Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, September 12, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: Hype for Fan Appreciation Day

Week 33: Hype for Fan Appreciation Day

EB: The calendar has turned to August in 1990 and that means we have arrived at Fan Appreciation weekend in CSP. Typically held the last weekend before the school year begins, the event this year  is scheduled for August 4 in Bayamon (and August 5 in San German for fans on the west coast) and features the Bronca Boricua as one of its featured attractions. The big match that has been promoted for the card is the Universal title rematch between Carlos Colon and TNT. After their time limit draw at Aniversario, TNT has proclaimed that he is the rightful Universal champion because he pinned Carlos Colon and had the victory stolen by the ref and commission. Carlos Colon has grown tired of TNT’s claims and has vowed to publicly shame TNT by defeating him decisively once and for all. The two have tangled twice since Aniversario, once in an impromptu non-title challenge match on July 14 (which saw Atkie Mulumba interfere to attack Colon and Scott Hall make the save) and a tag match on July 21 (with TNT getting the pinfall victory for his team over Colon). Now, we have arrived at the big rematch.

But before we get to the actual show, we do have some final tv hype to get through first. There’s also a special TV appearance that CSP had as a final bit of hype for the card that we’ll close today’s installment with. We are fortunate to have two programs from the August 4 weekend that provide our last bit of hype for the big Fan Appreciation Day show. In addition, this is the last of the continuous chronological tv episodes we have for 1990 ,so going forward we’ll once more have a mix of angles, matches and summaries from what is available, along with the odd tv episode here and there. As for the July 28 card that happened the previous weekend, we really don’t have much information about what happened on that house show, but to be honest that show was a bit of a placeholder a week before Fan Appreciation Day. Lets go first to the Campeones episode for Aug 4.

Our hosts this week are Hugo Savinovich and Chicky Starr. Hugo is very happy because Fan Appreciation Day has arrived. Chicky runs down the matches we’ll see today, including Chicky’s Esquina Caliente segment. Hugo reminds the fans that tonight the fans will get a chance to get autographs and pictures with their favorite wrestlers. Hugo turns the conversation to something that has caused a great unrest among the fans, and that is how is it possible that Chicky was able to get one of the big fan favorites and turn him to his side (referring to TNT joining El Club Deportivo). How did Chicky pull it off, was it money? Power? Chicky says it was none of that, ‘it’s not my fault that I’m so intelligent’. Chicky is very happy with TNT in his camp and the moment has arrived. Tonight TNT will show Carlos Colon that he can be Universal champion. Hugo throws it to the first match and it’s the Idol and Valentin vs Caribbean Express match we covered in our last installment.

After the match, we get promos from Lance Idol and the Super Medicos about tonight's World tag title match. Idol talks first about the Bronca Boricua and claims that he invented breaking the rules and that he and Valentine will win the $10,000 prize money. Idols says that the Medicos' days as champions are numbered and that he’s heard that the Medicos’ wives have pleaded with them not to get in the ring with Idol and Valentine.’Space Mountain, climb aboard!’. 

The Super Medicos cut a promo in response, first congratulating the fans on their day and then Medico #1 tells Idol and Valentine that they can try to take the belts away from them but the Medicos will stand victorious in the end. Also, tonight is the Bronca Boricua, one of the most dangerous matches there is, but tonight they’ll try to be the winners.

MD: Chicky asks Idol about the Bronco Boricua and challenging the Medicos. He actually calls it the Puerto Rican Brawl to Idol which is interesting since it’s not like he wouldn’t get the other name as what it’s branded as. Idol is wonderfully corny. If you cut a “Let me tell you, brutha” promo as a heel right now, you’d probably come off quite like him. It’s refreshing. As for the Medicos, pretty straight forward. They’re able to cover both of the key issues (Tag Title Match, Bronco Boricua) fairly quickly.

EB: We go to the outside of Hospital Pavia for an interview with a returning Carl Styles. Carl has not been seen in a few months and we don’t really know anything about where he’s been. Hugo is with Carl (who is shirtless standing outside of the hospital) and both men are wearing sunglasses. Hugo tells the fans that what we are about to hear will surprise the fans, as it did Hugo when Carl first spoke with him on the phone. Hugo asks Carl to tell the fans the unbelievable story and Carl opens by saying he can’t believe that he is back in Puerto Rico and that he is alive. Two months ago he was in Hospital Pavia, he had busted blood vessels in his lower abdomen and had developed a bad infection as a result of that injury.  He was in the ER for a few days and over two weeks in the hospital. As Carl is talking they show him walking shirtless on the sidewalk in front of the hospital (it’s unintentionally funny to me, I can only imagine what the passersby thought of the sight).  Carl mentions that when he signed on  with Profe and Chicky to come to Puerto Rico the first time, he said they told him they would take care of him. Basically, they left him in the hospital near death and never checked up on him, offered no help or notified his family of what was going on. Hugo translates for the fans and follows up with Carl about Profe not doing anything. Carl goes on with his story, saying that El Profe said that the Puerto Ricans were bad and that he should only trust Profe and Chicky, but the doctor and nurses here treated him very well and if it wasn't for them he would be dead. Carl’s had over two months to think and he has a message for El Profe. He’s going to get ahold of Profe, and he is going to pay Profe back for all of the suffering that Carl and his family were put through. He’s back, he’s stronger and better than ever. Carl gets fired up as he finishes his threat towards Profe. 

