Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, July 11, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: Aniversario 1990 Part 2

Week 29: Aniversario 1990 Part 2

EB: So far we have reviewed five of the ten matches that occurred at Aniversario 1990, having watched three matches from Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez (Chicky Starr vs Chris Youngblood; Leo Burke vs. Invader #1; and Zeus vs. Abdullah the Butcher) and two from Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel (Mascarita Sagrada & Aguilita Solitaria vs. Espectrito & Piratita Morgan; and Scott Hall vs. Atkie Mulumba). The second part of our review will cover the remaining four matches included on the  VHS release. All four matches have titles being defended and, so far, we’ve had one title change happen with Invader #1 winning the Caribbean title from Leo Burke. Will any other titles change hands? We’ll soon find out.

Before getting to these matches, I do want to briefly mention the result of the one match not included on the home video release, as Rick Valentine defeated Mark Youngblood at Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel. So overall, the Youngbloods had mixed results in their singles matches.

Our first match for this second half of the review is the Caribbean tag title match where the Caribbean Express of Miguel Perez Jr. & Huracan Castillo Jr. defend the titles against the team of Los Mercenarios. The two teams have developed a bit of a rivalry since mid May and things are coming to a head here at Aniversario. Los Mercenarios usually go for sneaky tactics and also have El Profe with them but the tecnicos are ready for any potential chicanery since they’ll have Robocop in their corner.

We already have both teams in the ring, with referee El Vikingo obtaining the title belts from the champions and holding them up to show what is at stake. Robocop is standing stoically at ringside in the tecnicos corner, this is his second appearance of the event but the first at Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel (so both live crowds get a chance to see Robocop in person). Eliud Gonzalez introduces Miguelito as ‘el idolo de Borinquen’ and Huracan as ‘la estrella de Borinquen’ (so we have the idol and the star of Borinquen). Huracan and Ron Starr start off, working an arm lock up. The lock up is broken when Ron is backed into the ropes, but a second feeling out process leads to Castill sending Ron into the corner for a clothesline. Ron tags Acevedo in, who locks up with Huracan. Castillo again wins that exchange and Acevedo tags Ron back in. Castillo and Ron lock up and, as they fight in the ring, we get a close up of a stoic Robocop in the corner. He starts throwing some air punches and we cut back to the ring where Miguelito has been tagged in for the first time in the match. Miguelito locks up with Ron and does a quick tag to Huracan, who repeats the same maneuver and tags out. Miguelito works a side headlock on Ron and we hear Eliud on commentary thanking the fans for their support for CSP across these 17 years. Ron momentarily breaks the side headlock by backing Miguelito into a corner, but Miguelito blocks Ron’s punches and puts the side headlock on again. Ron sends Miguelito into the ropes and Acevedo knees Perez in the back. Acevedo is tagged in, hits a few punches on Miguelito and tags out. Los Mercenarios double team Perez by ramming him into the corner. Ron hits a few blows on Perez, going for a pin attempt as the camera cuts to Robocop (who is just stoically staring at the action in the ring). Acevedo and Ron tag in and out while continuing in control. Perez fires off several punches on Ron, but an eye rake cuts off that potential comeback. Ron hits some punches, a snapmare and kneelift before tagging Acevedo back in. Los Mercenarios attempt a double clothesline on Perez, but Miguelito ducks the attempt and counters with a double clothesline of his own. Perez makes the tag to Castillo and attacks both Mercenarios, knocking their heads together. Castillo hits a high knee on Acevedo and knocks Ron Starr down with some punches. Castillo hits a back elbow on Acevedo and gets an inside cradle. Ron breaks up the pin attempt before the three. A backslide by Huracan is also broken up by Ron. A swinging neckbreaker leads to another pin attempt that Ron breaks up. This time, Miguelito comes into the ring and starts punching Ron. All four men are in the ring and the rudos reverse an irish whip collision attempt by the Express, leading to Perez and Castillo to collide with each other. El Profe jumps onto the ring apron for some reason, as Ron gets an inside cradle on Perez. As the ref is tied up with El Profe, Acevedo tries to suplex Castillo into the ring, but Robocop finally gets actively involved and grabs Acevedo’s leg. This causes Castillo to fall on top of Acevedo in a pinning position.The ref turns around and makes the three count as both pin attempts are in progress. The bell rings and both teams think they’ve won, but El Vikingo immediately raises Castillo’s arm in victory (the legal men were still Huracan and Acevedo). The ref gives the title belts to Perez and Castillo as we get one more look at Robocop starting to exit the ringside area.  

