the reality of who her son is and Profe says that he gives her an autographed photo of himself as her Mother's Day gift (much to her delight) and she has a wall filled with his pictures. Hugo marvels that mothers are such wonderful beings that they forgive their son's faults. El Profe counters with "Just like your mother", and from there Hugo says the match is about to start so let's focus on that. Castillo and one of the Hangmen start (it seems it is the one who has more hair sticking out from behind his mask). They lock up and back up to a corner where they exchange chops. El Profe starts putting over the Hangmen's size and that he only brings the cream of the crop to Puerto Rico. Hugo tries to figure out which Hangmen (Psycho or Killer) is in the ring, while Profe says that it doesn't matter which one's which, the important thing is that one's in and the other's outside. Hugo ends up indicating that Psycho is on the apron and Killer is in the ring.

Early in the match, Castillo uses his quickness to get a quick advantage. The Hangmen regroup and Profe rings the cowbell in support (Profe on commentary: "Who does the bell toll for, it tolls for Miguelito and Castillo. What a beautiful thought."). Hugo mentions that this Thursday they will be in Guanica and runs down the list of wrestlers scheduled. There is some confusion as to which Hangman should be in the ring, so the referee makes them tag again. Psycho and Castillo do a test of strength ,and Psycho gets the initial advantage. Profe starts saying that it is not that hard to tell them apart, one has blue eyes and the other has green eyes (Me: Good luck with that ref!). 

We go to a commercial break and are back with the Hangmen still in control, although with Miguelito in. Hugo says that the Hangmen have had a tough time putting away the Caribbean Express. Profe explains that it's his fault, he hasn't yet fully counseled the Hangmen about their opponents style, but he'll remedy that soon. At this point, the Hangman in the ring (Killer probably due to the hair) and Perez knock heads and both go down. Psycho is tagged in but misses a dive from the top and Miguelito makes the hot tag. Castillo cleans house on both rudos and then all four men are in the ring. Hugo mentions that this Friday they will be in Camuy. In addition there will also be  a concert at Camuy. Castillo comes off the top with a cross body for the pin, but the ref is busy getting Miguelito out of the ring. The other Hangman jumps off the top onto Castillo and they get the pinfall and the titles (Hugo: That's illegal!; El Profe: Illegal my foot! That was beautiful!). Hugo complains that there was cheating involved while Profe celebrates that they are the champs. Huracan and Miguelito proceed to attack the Hangmen after the match, mad about the outcome (El Profe complains that they are sore losers). The ref is trying to restore order as the Hangmen take control and proceed to hang Miguelito (El Profe: My guys may have gotten slightly out of control there, but I like what they're doing to Miguelito). The ref's has seen enough and proceeds to reverse the decision and award the match by DQ to the Caribbean Express. Thus, they remain the champs (El Profe: Why is the ref doing this! They attacked first!). The Caribbean Express retains the titles but Miguelito is down on the mat feeling the effects of being hanged for a while by the Texas Hangmen. 

MD: I wasn’t expecting the Hangmen to give so much early but then they were going to win. AWA was never a high heat territory and while I’m not as familiar with what it was like at the end, I imagine they had to give a lot there too. They took over on Perez and looked pretty effective in their control. I’ll eventually figure out how to tell them apart hopefully. Profe ringing the cowbell was a good part of the act. Castillo came in hot after the hot tag and knocked them around. Then we got the same sort of finish we’ve gotten so many times in the last year with a heel coming in off the top to break up a pin and switch things around. Post match they made good use of the bullrope with an insult to injury hanging though (and apparently reversing the decision to put over the severity of it all too). Not a bad way to get the new heels over immediately.

EB: As we move forward to September 15, it has become a bit more clear what TNT is focused on now, which is getting revenge on the person who he blames cost him the chance to win the Universal title. And that person is not Kim Duk. It is someone who had interfered previously to save the Universal title when it looked like TNT had Carlos Colon out with the Cobra Dinanita. That person is Invader #1.