MD: Styles is in front of a local hospital, talking to Hugo, and claims that he had a life threatening abdominal infection and that neither Chicky nor, especially, Profe helped him. They were supposed to call his family and get him help. It’s pretty effective stuff. For some reason I thought Styles would have a Canadian accent and not a southern one. He also doesn’t seem nearly as tall next to Hugo as I was expecting. He’s coming for revenge and this would make me get behind him. 

EB: It looks like this is a West coast version of Campeones, because we get a rundown for the August 5 Fan Appreciation Day card in San German. The card is  similar to the one in Bayamon, although with Carl Styles taking on Atkie Mulumba for that show and 16 men instead of 17 competing in the Bronca Boricua.

Back from a commercial break we get a Kim Duk vs Gama Singh match from Caguas. TNT and Chicky are both seconding Kim Duk (something that Hugo questions Chicky about but Chicky ignores answering the question). Duk gets the early advantage thanks to Singh being distracted by having Chicky and TNT at ringside. Singh is able to come back with some punches and strikes, backing Duk into a corner. However, Duk gets an eye poke to stop Gama’s attack. Chicky on commentary claims to not have seen the eye poke and proceeds to talk up Kim Duk, saying that he’s been brought in from Korea to team up with TNT. Duk chokes Gama on the ropes and then, when TNT distracts the ref, he chokes Gama with the kendo stick that Chicky throws to him. Chicky on commentary again feigns ignorance at that happening. As Duk continues working over Singh with some chokes, Hugo reminds the fans that this Thursday they will be in Vega Alta and Friday they will be in Ponce. We go to commercial and come back to Duk still in control and tossing Gama to the ring apron. Duk chops Gama and backs off, allowing an opening for Chicky to hit Singh off camera with the kendo stick (which Chicky denies happening since it was off camera and thus not visible). Gama recovers and starts getting fired up outside of the ring, and is able to cut off Duk once he’s back inside. Singh hits several punches and a backdrop on Duk. Singh gets a crossbody from the top but Duk is able to kick out. A sunset flip by Singh gets two. An irish whip is countered by Duk with a kick to the midsection. Duk hits an enzuigiri  and then puts Singh in the cobra sleeper. Singh struggles but falls unconscious and Duk gets the win. 

The match is followed by an interview with Chicky and Kim Duk about the upcoming Bronca Boricua and the Caribbean title match Duk has against Invader #1. Duk cuts a promo where he promises to win the title, he is in good shape and he ‘feels not sorry for you man’ about Invader #1. We then get Invader #1 responding, hyping up the Bronca Boricua and saying that it won’t be easy for Duk tonight.

MD: It’s interesting they’re pushing Duk against midcard babyfaces instead of enhancement guys. Esteban has a guess that they had to bring him in because Pogo didn’t work out after they hyped him and it makes sense. He was less established here than Pogo so maybe they’re giving him bigger wins to get him over quicker. I still don’t get why Singh is there. He’s got the hairline of a heel and they needed heels and he could have come in as one. Heck, he could have teamed with Duk and it would have been effective. He fights from underneath here but Duk controls most of this with a size advantage, the martial arts, and some dirty moves. He uses the staff to choke Singh as the ref isn’t looking and this time slips in a back brain kick between the Dinamita Kick and the Cobra. TNT’s on the outside coaching with Chicky which is a nice touch. Hard cam had a lot of empty seats which was kind of striking.

Another rough Kim Duk interview follows. He’ll be challenging Invader 1 too. Chicky says “It’s all clear” after Duk speaks and I’m not sure that’s actually the case. Both he and Invader are hyping up both their match and the Bronco Boricua. I imagine their match would be pretty good. Hopefully we get some of it.