MD: This was solid but didn’t necessarily feel like a big show match. I’m not sure if they were stretched for time overall or if they had structural balance they had to achieve with the Medicos match to come but they went into the heat sooner than I was expecting. It was very good once they got there, with a hope spot and two and Assassin and Starr being the pros that they were. They did a short double whip into a Bret Bump in the corner that looked great and made me wish we had 1990 Mercenarios vs Hart Foundation match. Eventually Perez got the hot tag to Castillo and they went into the stretch. I had half thought we’d get a second round of heat here but it wasn’t to be. Profe got up on the apron during a roll up, and Robocop, who had spent the whole match just pumping his fists occasionally, asserted himself by grabbing Assassin’s leg as he was trying a suplex from the outside in and the Express got a pretty shady win if you ask me. What did the Cuban Assassin ever do to Robocop?

EB: We now go to the World tag team title match where we have a debuting team. Jacques and Raymond Rougeau have arrived to challenge the Super Medicos. How ill they do on this journey to Puerto Rico?

We are at Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez and both teams are already in the ring (it looks like the Fabulous Rougeaus have just made their entrance). The garbage is already flying into the ring as the Rougeaus start taking off their ring jackets, and the first thing you can hear is Hugo over the sound system asking the fans to please stop throwing objects into the ring. Hugo also mentions that this is the last match for Aniversario 90 (not clear if it is at this ovulation or for the event overall, leading me to believe that the match order has been switched around for the home video release). The challengers are announced as being from Tennessee. The crowd loudly boos the Rougeaus (and there are still some objects being thrown at them) while cheering the Super Medicos when they are introduced. The bell rings and the Rougeaus go for a hug, which the crowd immediately gets on their case for (remember that Chicky Starr and Leo Burke have been doing this same pre-match ritual for several months now). We have Jacques and Super Medico #1 starting off and Jacques immediately signals for Medico #1 to back off. Jacques showboats by showing off his athleticism with a couple of kip-ups and dares Super Medico #1 to show his athleticism as well. When Medico # 1 doesn't go for it, Jaqcues starts flapping his arms to call Medico #1 a chicken. As they start circling each other, Jacques sticks his hand out wanting a handshake, which Medico #1 also ignores. Jacques gets mad at the crowd yelling no at the handshake attempt and goes over to the turnbuckle to yell back at them. This sets the crowd off and they start throwing even more trash at the ring. Hugo again can be heard over the sound system pleading with the crowd to not throw objects into the ring. Jacques again sticks out his hand for a handshake and Super Medico # 1 responds with a hit machine punch combo to knock Jacques down. Raymond briefly gets in the ring to check on his brother but quickly exits. Medico #1 approaches and continues hitting punches on Jacques and then sends him into the ropes for a back elbow. Jacques crawls out of the ring, leading to the Rougeaus hug each other at ringside as the crowd boos and garbage is thrown. Hugo on commentary is apologizing for this behavior by the fans, commenting that there are fans that are respectful and know how to act but there are some right now being disrespectful. 

Raymond and Medico #3 are tagged in by their partners. As both men face off, Hugo again talks over the loudspeaker, sounding more agitated and reminding the fans that this match is for the World tag team titles and he asks the fans throwing objects to behave appropriately. As Hugo pleads with the crowd, Raymond starts pointing that something is wrong with his boot. The ref goes over to check and Jacques uses the opening to blindside Medico #3 from behind. The ref goes over to warn Jacques, as Raymond hits a few punches and rams Medico #3’s head into the turnbuckle. An irish whip attempt is reversed by Medico #3, but Raymond lumps on the middle turnbuckle to avoid hitting the corner. Raymond fakes a reveres body press attempt and tries to jump off with an ax handle, but Medico #3 catches him with a punch to the midsection. Medico #3 gets a headlock takedown for a pin attempt, but the momentum of Raymond’s kick out sends him rolling to the outside. Medico #1 immediately comes over to help his son back into the ring and the Medicos do a quick switcheroo in that moment. Medico #1 is now in the ring and Jacques starts protesting as Medico #1 slams Ramyond. The Medicos do a tag and Jacques starts yelling at the crowd that there was no tag before (and the crowd roars in response). Jacques continues adamantly complaining from the ring apron as the Medicos feign innocence (with the crowd backing them up). Medico #3 works a side headlock on Raymond, who backs Medico #3 into the tecnico corner. Raymond doesn’t see the tag being made and is surprised from behind by Medico #1 when he tries to punch Medico #3 in the corner. Jacques continues to loudly complain from the ring apron.