EB: Hugo presents the recent altercations between Invader #1 and TNT. The most recent incidents started on September 8, when Invader # 1 was defending the Caribbean title vs Kim Duk in a kendo stick on a pole match. Invader and Duk were playing tug of war with the kendo stick and Invader hit a dropkick to knock Duk down and gain control of the stick. Invader starts attacking Duk with the kendo stick as the crowd cheers on. Duk falls to the mat and Invader continues with kendo stick shots to Duk’s head, busting him open. Invader uses the kendo stick as a clothesline to knock Duk down again, but a second attempt misses Duk and Invader accidentally takes out the referee instead. Invader looks to hit Duk again but TNT has run out and jumped up on the ring apron. Invader takes a swing at TNT, who ducks the blow. Invader on the turnaround decides to hit Duk before he can attack but when.Invader goes for a second strike, TNT reaches out and grabs the stick. Invader is wide open and Duk hits two kicks that knock him down. Duk covers Invader as the ref recovers and TNT hightails it back to the dugout. The referee makes a three count and Kim Duk is the new Caribbean champion (so that part of the plan went as they wanted). We then go to the most recent TV tapings in Miramar (I’m guessing the 12th), where TNT was making some comments about Invader that caused him to rush out and attack TNT. Both men start fighting at ringside and take it into the ring. El Profe starts yelling for TNT to ‘finish off that imbecile, hit him, hit him!’ Invader and TNT continue fighting in the ring and TNT sends Invader into the ropes for a clothesline attempt that Invader ducks. On the rebound, Invader squares up and catches TNT with the heart punch. TNT gets to his feet for a second but then collapses from the blow’s effect  El Profe starts protesting and Invader yells that this is only the beginning. El Profe is then shown helping TNT to the back.

Later in the taping, TNT had recovered enough to make another appearance. It was during a match between Invader and Rick Valentine, where after Valentine tossed Invader to the outside, TNT ran out with a net and threw it over Invader. TNT teed off on the trapped Invader, as Valentine casually left the ring area. After hitting Invader several times, TNT put on the Cobra Dinamita with Invader still trapped in the net. TNT kept the hold on until Invader was put to sleep, while El Profe was running interference and trying to keep the ref away from interfering. TNT finally broke the hold and left with El Profe, leaving an unconscious Invader (still trapped in the net) unconscious on the floor. Since TNT had refused to wake Invader up, Victor Jovica and then Huracan Castillo come out to help wake Invader up from the hold’s effects. 

TNT and Invader are scheduled for a grudge match tonight and we get comments first from TNT and El Profe. Profe starts by saying ‘he who laughs last laughs best, and tonight Invader, TNT will laugh right in your face’.TNT agrees with El Profe and says ‘and what an ugly fish we caught, didn’t we’ as they both chuckle at the comment. TNT says that Invader hit him with the heart punch and he is still feeling it right now. But remember that when he put the Cobra Dinamita and that net on Invader, he left him sleeping like the dog that he is. Tonight it's a grudge match because TNT knows invader has a grudge with TNT, but TNT has an even bigger grudge with Invader, since Invader cost him the Universal title. TNT continues taking heaving breaths as he rants that the Universal title means a lot to him and that tonight he swears by his mother he will finish Invader. 

Next is Hugo is with Invader #1 and Hugo says that TNT has said that tonight he plans on taking Invader out. Invader calmly responds by saying that he thinks that TNT has filled the glass up to the very top, there are no more drops that the glass can take. Last week the fans saw how thanks to TNT he is no longer the Caribbean champion. The fans have also seen what happened at the TV taping, with the net, the Cobra Dinamita and the refusal to wake him up. Invader starts talking about what he has planned for tonight when the video cuts to the card rundown for that night’s show at Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel. The scheduled card is as follows: Carlos Colon defends the Universal title against Kim Duk; Invader #1 vs TNT in a grudge match; Giant Warrior vs Roadblock; the Super Medicos defend their newly won World tag team titles against the former champions Lance Idol & Rick Valentine; The Caribbean Express defend the Caribbean tag titles against The Infernos; Invader #4 challenges Ron Starr for the World Junior title; and other great stars. We also get an ad for the September 19 TV taping at Miramar, with the following scheduled matches: a no DQ rematch between the teams of Invader #1 & Giant Warrior and TNT & Kim Duk; the Super Medicos vs Lance Idol & Rick Valentine; Miguelito Perez vs Roadblock; a rematch between Huracan Castillo Jr. and Ron Starr; and other bouts

MD: This looks like a great feud! At least we have this much to walk us through it. First, that Kim Duk vs Invader match had a super hot finish where they were fighting over the Kendo Stick. Invader got it and just clocked Kim Duk repeatedly until he accidentally got the ref with a cross check. Then TNT got involved and Duk got a lucky kick and won the title. That was followed by Invader ambushing TNT on an interview and them having a heated brawl and then more heated promos between the two. I wasn’t sure they’d be able to really transfer the feud over to Invader, especially since they ran the match once or twice after the full heel turn but this looked like it was really working. 

EB: We don’t have full results for September 15, but know that Carlos Colon retained the Universal title against Kim Duk, the Super Medicos retained the World tag titles against Lance Idol and Rick Valentine, the Caribbean Express retained their Caribbean tag titles, and Invader #4 defeated Ron Starr to win the World Jr. title. We have a tag match involving the World Junior title match participants from TV shortly after Invader #4 won the World Junior title, as the Invaders take on Ron Starr and El Exotico.