EB: It is time for Chicky Starr’s Esquina Caliente segment and we have Chicky and El Profe in the ring. The topic of conversation is Carl Styles and El Profe is baffled about Styles reappearing on the side of El Ejercito de la Justicia. Chicky mentions that this man Carl Styles was with El Profe’s organization, he left for the U.S. without telling anyone, and now he’s come back on the side of the tecnicos. El Prfoe says he is surprised at this, this man (Carl) didn’t show up for some contracted appearances, he was announced on TV as appearing and wasn’t anywhere to be found, he’s an irresponsible man, and now he is showing up in El Ejercito de la ‘Inmundicia’s’ locker room. ‘What’s going on with this stupid individual?’ Chicky calls out Carl Styles, if he is brave enough, to come out here and give Chicky and Profe an explanation for him siding with the tecnicos.Chicky claims that El Profe treated  Styles like a king when he was here before, and that Styles no showed and cost Profe a lot of money in fines for not being there. Profe continues running down Carl, calling him a coward, irresponsible, that he cost him a lot of money, that he treated him very well, until Carl finally shows up. Carl calls out Profe for not contacting him while laid up in the hospital, and Chicky and Profe both claim that they have no idea about that. Chicky and El Profe keep demanding for an ‘explication’ (as Chicky calls it) while Carl says that they know what Styles is talking about. Profe gets angry and starts poking Carl in the chest as he complains about the money Carl cost him and how irresponsible Carl is. Styles has enough of this and decks Profe, and then grabs Chicky in order to smash the two managers’ heads together. Carl tosses Chicky over the top rope and locks Profe in the full nelson. The fans cheer Carl on, but Atkie Mulumba makes his way into the ring and attacks Styles from behind in order to save El Profe. Mulumba knocks Styles down and hits several splashes (remember that Carl had an abdominal injury so this is not the best attack to be on the receiving end of). As the splashes continue, you can hear Chicky talking on the microphone about how this is what they do to traitors. This is what happens to anyone that betrays El Profe or Chicky Starr. Before the attack can continue, members of El Ejercito de la Justicia rush the ring to chase Mulumba and Profe off. Chicky keeps calling Carl a traitor and promises that Carl will pay for what he did to El Profe and Chicky. 

MD: In ring interview segment with Chicky. Time to get Profe’s side of the Styles situation. He said that Styles went back to America, didn’t say anything to anyone, left contracts unfulfilled, and now was with the Justice Army. Chicky and Profe call him out. Styles comes out and they argue about whether or not Profe knew before Styles fires off on them. He even gets Profe in the Full Nelson before Mulumba comes out to crush him and splash him. The babyfaces make the save. Pretty good angle here that sets up a singles match at the upcoming show.

EB: The main event for this episode is the tag match between Carlos Colon and Scott Hall vs TNT and Atkie Mulumba that we previously covered. Before the mach airs, we get some comments from Chicky about how TNT and Mulumba showed that they are number one in the match. Hugo also comments about how TNT is now more dangerous in the ring with the things Chicky has been putting in his head, but Chicky claims that he’s simply taking TNT along the correct path so he can reach the top. After the match, we get some final words from Hugo and Chicky about the Universal title rematch later that night. Hugo thinks Carlos needs to be very careful tonight since with Chicky in TNT’s corner, TNT may very well become the new Universal champion. Chicky says that tonight it will be a fight and that TNT wil do everything he can to be Universal champion (‘and of course, I will be in his corner’).
The second TV episode we have is the Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre episode for August 4.

Hugo welcomes us to the program and mentions that today is the fans day, it’s Fan Appreciation Day tonight at Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel. Hugo runs down what we’ll have on today’s program and, since it’s a day dedicated to the fans, there will be no Chicky Starr’s Sports Shop today. Among the highlights for today, Hugo mentions that if you haven’t heard about what happened to Carl Styles, you will find out later in the program. Hugo also runs down the card for tonight’s Fan Appreciation Day, reminding fans about the Universal title rematch happening that night. They then show part of the video where TNT was commenting over the footage of the Aniversario 90 match that we saw last week. Back to Hugo, and he reminds fans that tonight it will be without a time limit. Also, tonight will also have the Bronca Boricua with 17 wrestlers participating. Hugo mentions that the Gillette company will be handing out some of their products and they will have a photo of El Reto Para La Historia available for fans as well. Remember that your favorite wrestlers will be there signing autographs and posing for pictures, so please bring your cameras. 

We go to a video for Kim Duk, where it starts with Chicky standing with Duk and TNT, where Chicky introduces the latest acquisition for El Club Deportivo. The audio isn’t good for this, so it is tough to make out what Kim Duk says (although it sounds like mumbled Spanish), but we get the cage fighting and martial arts demonstrations we have seen previously for Duk, mixed in with some newer footage of him wrestling at the TV tapings.

MD: The audio is rough but I think they have him reading Spanish off a sign instead of cutting a promo in English here. This is probably the same video we’ve seen before otherwise with the movie clips and the martial arts exhibition with TNT holding the bag.