A side headlock is countered with Medico #1 being sent to the ropes, and Jacques reaches out to yank Medico #1 down from behind. An irate Medico #1 lunges at Jacques but is hit with a knee to the back by Raymond. Jacques is tagged back in and baits Medico #3 into the ring. With the ref distracted trying to stop Medico #3 from getting in the ring, the Rougeaus double team Medico #1, finishing with a double team hotshot on the top rope. The crowd starts throwing objects again. As the Rougeaus do some quick tags and maintain the advantage, Hugo again laments that there are fans throwing objects and showing a lack of appropriate behavior. Raymond goes for a pin attempt that is broken up by Medico #3. Raymond complains and shoves Medico #3, causing another ref distraction and another double team opportunity for the Rougeaus. Jacques mockingly complains about the tag to the fans and hits a nice jumping back elbow on Medico #1. Jacques raises his arms to the crowd and again objects start being thrown. Jacques throws Medico #1 to the outside and Hugo starts putting over the bravery of the wrestlers, especially the Rougeaus, in giving it their all in front of a crowd that insists on throwing objects at them. As Medico #3 is baited back into the ring, Rayyond takes the opportunity to ram Medico #1 back first into the ring apron. Back in the ring, Raymond is tagged in and puts Medico #1 in a Boston crab. As the hold is applied you can see one of the security guards use his weapon to try to clear out the debris on one side of the ring. On the ring apron, Jacques moves over to where Medico #3 is and starts laughing and taunting him over what’s happening in the ring. Medico #3 again takes the bait and, as the ref is held up with Medico #3, Jacques enters the ring and hits a jumping kneedrop to the back of Medico #1. Raymond releases the Boston crab and taunts Medico #3, as Medico #1 is lying prone on the mat but shaking from the impact of the move. The Rougeaus do a cheer to hype each other up, hug and then Raymond goes for a cover (as some objects are thrown again). Medico #3 breaks up the cover and Jacques yells from ringside about it. 

Raymond puts Medico #1 in a camel clutch as Jacques starts chanting USA from the ring apron. The crowd starts getting louder and yelling at Jacques. A tag is made and Jacques comes in doing a shuffle and then kicking Medico #1 right in the face. Medico #1 is in a bad way and holding his back. Jacques sends Medico #1 into the ropes and locks in an abdominal stretch, immediately reaching out for Raymond’s outstretched arm to add more leverage to the hold. Objects start being thrown again and Medico #3 tries to make the save but the ref stops him. The Rougeaus take the opening to do an illegal switch, with Raymond maintaining the abdominal stretch. The ref notices that it is Ramyond in the ring and asks Jacques if they tagged. Jacques claims yes and turns to the crowd making the tag motion (which again causes the crowd to start yelling at him). Jacques is tagged in and looks to be setting up for another kick, but instead moves near Medico #3 and slaps him in the face. This again draws Medico #3 in but the double team backfires as Medico #1 dodges the attempted knee strike from Jacques and instead Raymond takes the hit. As Jacques checks on his brother, Medico #1 slowly crawls over to his corner. Jacques tries to cut him off but Medico #1 is able to make the tag. Medico #3 stares down Jacques, who starts begging off. Medico #3 corners Jacques and fires off several punches and then hits a backdrop. Raymond comes in and is met with a dropkick. Medico #3 follows up with another dropkick on Jacques, as Medico #1 enters the ring. The Medicos knock the heads of both Rouageus together. Medico #1 starts signaling to the crowd, but an attempted irish whip ram is countered by one of the Rougeaus, leading to Medico #3 and Jacques knocking their heads together. As Raymond and Medico #1 leave the ring, the ref sees that the two wrestlers are out on the mat. It looks like Raymond is going to get into the ring, so Medico #1 charges in first to cut him off. However, the ref catches Medico #1 and tells him to go back to his corner. While the ref is distracted, Raymond sneaks in and drags Jacques on top of Medico #3 in a pin attempt. Raymond turns to the crowd and starts celebrating, but makes the mistake of not leaving the ring. The ref sees Raymond in the ring, and instead of making the count, goes over to chastise Raymond and get him to exit the ring. As the ref is tied up with Raymond, Medico #1 gets into the ring and rolls Medico #3 over Jacques. The ref turns around, sees the cover being made and starts the count. On the ring apron, Raymond has his back turned and starts taunting the crowd, kissing his bicep in celebration. The three count is made and the Medicos retain the titles. Raymond turns around too late to realize they have lost the match. The crowd cheers, objects start being thrown (including a toilet paper roll and a chair) and you can see some fans start to enter the ring. The video cuts out as it looks like everyone in the ring is trying to leave and head for cover.    

MD: I’m not sure that words can do this one justice. It was wonderful, just everything you’d want from a tag match with these guys in this setting on this card as an absolute attraction. The Rougeaus, especially Jacques, were absolutely fearless, completely fearless. Maybe it’s because they knew they were losing, but it’s as fearless a performance I’ve ever seen, straight from the start with Jacques doing kip ups and goading Medico 1 as trash flew around him. When they finally took over on Medico three, they leaned as hard into it as humanly possible, cheating, posing, preening, chanting USA. I thought they might have a riot on their hands when they hit the Boston Crab/Knee Drop combo. 

