Segunda Caida

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

70s Joshi on Wednesday: Nancy! Victoria! Kumano! Ripper!

 30. 1979.05.XX1 - 01 Mami Kumano & Monster Ripper vs. Nancy Kumi & Victoria Fujimi

K: This was a very similar kind of match to one we covered last week and the main purpose was clearly building up Monster Ripper for her title match against Jackie Sato on 7/31. To avoid repeating myself I’ll just focus on the different aspects. Firstly this was two falls but the two falls played out very differently. In the first fall Monster was just dominating both the Golden Pair she barely even needed Mami’s help. Monster’s getting a bit better at these long heat segments, they do start to get a bit repetitive once she’s been at it for more than a couple of minutes but she’s lacking the pauses/hesitation that hurt some of her earlier performances.

In contrast, the 2nd fall was descended into a chaotic brawl quite quickly. Golden Pair apparently decided they weren’t going to bother playing by the rules and just started double teaming, even attempting a double pin at one point. This livened things up a lot. Nancy Kumi actually made an effort for solid minute or so. The first fall arguably set the scene for things to get more hectic here, but it’s definitely the more entertaining portion. Especially when Yumi Ikeshita gets involved on the outside and starts throwing people around into the chairs. Monster once again won with her big splash of terror.

So it turned into a decent match but forgettable match on the road to 7/31.


MD: This one somehow felt less complete than the last tag, though it went about the same time. Given some of the time calls after the first fall, we may have lost some of this. It started with Ripper …well, ripping up a Jacky poster, so that was fun. At times, the Golden Pair could use their superior teamwork and speed to bedevil Ripper, or just run right through her together, but Fujimi came in heavily taped up and that made her a big target for Ripper, first with a shoulder claw, but really just in general. Kumano got in on the act too with a hair-pull assisted torture rack and over the shoulder backbreaker. They were able to hit a series of flapjacks/goardbusters on her and hurt her knee, but it didn’t even the odds for long.

That was especially so because, as opposed to the last match, the outside members of the Black Army got involved to help do damage on the floor. Moreover, and object (maybe a soda can? Hard to tell) came into play though at least they were able to fire back on Ikeshita with it. Fujimi was just too hurt to give them a chance for long. By the end, Ripper was more or less playing with her food, holding out her hand until Ikeshita could sneak behind her and they could do a double crash into her repeatedly. Ripper’s suplex was more or less a death move. She followed it up with a splash and the deal was that the victim’s partner simply couldn’t pull her off. The act was down by this point at least and the act was solid.

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