EB: Immediately after the Kim Duk video we cut to outside of Pavia Hospital, where Hugo (in shades) is with a shirtless Carl Styles. Hugo mentions that Carl will be competing in the Bronca Boricua tonight but that he wants Carl to tell the fans about the situation with El Profe. Carl mentions that the money is on the line tonight but that pride is more important to him. Carl is mad that El Profe basically abandoned him in the hospital while he was hurt, never checked up on him, and he is going to pay him back for that. Hugo mentions that Mulumba will be in the Bronca Boricua match tonight and Carl says he will take care of him if they cross paths. Carl has one focus, to pay back El Profe and Chicky Starr for what they did, they are trash, he trusted them and they basically left him for dead. Hugo then translates, adding more of the detail that was explained in the Campeones interview (again with Hugo not naming the program by name, just saying on another program). For the fans that aren't aware, Carl had spent three days in the ER and two weeks in the hospital because a blood vessel burst in his abdomen during a match. Carl suffered an abdominal infection as a result of that and he was near death, and then El Profe abandoned him. Neither Profe nor Chicky checked up on Carl or informed Carl’s family of what was going on. It’s a bit funny hearing Hugo talk about the serious situation Carl went through all the while Styles is doing poses in the background. 

MD: Another interview in front of the hospital this time more about the specific matches and less about the situation in general. He notes that the money for the Bronco Boricua doesn’t matter nearly as much as him getting his hands on Profe. Still pretty compelling stuff. One consistent issue/opportunity for English-speakers is to try to do at the end of their promo when it’s being translated. Here Styles hams and poses which maybe doesn’t fit the somber/intense theme. Last time he mugged which didn’t help either. They should have probably just had him walk off while Hugo finished it.

EB: El Profe is with Los Mercenarios as tonight they get one more chance at the Caribbean Express and at regaining the Caribbean tag titles. Ron Starr mentions that in their last encounter they went to a 30 minute draw, but this time they are coming in guns blazing and taking the titles with them. El Profe translates and also mentions that they are gunning  for the prize money in the Bronca Boricua. The Caribbean Express get their chance to cut a promo about tonight’s match, Miguelito says if Los Mercenarios are confident then they (the Express) are double confident of retaining the titles. Hugo asks Castillo about the Bronca Boricua match (where weapons are allowed) and Castillo says that the Bronca Boricua is a very dangerous match since weapons are allowed, but he and Miguelito will watch each other's backs. No matter which one of them wins, they'll just split the prize money. Hugo reminds them that it’s important to not get injured in the Bronca Boricua and that it’s the last match of the evening.

MD: Great shot of the Assassin as this opens. Starr talks about the last match between them and the Express being a 30 minute draw, which sounds pretty solid actually, but not like something we’d ever have anyway. Both teams talk about both the tag match and the Bronco Boricua as we’ve been seeing. Castillo notes that no matter if he or Perez wins, they’ll split the money. That would have been a great heel turn angle, if Perez won and then kept it all for himself. Ah well.

EB: We go to a match featuring Lance Idol and Rick Valentine taking on the team of Gama Singh and Herbert Gonzalez. Idol and Singh lock up to start, with Singh countering a headlock into an armlock that is broken by Lance grabbing the ropes. Gama gets a side headlock and gets a punch off the ropes when Idol counters. Valentine is tagged in and Singh catches him with an armdrag. Singh works Valentine’s arm and tags in Herbert. Valentine and Herbert exchange armbar counters, with Herbert taking down Valentine to the mat. Idol breaks up the armbar by punching Herbert from the apron, which draws the ref’s attention to Idol. As the ref warns Lance, the tecnicos switch out and Gama takes over with several punches and a clothesline. A pin attempt by Singh is unsuccessful and Valentine tags Idol back in. Gama catches Idol with some punches and a slam for a pin attempt, then tags Herbert back in. Herbert keeps the momentum going with several punches and even recovers from getting kicked on the head to keep the advantage. However, Valentine ducks a wild swinging punch Herbert makes off the ropes and counters with a back suplex. A quick tag to Idol sets up a splash from the top and Idol and Valentine pick up the win. The tecnicos looked good but a mistake by Herbert was enough for Idol and Valentine to get the opening they needed. Idol gets some stomps on Herbert before leaving the ring and Valentine makes a challenge into the camera to anyone willing to put their title belts on the line against them.

MD: Straightforward way to keep Idol/Valentine shined up, doing next to no harm to Singh. He controlled as they stooged. Gonzalez got to control a little bit too, but they snuck in a shot from behind and made short work with him, ending it with the kneedrop off the top and a quick challenge to any team with belts as they were leaving the ring. 

EB: We get a series of promos hyping up tonight’s card, particularly the Bronca Boricua. Chicky is with Kim Duk, with Chicky saying he’ll be in there competing but that he has something even better and that is this man right here (points at Kim Duk). If Kim wins, then Chicky wins, so it’s all good. Chicky also mentions that Duk is challenging Invader #1 tonight for the Caribbean title and promises that there will be a new champion. Kim Duk cuts a promo and it’s basically what Chicky already said so I don’t know if it is necessary to keep Duk talking during these segments. 