EB: The ring introductions are made and Hugo Savinovich notes that Ron Starr has returned to wearing tights instead of the camo gear we have seen him have. Invader #4 and Exotico start off for their teams. They work a move sequence that ends with Invader #4 catapulting Exotico over. They repeat the sequence but this time Exotico is the one trying to catapult Invader#4. However, this does not work since Invader #4 stops short and stomps on the waiting Exotico. A dropkick sends Exotico back into the rudo corner and Ron Starr is tagged in. Invader #1 is also tagged in and we get the veterans squaring off. They work a nice grapple sequence off a side headlock and Invader #1 eventually hits a dropkick on Ron. Invader #1 again goes for the side headlock which leads to a pin counter and then a reversal, echoing the earlier sequence. Invader #1 gets an arm wringer on Starr and tags Invader #4. The Invaders proceed to work over Ron’s arm while making quick tags. Ron is able to take down invader #4 with a hiptoss and a punch exchange results in Invader #4 being backed into a corner. Hugo mentions that Invader #4 recently won the World Junior title from Ron Starr. Both men exchange several strikes and chops (with Starr even egging on Invader #4 to hit him), but Ron ends up taking Invader #4 down with a snapmare and tags in Exotico. The rudos remain in control as Exotico hits a nice clothesline, but he takes a moment to grandstand and only gets a two count. Ron is tagged back in and the rudos get a double clothesline on Invader #4. The resulting pin attempt is broken up by Invader #1. Ron hits a few knee strikes on Invader #4, then a hiptoss and a kneedrop for a pin attempt. Invader #1 breaks it up. Exotico is tagged in and he comes of the turnbuckle with a forearm smash to Inavder #4’s back. Exotico is briefly in control, but Invader #4 lands on his feet after a backdrop attempt and quickly tags in Invader #1, who cleans house on both rudos. All four men end up in the ring and the rudos get irish whipped into each other, resulting in Ron Starr being clotheslined out of the ring. Exotico then irish whips Invader #4 into a corner, but Invader #4 jumps on the turnbuckle and counters with a reverse flying body press that gets the three count. Ron Starr immediately leaves the ring area as the Invaders celebrate their victory.

MD: I don’t get putting the title on Invader 4 when they really need to be establishing Ron Starr as an anchor but I’ll see how it plays out in the margins, I get. This was a fun little five minute match, pretty complete for what it was. Exotico and Starr got bounced around by both Invaders to start. They were really highlighting Invader 4 here. Got a kick out of the verve Exotico put into things when he and Starr did finally take over on 4. Starr was more grounded and focused. Eventually some acrobatics got 4 to the corner and 1 came in hot en route to Exotico getting steamrolled by a press back off the ropes for the win. Good Invaders showcase overall. Exotico is not Mercenario material. They could have the Invaders challenge as a tag team whenever they needed.

EB: Invader #4’s reign as World Junior champion would be a short one, as Ron Starr would regain the title at the September 26 TV taping. However, this new reign by Ron Starr would also be a short one, as the World Junior title would end up back in the hands of Huracan Castillo Jr. on the October 6 house show. This would also signal the end of Ron Starr’s run in CSP in 1990. Ron has been a semi-regular presence in the territory since 1986, coming in for several months at a time and then leaving for a few months before returning. We’ll see if he resurfaces in the future but for now we bid farewell to one of the most underrated wrestlers of the 80s.  

Speaking of short title reigns, the World tag titles are also about to experience a quick change as well. The Super Medicos had regained the World tag titles on September 8 and defended them against the former champs on September 15. But at the September 19th TV tapings, the Super Medicos defended their titles against recent arrivals the Texas Hangmen and the match resulted in the World tag titles being held up. A rematch was signed for September 22 in Caguas. That September 22 card was basically rematched all around, beside the rematch for the held up World tag titles, the card also had Carlos Colon vs Kim Duk; Invader #1 vs TNT; Giant Warrior taking on Roadblock in a lumberjack match (I guess their previous match must have ended in a double countout); and Invader #4 vs Ron Starr. It is not listed in the results, but it is likely that Lance Idol and Rick Valentine had an unsuccessful shot at the Caribbean tag titles on that show. But if you are worried about Rick Valentine going without championship gold, do not fear. The next day (September 23) in Juana Diaz, Rick Valentine and his tag partner won the Caribbean tag titles from Perez and Castillo. I say tag partner because that person was not Lance Idol, who has left CSP. The Super Medicos would win the held up World tag titles that night in Caguas. 

One other match scheduled for September 22 was Sasha getting her chance to face Monster Ripper one on one. Sasha has been a big help to the Super Medicos and it seems that all that remains to really put this rivalry involving the Super Medicos, Idol & Valentine and their seconds is this loose end of Sasha getting her shot at Monster Ripper. But sometimes, when you least expect it, the ghosts from your past come back to haunt you.