Invader #1 is with Hugo and they first talk about the Bronca Boricua match before talking about the title defense against Duk tonight. Invader mentions that the Bronca Boricua is a dangerous match, people get their arms broken and their heads busted in there, but the fans always enjoy them and that Invader’s goals are to make sure nothing happens to him in the Bronca Boricua and to win the prize money. Hugo mentions  that Kim Duk was very confident in his interview about tonight’s Caribbean title match and Invader says that Duk is a tremendous wrestler, has experience, and that he is competition. But we’ll see if he is going to be able to win the title, Invader loves competition and we’ll see when the bell rings at the end if Duk was able to pull it off.

Our last promo for this segment is from Gama Singh, who talks about the Bronca Boricua and a singles match against Chicky Starr that is also scheduled for tonight. Gama says that it will be the smartest man that will win the match tonight and he looks to win tonight. Gama thinks that Chicky is either a sadist or a complete idiot for facing him again, but he’ll beat him tonight 

MD: All hyping the show. Chicky was up against Singh. Invader was defending against Duk. They let Duk talk again and it continues to be weird. Invader cuts a great promo as he so often does. Singh said that Chicky was either a Sadist or an idiot because he kept coming back for me. 

EB: Carl Styles makes his in ring return in a TV match against Assassin #2. Assassin gets a brief offensive flurry after an eye rake but Carl quickly counters back and takes over the match. Carl hits a backdrop, a leg drop, a powerslam and a belly to belly suplex on his way to locking on the full nelson and getting the submission win. Carl is back and looks to be in good form.

MD: Styles isn’t a small guy but he has terrible posture. This feels a little uncooperative as he just powers his opponent over with a power slam and belly to belly before winning with the full nelson. I imagine this was taped before the promos aired so the crowd has no idea what to make of him as a babyface. 

EB: We get another series of promos about tonight's card. First, El Profe is with Atkie Mulumba, and Profe promises that Mulumba will run over everyone to win the Bronca Boricua before directing words at Scott Hall .Tonight Hall and Mulumba are in a cage match and Profe promises Hall that Mulumba will leave Hall disfigured before being crushed with a slash from the top of the cage. Profe promises that as sure as there is a God in heaven, this will be the last match for Scott Hall after Mulumba is done.
Scott Hall is next and talks about the Bronca Boricua (he promises to win because business is business and he’s here to make money). With regards to the cage match with Mulumba, tonight he looks to settle things once and for all with Mulumba. 

Our last promo for this segment is Lance Idol with Chicky Starr, with Chicky talking for the absent Rick Valentine and promises they will win the money and also the World tag team titles. Lance Idol talks about the World tag title match and again repeats the dance with the devil line to close out his promo. Chicky promises that the gift they will give to the fans tonight will be new World tag team champions. 

MD: Nothing major of note here. Profe said Mulumba would have a special weapon for the Bronco Boricua. Both he and Hall hyped up the cage match. Idol did the Batman ‘89 Dance with the Devil line again and Chicky refused to translate it. He said that if Idol won, then he’d win in a way that made me feel like he’d be skimming way too much money off the top but that he could say it because Idol didn’t know Spanish.

EB: Los Mercenarios get a showcase match against the team of Armandito Salgado and La Sombra. Mercenario #1 starts off with Salgado. Both wrestlers exchange arm drags but Mercenario #1 tags Ron Starr in after claiming his hair was pulled. Armandito and La Sombra briefly get the better of Ron in some hold exchanges, but Ron is able to cut off Sombra and regain control for his team. A series of turnbuckle smashes by Ron leads to Mercenario #1 being tagged in. Los Mercenarios do some quick tags and Ron keeps working over La Sombra. Sombra briefly counters some turnbuckle smashes wth a coupe of his own, but Ron cuts him off with some kicks. A DDT by Ron gets the pinfall win for Los Mercenarios.  

MD: Short match. I continue to feel like Los Mercenarios needed something else in their act at this point. If this was a year later, they could steal the cattle prod from the Mountie or something. Finish is a DDT out of nowhere to counter a back body drop attempt.

EB: TNT is with Chicky Starr as they talk about tonight’s Universal title match. Chicky calls TNT the Universal champion and that everyone tonight will see who is the real Universal champion. TNT says that everyone saw him beat Colon 1-2-3 at Aniversario 90 so tonight the fight (it’s not a match, it’s a fight) has no time limit. Last time he gave Colon a beating and tonight there is nothing that will stop that match. The Universal title is going around TNT’s waist and to Chicky Starr’s Club Deportivo. So Colon get ready, because the people of Puerto Rico are tired of you as champion and as a man. TNT will once more have the title around his waist.

Carlos Colon gets a chance to respond and Colon mentions that he has a debt to the people of Puerto Rico, That debt is to put some shame into TNT. Tonight is with no time limit and TNT has challenged him to a fight, which is fine with him because he has had fights with the best. Colon wants to avenge TNT’s hypocrisy of coming on TV and saying that he is doing things for the Puerto Rican people but instead he has done all of these shameless things. Colon will teach TNT to have some shame tonight.
Super Medico #1 congratulates the fans on their day and says that both he and his son are looking forward to winning the prize money in the Bronca Boricua. Medico #3 says that they are ready for Valentine and Idol tonight, with Medico #1 adding that they have not danced with the devil but tonight the Medicos will dance on Idol and Valentine’s  heads. 

MD: Another intense close up TNT promo, where he notes that the match will have no time limit. Colon responds by saying he didn’t get everything he wanted last time but would this time and that he would give TNT the beating his father should have when he was a kid. Then Medico 1 responded that no, he had never danced with the devil in the pale moonlight but he would dance all over Idol.

EB: We get the WWC top ten and the TNT Evolution music video before going to Hugo for the show closing. Hugo reminds fans that tonight is the big Fan Appreciation day card and that there will be autograph signings and photo ops. The big Universal title rematch is tonight, along with the Bronca Boricua and other exciting matches. 

There is one final piece of Fan Appreciation Day hype that occurred that Saturday. As we’ve mentioned previously, the Campeones tv program aired on Saturdays on local channel 2 or Telemundo. Obviously, there was a lot of other programming that aired on Telemundo and one of the key programs in 1990 was a variety show called Super Sabados. As the name suggests, Super Sabados aired in the late afternoon to early evening time slot for Telemundo, covering about four to five hours. The program is similar to other Latin American variety shows such as Sabado Gigante, where hosts see you through several hours of a mix of games, comedy skits, prize giveaways, celebrity appearances, musical acts and off the wall competitions. For example, in the case of Super Sabados you had several games with audience members, prize giveaways involving homes and cars, music performances, and weird competitions such as the baby race, kid impersonators, biking contests (they had a Miss Thong 1985 competition once) and (in 1990) a lambada dance competition (it was the fad at the time). I would  spend many a Saturday afternoon watching this show during the late 80s and, to give you an idea of just how varied the show could be, here’s a promo for an episode..

You had a bevy of musical acts, prize giveaways and a bunch of circus acts for this particular episode. Also, the show had a fun theme song. Here it is to add a bit more flavor..

The show ran from around 1985 to 1991, and in its fifth year Super Sabados celebrated with a big anniversary show. In 1990, they were celebrating their sixth (and as it turned out, their last) anniversary with a big celebration at Coliseo Roberto Clemente. True to form, the anniversary show would feature a wide variety of games and entertainment, as highlighted by this promo for the broadcast.

Among the many things scheduled for the anniversary celebration you had Xuxa and Menudo performing, a celebrity hunk basketball game,  a bikini contest, a circus act with show co host Dagmar in the globe of death, and the usual bevy of games and prizes. For anyone interested, here are the Xuxa and Menudo performances, they'll give you a good idea of the size of the venue and the crowd for the event.

Xuxa’s performance:

Menudo’s performance:

Oh, and we also had the participation of CSP with a special one on one match for the Super Sabados Cup. TNT, who was challenging for the Universal title match in the big rematch later that Saturday, would be facing Invader #1. Both men would have someone seconding them, Chicky Starr would be in TNT’s corner and Carlos Colon would be in Invader #1’s corner. Looking back, it’s interesting that we’re getting this at a non wrestling event (thank you to network cross-promotion) and that it is at a notable location as Coliseo Roberto Clemente. Many a Three Kings’ Day show had been held at the coliseum and there are some notable historical markers featuring these four men in particular. It was here that Chicky Starr cemented his turn to the dark side by blindsiding Invader with an attack after Invader made one last plea to reason with Chicky, setting off the biggest rudo run of the past half decade and one of the most storied rivalries in Puerto Rican wrestling history. It was here that TNT and Carlos Colon had their big Universal title match on Thanksgiving Day in 1986, set up on TV  by TNT leaving Carlos passed out from the Cobra Dinamita and refusing to wake him up (the first time TNT ever did this). It was here that Carlos Colon defeated Stan Hansen in a bullrope match and banished his rival Hercules Ayala from Puerto Rico. And, under the Super Sabados banner, all four men are at Coliseo Roberto Clemente once more. Let’s go to the Super Sabados 6th anniversary show to witness the battle for the Super Sabados Cup.