Eric Embry has returned to Puerto Rico. It’s been four years since his run as one of the most hated rudos in CSP, and it has been about a year or so since he made his last appearance in the territory.  Hugo Savinovich narrates the recent events that have occurred as a result of this unwelcome return. A still image of Super Medico and Eric Embry is on screen as Hugo talks about who can forget the rivalry Embry and Super Medico had years ago, back when Eric Embry had Sasha as his valet and would be abusive towards her. This would result in Medico and Embry crossing paths back then and now this rivalry has gotten more intense. This time Embry has Rick Valentine and Monster Ripper on his side (so Embry is taking the place of Lance Idol) while Super Medico has his son and Sasha on his side. Hugo says to forget what happened between them is almost impossible, but Embry is a violent man and he has a specific type of violence around him. We go back to September 22 in Caguas, where Sasha is set to take on Monster Ripper. Without warning,  Eric Embry appeared out of nowhere, looking to reclaim Sasha as if she were his personal property. The clip from Caguas rolls as Hugo calls this a historic moment. Sasha is staring from the ring with a look of disbelief, and it turns out it is Eric Embry (looking scuzzy as ever) making gestures at Sasha as if to say you and me girl. Sasha goes outside, Embry moves in for a hug and Sasha just slaps Embry in the face (to the crowd’s approval). The match starts after that and we jump to later in the match as Sasha is taking advantage of a missed charge by Monster Ripper to get some offense in. All of a sudden, Eric Emrby makes his return to the ring area and ends up distracting Sasha with his presence on the ring apron. Ripper takes advantage of Sasha having her back turned and grabs Sasha from behind. Embry casually strolls into the ring and just straight up punches Sasha in the face. The ref calls for the DQ and Ripper gives Embry a hug. Sasha is out on the mat and before anything else can happen, the Super Medicos run out through the crowd and head straight to the ring. Embry and Ripper make their escape as the Medicos stare them down.

Back to Hugo in the studio who has some strong words about Embry: ‘Friends, Eric Embry really is a low life, he has no scruples, because can you even imagine going to a low of such magnitude as hitting a woman, hitting a lady. And especially in his case, where one can expect practically anything, I was left shocked, because even knowing how he is, to have done this and to be bragging about it is beyond.’ Hugo mentions that we know Super Medico is not going to let anything happen to Sasha, because he made some statements on a recent Castle of Fear segment. We go to a clip of that segment, where Super Medico and Sasha are with Monster Ripper. Sasha has an injured eye from Embry’s punch and Medico is doing all of the talking. ‘Look Monster Ripper, it’s not that Sasha is afraid of you, or that I’m here to defend her from you, it’s from your disciple Eric Embry. Because what he did last week to Sasha, hitting her with a punch, that is not something a man does. I have made it my goal that Eric Emrby will not touch her again.’ For her part, Monster Ripper looks a bit chagrined while Super Medico is giving his message.

Back to Hugo, where he states that Eric Embry has once again realized that Super Medico is once more in his way. He wants to get to Sasha and Super Medico is blocking him. So Embry has decided to injure Super Medico or come up with a way to hurt him more than physically. We go to Miramar on September 26, where it was supposed to be a tag match between the Super Medicos and Embry and Valentine. Embry shows up in street clothes and with a bandaged foot, he is claiming he is injured and cannot wrestle. Eliud Gonzalez is doing the ring intros and announces that the ref has indicated that Embry could not wrestle because he is injured. Super Medico #1 is getting ready to face Valentine in a singles match (and you can see that the Medicos are the reigning World tag team champions at this point in time since they are wearing the belts), but Ripper and Valentine start insisting that they want Super Medico #3 instead as the opponent. They get their way, and we cut to the end of the contest, where Super Medico #3 gets the win with a sunset flip. Valentine attacks Medico #3 from behind when he was having his hand raised, and Embry and Ripper emerge from the back. Embry’s foot is magically healed and the rudos proceed to attack Medico #3. Embry hits Medico #3 over the head with a boot, Embry continues attacking Medico #3 and you can see that Medico #3 is bleeding from the forehead through his mask. Medico #1 runs out to make the save but Valentine heads outside to cut Medico #1 off and hold him back from the ring. Embry continues the attack in the ring as Medico #1 is desperately trying to get Valentine off him and get in the ring. Medico #1 finally kicks Valentine away and gets in the ring, with Embry immediately hightailing it out of there. Medico #1 checks on his son, who has been left in bad shape in the ring.

We go to a promo from the rudo trio, and they have their recently won Caribbean tag titles with them. The more notable comments come from Eric Embry, where he makes it clear that this has only just begun because ‘that Puerto Rican dog Sasha’ belongs to him. The Super Medicos get their chance to respond, promising to avenge what they did to Super Medico #3. Medico #1 also reiterates that he is not going to let Embry get at Sasha, what he did by punching her was the lowest thing one can do. Embry is a parasite, and you squash parasites. This is not a rivalry, this is a war.