The segment begins with Hugo Savinovich and Dagmar (one of the co-hosts of Super Sabados) in the ring. Hugo is holding a trophy and Dagmar is doing the ring introductions. We have ‘War’ from Rocky IV playing as the entrance music and TNT is making his way to the ring. TNT gets in the ring as Dagmar introduces him (and for some reason Dagmar is wearing boxing gloves), as we get a shot of the crowd. We cut back to the ring and see that Chicky Starr is in the ring with TNT, dressed in a suit. Dagmar introduces the other contender for the Super Sabados Cup, Invader #1, who leaps over the top rope into the ring and does his customary two hops. Dagmar also introduces Carlos Colon, also dressed in a suit (although that’s how Carlos always dresses for these appearances), and he’ll be seconding Invader #1. They again cut to the large crowd, this time clapping and cheering for the tecnicos. Dagmar finishes the intros by presenting El Vikingo as the ref and Hugo Savinovich as our commentator for this one night only event. Hugo then takes over the microphone to commentate the proceedings. Hugo welcomes the fans to the event and quickly presents everyone again that is involved in this super bout for the Super Sabados Cup. As Hugo is finishing, TNT snatches the microphone away from him and starts talking. He doesn't want to fight with that old guy (points at Invader), he wants to fight with ‘viejito’ Colon (both TNT and Chicky point at Carlos at ringside). TNT knows that tonight there is a very important match for the Universal title, but he does not want to wait for tonight. He wants to fight Colon right now, because TNT knows that there are more than 15,000 people here in person, but there are more than one million watching on TV. And he wants to break Colon’s face live on TV. The camera cuts to Carlos annoyed at ringside, pointing and yelling something back to TNT. Hugo says let’s go to the action and El Vikingo calls for the bell to start things off.

Invader and TNT circle each other, but TNT stops and again starts pointing at Carlos. The camera again shows Carlos annoyed and pointing at TNT to focus on his opponent, and Carlos then motions to Invader to go after TNT. The match starts with a lockup  that leads to a chop exchange. Hugo is live on the microphone narrating for the crowd. Both wrestlers stand off again and TNT once more turns his attention to Colon at ringside. Carlos again tells TNT to focus on his match, and then we hear Chicky’s voice over the microphone. As Invader and TNT again exchange strikes in the ring, Chicky can be heard questioning why Carlos Colon isn't accepting TNT’s challenge on live TV on the sixth anniversary of Super Sabados. As Chicky continues complaining, the camera shows TNT has exited the ring and is jawing with Carlos Colon at ringside. Carlos keeps pointing at the ring, telling TNT to focus on his opponent. TNT locks up and gets the better of Invader with some chops and a clothesline. Hugo mentions that tonight they are having a big show in Bayamon where Carlos and TNT will face off for the Universal title. TNT starts throwing overhand strikes and stomps on the downed Invader, while gesticulating towards Colon. TNT starts throwing punches and you can see Carlos is trying to provide encouragement to Invader from ringside. 

As TNT continues with the punches, you can see that Invader is starting to get fired up. The crowd starts cheering and Invader makes it to his feet. TNT sends Invader into the ropes but a clothesline attempt is ducked and countered with a clothesline by Invader. The crowd continues cheering as Invader sends TNT into the corner with some strikes and a headbutt, as Hugo says that we are seeing the best wrestling in the world here at the sixth anniversary of Super Sabados. As Invader continues attacking TNT in the corner, the camera cuts to Hugo and Chicky standing nearby, Chicky with a concerned look on his face and Hugo continuing the live narration. Hugo mentions that TNT has been sent out of the ring and the camera cuts to TNT standing at ringside, once again staring down Colon. Carlos again points at TNT to get back in the ring, and an angry Chicky again gets on the mic to question why isn’t Colon accepting TNT’s challenge right now here at the sixth anniversary of Super Sabados. Hugo tells Chicky to please calm down, as TNT is once again in control of the match, attacking a kneeling Invader with punches. Carlos claps at ringside in support of Invader, but TNT hits a spin kick to knock Invader down. 

TNT goes for a pin attempt but Invader kicks out. Carlos starts tapping the ringpost to get the crowd even more into it as TNT hits a slam and a leg drop at the 5 minute time call. A nonchalant cover only gets two. Hugo mentions that both of the seconds are worried as TNT misses a blow and Invader counters with a dropkick. Another dropkick leads to a big chop off the ropes from Invader. The crowd continues cheering as another strike sends TNT through the ropes to the outside. Again TNT starts staring down Carlos. TNT gets close, and as Carlos starts jawing at TNT to get back in the ring, TNT slaps Colon in the face. Carlos has had enough and takes off his suit jacket and tie. Carlos undoes his top dress shirt buttons, and the crowd cheers as Colon enters the ring. 