MD: Talk about heating up the territory. Between the Hangmen and the great stuff between Invader and TNT and this, everything feels hot. Embry coming out as a surprise, wanting the embrace, and getting slapped was a great moment but then things go way over the top as he hits Sasha as Ripper holds her. They followed it up by him faking an injury so that Valentine could have a singles match against Medico #3 only to run out perfectly fine once Valentine slipped on a banana peel and lost. High heat stuff. Lance Idol for Eric Embry is an all time trade in the promotion’s favor. Huge shot in the arm. 

EB: With all that has happened from Eric Embry’s return, it's not surprising that the Super Medicos would end up losing the World tag titles to the Texas Hangmen on September 29. Between the Hangmen’s tendency to play dirty, and the distraction Embry is likely causing to their focus, the Super Medicos are no longer the World tag team champions. But to the Medicos, their focus is now entirely on Eric Embry and his allies. You can bet that this feud between the Super Medicos and Embry & Valentine is only just beginning.

Elsewhere, we have had a couple of intense weeks of TNT fighting Invader #1, both in singles matches at the arenas and at the TV tapings in tag matches involving Kim Duk and Giant Warrior as their respective tag partners. We go to one of these tag matches from the end of September.

The video opens with Hugo Savinovich and El Profe, where they are about to show the main event of the program. But before getting to the match, Hugo starts talking about how in his opinion, this match will show that all is not well between TNT and Kim Duk. El Profe says that Hugo should not be sowing discord or dissent, but Hugo interrupts saying they went to blows. Profe said that things happen in the heat of the moment and when the adrenaline is flowing, but this does not mean that things are off. Everything's good, under control, TNT is happy and feels comfortable being with them. Hugo wants the fans to see for themselves what happened and El Profe starts complaining again as they go to the match. 

The match is in progress with TNT putting Invader in a sleeperhold. Hugo reminds the fans that this Thursday they will be in Guayanilla. As TNT keeps working the hold and Invader tries to fight out of it, Hugo reminds the kids watching that they should never attempt these holds, these are dangerous moves and can badly hurt someone if you are not trained in how to execute them properly. Invader gets to his feet and TNT sends Invader into the ropes. A clothesline and dynamite kick are ducked by Invader, and he hits a clothesline off the ropes that sends both men down. Invader slaps the mat and tags in Giant Warrior. TNT is overwhelmed by Warrior and Duk comes in to help, but to no avail. Warrior easily attacks both rudos as Hugo puts over the size difference between Warrior and his opponents. Warrior hits a clothesline on TNT and then one on Duk, which brings in Invader #1. All four men are in the ring, leading to the rudos being irish whipped into each other. Duk is knocked out of the ring and the ref tells Invader to go back to the ring apron. 

Meanwhile, TNT and Giant warrior are exchanging blows in the ring. As the ref is distracted with getting Invader #1 to his corner, TNT holds Warrior so that Duk can hit him with the kendo stick. Warrior ducks and TNT gets hit with the kendo stick instead. Duk throws the kendo stick in frustration, as Giant Warrior and Invader stand on their side of the ring and watch the rudos. TNT gets up and has some words with Duk, The two rudos start shoving and punching each other. El Profe quickly jumps into the ring to try to separate his guys, with little effect. El Profe on commentary starts asking if they could cut the video here but Hugo says no. A group of rudos rush the ring to separate TNT and Duk, as the tecnicos stay in the corner enjoying the breakdown between TNT and Kim Duk. The referee awards the win by DQ to Invader and Warrior. Meanwhile, Eric Embry and El Profe are holding TNT back while Monster Ripper and Rick Valentine are holding Kim Duk back. As El Profe tries to calm things down in the ring, on commentary Profe and Hugo are going back and forth on whether things are okay or not (El Profe says everything is smoothed over, Hugo keeps reiterating that it does not look that way to him). As the rudos continue talking things out, you can hear the crowd start making noise and trying to get them riled up again. El Profe says that everything is fine, they shook hands so all is good. Hugo harps on how long it took for them to get to shaking hands and wonders if TNT is satisfied with that apology. The segment ends with the rudos peacefully leaving the ring as Profe says that you can see TNT is satisfied and calm.TNT’s frustrations are really coming to a head for him. Duk has seemingly messed up a few times, although it does not seem to have been on purpose. Still, TNT has always had his hothead moments, and we will have to see if he can refocus or if things will spiral even more for him.

MD: All things must come to an end I suppose. This starts with Profe saying everything’s cool with the Sports Club and then we cut to this tag. Invader starts in a TNT sleeper fighting from underneath like only he can. Once Warrior gets in after the hot tag he’s got lots of clubbering and clotheslines. His best stuff is that straight down shot and it looks pretty good. I wish he’d move just a tiny bit faster and hit a tiny bit harder but I can kind of live with him, I guess. Against the right heels, he’s a novelty. TNT catches him in the throat though and holds him for a Kim Duk kendo shot. Giant Warrior uses his superior agility to move and Duk hits TNT and chaos ensues. I like the range of the bad guys that come out, including Monster Ripper, to try to calm things down.

EB: The month of October brings some returns to CSP. Kamala is back for a brief shot, where he is scheduled to face Giant Warrior on October 6. Also making a  brief return during October is Ricky Santana. While we don’t have much footage from this nearly part of October, we have  two videos highlighting these two wrestlers. First we have a TV match featuring Kamala taking on Invader #1.

Invader #1 vs. Kamala ( - maybe 1990?

Kamala returns for a brief stop in CSP and faces an old nemesis in Invader #1. The match is joined in progress, with Kamala working an armlock on Invader #1. Hugo and Eliud Gonzalez are on commentary, with Eliud mentioning that Kamala has to keep Invader at some length in order to avoid the strong hits Invader can give. Hugo mentions that both men have given their all so far, and you can tell the match has been going on for a while already. Invader fights back to his feet but Kamala pushes him back into the corner and hits an overhand chop. Kamala slaps his belly and looks at the crowd, only to continue with chops on Invader in the corner. Kamala chokes Invader with his foot and continues with more chops and headbutt that knocks Invader back down in the corner. This part of the match has been all Kamala, who dances around the ring in celebration. More chops and a choke in the corner, but Invader starts showing signs of life by slapping his chest to fire himself up. Kamala goes back for more chops but Invader starts firing back with chops of his own, and knocks down Kamala with a dropkick. The crowd comes alive as Invader stomps on Kamala and keeps slapping his chest. Invader is now in control and rams Kamala’s head into the corner. A blow to Kamala’s chest knocks him down, but when Invader goes over to grab Kamala, he is hit with a punch to the midsection. Kamala takes the opening to toss Invader through the ropes to the outside. Kamala raises an arm in celebration, while Invader tries to get back into the ring, Kamala attacks Invader, stopping him on the apron and knocking Invader back to the floor. A second attempt results in Invader again being kicked to the floor, but on the third attempt Invader fakes Kamala out and dodges the kick. Invader then grabs Kamala’s extended leg and drags the Ugandan warrior to the outside. Invader starts attacking Kamala on the outside, but the referee starts his ring out cut and eventually both men are counted out. No winner but Invader slides back into the ring to play to the crowd and seems to have gotten a bit of a moral victory.

MD: If you’re going to bring in Kamala for a cup of coffee, having your #2 babyface fight from underneath against him and then take the fight to him is not a bad choice really. I think we try to measure our praise to some degree, but Invader was incredible here. It’s just five minutes with a hold to start, but the way he fights up, the way he fights back, the way he recoils against getting swept back under and pulls Kamala out. And most importantly, the way he recovers on the floor with the kids in the middle. It’s all time pro wrestling stuff. It’s five minutes. Click the link and see just how good he was at what he did.

EB: And while we don’t have any matches of Ricky Santana in his October return, we do have a music video highlighting him. In it we can appreciate that apparently the ladies dig Ricky Santana (with some unintentional comedy abounding).

MD: I see this and think that Santana would have had more utility on the babyface side in 90 than Singh or Styles or whatever. This is funny both for the premise of a bus full of girls chasing him down and for how many of said young ladies had “Colon” in their last name during the credits.

EB: CSP had a show on October 6 in Bayamon that featured Carlos Colon defeating Roadblock; Invader #4 defeating Kim Duk by DQ; Giant Warrior defeating Kamala by countout; the Super Medicos and Eric Embry & Rick Valentine going to  a no contest (a lot of heat there based on what has happened so far); Huracan Castillo Jr. winning the World Jr. title from Ron Starr;  Sasha defeating Monster Ripper by countout; and Mr. Pogo went to a time limit draw with Ricky Santana. The following week on October 13, Sasha was finally able to defeat Monster Ripper and in the process won the women’s World title.

We close out this installment by checking back in with the Texas Hangmen. In the span of one month, Psycho and Killer have made it known that they have no qualms with using their bullropes and live up to their names against the tecnicos. They have used the bullropes to win matches and have tried hanging their opponents when given the chance. They have also won the World tag team championship. Let’s go to a TV match at one of the October TV tapings, where they are facing the Invaders.