Invader, seeing Carlos get in, exits the ring. TNT immediately meets Carlos with several punches and kicks as the ref calls for the bell. According to Hugo, the referee has thrown the match out. TNT tears Colon’s dress shirt and continues the attack, sending Carlos into the ropes. Carlos ducks the dynamite kick and counters with dropkick that knocks TNT down. Colon snapmares TNT over and starts hitting some mounted punches. They stand up and Carlos hits a headbutt and gets fired up. Carlos and TNT exchange punches as the crowd continues cheering. Carlos is briefly staggered by a punch from TNT, and TNT takes the opening to grab the front of Colon’s pants and gives them a yank. The whole crotch area of the pants tears off. Carlos tries to counter with some punches but has to cover up to avoid being indecently exposed. This leaves him open to TNT’s attacks. Invader tries to get back in the ring to help Carlos, but Kim Duk makes his way to ringside. Invader turns around but is immediately hit right on the forehead with the kendo stick. Invader is face down on the floor as Duk hammers away with the kendo stick, hitting several blows to Invader’s back. Colon sees this and tries to go out and help Invader, but TNT grabs Carlos and stops him. Invader is busted open on the floor as Duk hits some more cane shots to Invader’s head. Chicky is at ringside directing traffic and  Carlos gets thrown over the top rope to the outside. TNT and Kim Duk get some final blows in before Chicky herds them all away, the damage and message having been delivered. 

Carlos and Invader are laid out on the floor,  Invader bleeding profusely and Carlos having his clothes pretty torn up. Hugo asks El Vikingo who won the match, and Vikingo waves his hands indicating that there is no winner, the match was thrown out. Hugo starts asking the crowd who won, was it Invader or TNT? Hugo announces that the crowd at Coliseo Roberto Clemente has decided upon Invader as the winner and points at Invader, who is still laid out on the ground in a puddle of blood. By the ring apron, Carlos is in a sitting position as El Vikingo is trying to wrap the tattered remains of Colon’s dress shirt around his crotch area. Someone brings Vikingo a towel or blanket so that Carlos can cover himself up, and the crowd cheers at Invader being declared the winner. Carlos and Vikingo check on Invader and the lady holding the cup decides to place it down next to Invader’s head (since he won the thing). Dagmar makes her return and asks Hugo what’s happening. Hugo tells Dagmar that Invader is bleeding and they need to get him some medical attention. The camera again focuses on Invader convulsing a bit on the floor, with his face now rolling over the puddle of blood that is on the floor. Dagmar leans over and sees that Invader is actually bleeding and starts waving  for help as well. For some reason, at this point the sound guys start playing ‘War’ from Rocky IV again. Security comes in as we wait for medical help (and you can see Victor the Bodyguard working his shoot job as security). In an unintentionally funny moment (to be honest, there have been a few of them in this segment so far) the camera keeps doing a close up on Invader’s bloody head as Hugo asks the director to not show Carlos Colon because he barely has any clothes on (so Carlos in skimpy briefs is not okay to show, but Invader bleeding on the floor in closeup is good to broadcast, this on a show that has a women’s bikini contest scheduled as well).

Hugo again requests a doctor to come help as Dagmar asks one of the attendees what’s the status. The man replies that they are going to transfer Invader to the emergency room so he can receive medical attention. Dagmar asks Hugo if it is always like this and Hugo says not always but this time Kim Duk attacked Invader and left him practically motionless on the floor.  Dagmar starts freaking out and says that she can’t be seeing this and starts pleading for them to get Invader out of here, even if they have to carry him out, but get him help quickly. At this point, another of the co-hosts arrives (Luis Antonio Cosme) to check in on Invader and also to help calm Dagmar down. The stretcher finally arrives as we get a freeze frame on the video but can still hear Hugo’s voice talking. Cosme asks Hugo how grave the situation is and Hugo replies that the man who attacked Invader is a martial arts expert who struck repeated blows with a kendo stick. The audio ends with Hugo saying that Invader’s in a very bad state. Just an all around memorable moment on what is basically the afternoon/early evening family program block.     . 

MD: Three things come to mind immediately. The first is how natural and charismatic Hugo seemed here. He just fit right in. He belonged. He could stand on any stage and introduce the wrestling action to everyone as if they were his friends. Incredibly valuable. The second was just the sheer level of talent involved. Invader, TNT, with Colon and Chicky seconding. Just a perfect capsule of the nucleus of what we’ve seen so far in 89 and 90. It’s an image to last forever and one to appreciate while we have it in this particular formulation. And speaking of lasting images, it’s so crazy that with this platform, this reach, this celebratory moment, they went with a crazy, gruesome, high gore, big heat angle. You would figure they would give something more family friendly and sanitized for the moment. I wish I knew if there was blowback here. It had to make an impression but what did the papers say the next day? What did the network think? Etc.? 

EB: We had quite the angle here to finish up the hype for Fan Appreciation Day, with blood, a serious wardrobe malfunction and everyone involved playing their role perfectly. Coliseo Roberto Clemente was once more the site of a notable wrestling moment involving Carlos Colon, Invader #1, TNT, Chicky Starr and Hugo Savinovich. Unfortunately, this would turn out to be the last time all of them would be involved in such a big angle together.

Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, as summer ends there is some roster turnover that sees the arrival and departure of a few wrestlers, including a giant arrival and the departure of one of the biggest names in the company. Also, new champions, a new manager arrives, and the Carlos Colon vs TNT feud escalates further.  

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