The match is joined in  progress with the Hangmen working over Invader #4. Hugo on commentary mentions that the Hangmen have been dominating the tag division by using the strategy of isolating one member of the team and focusing on them, weakening that specific opponent and then causing their other opponent to have to go at it 2 against 1. Or the Hangmen just flat out attempt to injure their opponents (as we saw happen in the match vs the Caribbean Express).  One of the Hangmen (still not sure which is which yet) makes a charge at Invader #4 in the corner, but Invader #4 gets out of the way and makes the tag to Invader #1. The Hangmen also make a tag but Invader #1 hits a dropkick on both Psycho and Killer and takes the attack to both of them. All four wrestlers end up in the ring, with the Invaders attacking the Hangmen in opposite corners. The Invaders try to irish whip the Hangmen into each other, but one of the Hangmen counters, causing Invader #4 to collide with a Hangman instead. Invader #4 is knocked out of the ring and now it is Invader #1 against the two Hangmen. Invader #1 holds his own for a while but the odds overwhelm him and the Hangmen back Invader up against the ropes. As the Hangmen are hitting Invader #1, El Profe takes out a pair of handcuffs and holds onto Invader #1’s leg, as the Hangmen handcuff Invader to the ropes. Hugo complains that the ref has not seen that they are cheating with the handcuffs when all of a sudden El Profe runs across the floor to grab a chair. El Profe hands it to one of the Hangmen, who promptly uses the chair to smack Invader #1 on the head. With Invader #1 knocked down to the mat, the Hangmen turn their attention to Invader #4 (who had been recovering on the outside of the ring from the earlier collision). Invader #4 briefly holds off Psycho and Killer with some dropkicks, but a third attempt is dodged and Invader #4 is left open for attack. The Hangmen grab one of their nooses and and they pick up Invader #4 in an attempt to hang him. The Hangmen can’t get a good grip on Invader #4 on their first attempt, but they reset and get him up on the second try. Hugo is worried that this could seriously hurt Invader #4, He is not left hanging for too long though, as the Super Medicos and Giant Warrior rush out to chase the Hangmen and Profe away. The Medicos check on Invader #4 as Hugo mentions that it may be that Invader #4 slipping on the first attempt may have been enough to save him from suffering a serious injury there. Invader #4 still looks like he may be worse for the wear and the Hangmen lose the match by DQ (although I’m sure they don’t really care too much about that).

MD: What was interesting to me here was how the Hangmen physically responded to Invader #1 getting the hot tag and coming in. They fed a little, getting knocked around a bit or knocked off the apron or eating a double noggin-knocker but in general they just held firm and absorbed the blows for long enough for Profe to grab Invader’s leg. That’s very different than almost any other opponent who was going to have Invader come in hot on them and it made them seem all the more foreboding and dangerous. Hugo had made the point earlier that their style was to really beat down one opponent so it became a 2-on-1 and that’s how things played out for a chunk of the ending and post-match. I’m not sure how much of this was a conscious decision or not but it was striking in the moment.

EB: The Texas Hangmen have continued with their use of the bullropes and the attempted hanging of their opponents. El Ejercito de la Justicia is getting tired of this, and after being handcuffed to the ring ropes, Invader #1 wants another crack at the Texas Hangmen. His partner this time around is the Universal champion and leader of El Ejercito de la Justicia, none other than Carlos Colon. Let’s see if this super team can teach the Hangmen a lesson. Let’s go to the October 17 TV taping in Miramar.

EB: The ultimate tecnico team of Carlos Colon and Invader #1 is facing the World tag champs the Texas Hangmen in a non-title match. Their objective is to teach the Hangmen a lesson after the continued abuse and dangerous attacks they have attempted. Your announce team is Hugo Savinovich and Eliud Gonzalez. The commentators talk about how dangerous the Hangmen are and that experience favors the tecnicos. It's the courage of the tecnicos versus the tag champs that do not hesitate to hurt their opponents. The match is in progress, with Invader having one of the Hangmen down on the mat with a hammerlock. Carlos switches in when the ref’s back is turned to continue with the hammerlock,  and when Carlos yanks the mask at around the 40 second mark, Hugo says that this is a sign that the faces are going to fight fire with fire and are looking to avenge some of the abuses the Hangmen have committed with other members of El Ejercito de la Justicia. Carlos works over the Hangman’s arm and the commentators again mention the difficulty in telling which one is Killer and which one is Psycho. Invader is tagged in and again puts on a hammerlock, but the Hangman hits a back elbow to break the hold. A rope running sequence ends with Invader hiptossing the Hangman. Back to working the arm and again the tecnicos do a switch when the other Hangman tries to get in the ring as we get a commercial break.

We return to the Hangmen taking control, as Carlos gets backed into the rudo corner and gets double teamed. The Hangmen keep Carlos near their corner, raking his eyes across the top rope and taking advantage of a ref distraction to choke him with the bullrope in their corner. When they use the bullrope to choke Carlos in the corner, Hugo mentions that they are experts at using the rope and they don't care if they get DQ'd for using it. It's not enough to win, they have to finish their opponents. The match continues like this for a while, with the Hangmen working Carlos over and Invader making the save a few times when some pin attempts were made. After taking the continued punishment for a while, the announcers mention that if it weren’t for Colon’s fortitude he would likely have been beaten already. Carlos is able to make a tag but the ref misses it and the Hangmen continue to work over Carlos. A miscommunication by the Hangmen leads to the hot tag and Invader comes in on fire. Almost immediately Carlos goes back in and all four wrestlers are fighting in the ring. Ona attempted Irish whip collision, Invader surprises a Hangman with a small package and the tecnicos get the win .

The Hangmen are furious about losing and proceed to jump Colon and Invader. Colon (who had been worked over for most of the match) gets hit with the bullrope and tossed over the top and to the floor. El Profe jumps into the ring and holds down Invader’s arms, while the ref gets tossed outside. The Hangmen then proceed to attack Invader, and with Profe's help, hold him down and wrap the noose around his neck. Carlos tries to get back in but is hit in the head with the bell on the bullrope. The ref's calling for the bell and also tries to go back in but Profe cuts him off (Hugo: Profe's going to be fined for that!). The fans are throwing some garbage at the rudos and the Hangmen proceed to hang Invader with Profe running interference in the ring.

Invader #4 is quickly out to help his brother, but is cut off by Rick Valentine. Valentine's not even fighting, he is just grabbing the desperate Invader #4 to prevent him from reaching the ring. Miguelito Perez tries to get to the ring, but he's cut off by Eric Embry. Ricky Santana is next to try to save Invader, but he's cut off by Kim Duk. Meanwhile, Profe's holding off the ref from getting into the ring as Hugo starts worrying that Invader's life may be in danger. Giant Warrior tries to help, but he's held off by Skywalker (Nitron / Tyler Mane, a recent arrival to the territory). Invader #4 is desperately trying to get in the ring but he's still being held back (this time by Embry). The ref El Vkingo tries to get in the ring with an umbrella, but Profe cuts him off and takes it from him. Profe proceeds to whack Invader #4 a couple of times with the umbrella to ward him off. Carlos also gets whacked with the umbrella.

Hugo's still going on about the direness of the situation when Sasha!?! runs out and jumps into the ring to help. The Hangmen push her down and Embry seizes his chance to get at Sasha (and taking advantage that the Super Medicos are not there). Embry drags Sasah out of the ring by her hair and proceeds to slap her across the face a few times. Now Hugo's horrified at what's going on in the ring and outside of the ring. Embry waves someone towards him and motions for that person come and join the fun by taking a shot at Sasha. It’s TNT, who casually walks up to Embry and Sasha and decks Embry. The crowd goes bananas! El Profe goes out to confront TNT and also gets decked. TNT gets inside the ring after kicking Profe away and promptly breaks up the hanging. The rudos bail as El Ejercito de la Justicia storms the ring. The tecnicos are checking on Invader #1 while TNT stands off by himself watching from a corner of the ring. The fans are going crazy and chanting TNT's name. Giant Warrior asks Sasha if she's okay. Hugo says that if TNT hadn't helped, he doesn't believe the tecnicos would have been able to reach Invader #1. TNT leaves as the tecnicos keep checking on Invader #1. Hugo says the situation is critical, an ambulance has been called. The paramedics arrive and Invader #4 fans air to his brother as the paramedics check on him. We leave with Invader 1 being put in a protective neck brace and on the stretcher. And on a personal note, this is the first big moment I remember from when I started watching full time back in the fall of 1990.

MD: I have to admit, on some level, because of how good the match was and how long the video clip was, I was a bit disappointed it only went seven. I thought they could have had Invader come in and then get swept under and work a second FIP and it could be an all timer. What I didn’t realize coming in (all of this is new to me!) is that we were getting an all time face turn at the end of it. 

The match itself was very good. Colon and Invader controlled early by focusing on the arm and using teamwork. Eventually Colon got bullied into the corner and double-teamed. The heat was a lot of choking with some bits of impact or double teaming due to Invader getting upset and drawing the ref. The finish came quick with a roll up out of nowhere after the hot tag but then things devolved into chaos.

We got another hanging, this time with Profe’s help on Invader. It lasted forever (with bottles flying in) as the Justice Army got cut off by heels (Embry/Valentine). Embry went so far as to target Sasha, and it remains shocking just how casually he’d lay shots in on her. He waved to the heel locker room, calling TNT out for some free shots on her but TNT had seen enough and fired off on Embry and the others to a massive pop. Finally, he saved Invader and lingered for a bit, only to leave without a word as they stretchered Invader out. If you’re going to turn TNT babyface again so soon, that’s certainly a way to do it. All time great babyface turn.

EB: Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, the return of La Pareja Increible!

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