They place popped huge for Medico 3 getting out of the way of a jumping knee causing the two of them to crash into each other, and it became a celebration scene (including kids storming the ring mid show) when Medico 1 turned over the pin (whereas Jacques had rolled Raymond onto Medico 3) so the Medicos won. All this just for basically an attraction match with a flown in team who hadn’t done a whole lot before the show to get heat. I don’t think this was overall better than the Invader 1 boxing match, but it probably pops onto my (honestly nonexistent) list of 100 favorite matches of all time. I was smiling the whole time through, even as poor Hugo was apologizing for the behavior of the fans.  

EB: Up next is a match that was originally announced as Monster Ripper challenging Wendi Richter for the WWC Women’s title. Richter was replaced a week or two before the event by Candi Divine, the reigning AWA Women’s champion and the match is being promoted as Ripper challenging Divine for that title. Let’s go to Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez for this bout.

Hugo does the ring introductions (making sure to announce that this is for the AWA Women’s championship) and also is on commentary. He puts over that the crowd at both locations is anticipating this match due to knowing the reputation of Monster Ripper and also having heard about Divine’s exploits. Hugo asks Moyano who he thinks will win the match and Moyano says that, while Candi is the champion for a reason, it looks like she will have a really tough time with Monster Ripper due to Ripper’s size and temperament. Ripper starts off by sending Candi to the mat off a lockup (and it looks like she pulled some hair there). Candi complains about the hair being pulled but Monster denies it. Based on the commentary, it looks like this match is taking place after the minis match at Juan Ramon Loubriel, which explains why the mat looks as clean as it does (and it confirms that the match order has been switched around for the home video release). Both Hugo and Moyano put over the minis match as being a great showcase and Moyano then jokingly warns Eliud that he better be careful when going to the bank on Monday and having his check clear after comparing Hugo to Espectrito. Hugo says that Espctriot is in better physical condition than him. Back to the match, Ripper does another hair assisted take down and again denies it. Candi fires back with a hair pull takedown of her own, with the crowd cheering and Ripper looking annoyed. Ripper complains about the hair pull and, after being taken down with a hiptoss, about her tights being pulled. Candi looks pleased with herself as it looks like she’s taking control of the match with an armbar, but Ripper  simply shoves Candi off of her. Hugo says that Candi has to figure out how to handle Ripper, who he refers  to as ‘the Abdullah the Butcher of the women’s division’. Ripper does a couple of hair pull takedowns and just takes over the match with several offensive maneuvers (including some leg drops). Candi briefly gets a respite by countering with a hiptoss at one point, but it’s basically all Monster Ripper. The announcers keep mentioning that Ripper’s size and power advantage is proving to be too much for Candi. Off the ripes, Candi is able to get a sunset flip for a near fall but Ripper counters a second sunset flip attempt with a senton for a two count. Ripper regains control and hits a corner splash, but Divine dodges a second attempt. Candi tries a cross corner whip and charge, but Ripper just runs at Candi and steamrolls her with a Ripper Attack. A leg drop leads to a three count and we have a new AWA Women’s champion! Monster Ripper celebrates with the title belt as the video ends. Title lineage historians, you may have to revise that AWA Women’s title lineage if this title match is accepted as a legitimate one.  

MD: We realize now that the commercial tape likely moved matches around so this likely didn't actually follow the Medicos tag match. I would not have wanted to have to follow that last tag match so that's a small mercy for them. Even so, it’s sort of hard to care too much about the 1990 AWA women’s title among this card. This match was fine. The work was fine. It didn’t go too long. There were some hand motions I didn’t quite get, as if Candi was calling for the mandible claw. I liked the finish which was Ripper missing a corner charge but then coming back out of the corner with a Ripper Attack when Candi whipped her, followed by a legdrop across the stomach. And all props to Hugo for being excited about the title change, but this one didn’t really have a chance to hit. 

EB: It is time for the main event of Aniversario 90, the titular ‘Un Reto Para la Historia’ between Carlos Colon and TNT. We’ve seen how this match came about with TNT being named the number one contender and deciding to challenge fellow El Ejercito de la Justicia member Carlos Colon for the title. This was a breach of the gentlemen’s agreement the tecnicos operated under and it was seen as a betrayal by TNT. Whether you view TNT’s decision as a case of putting passion before principle or a case of a competitor being within his rights to strive for the top prize in his sport, there is no question that there has been a noticeable change in TNT’s demeanor since the decision was made.. Whether it's been due to TNT lashing out for the way the tecnicos have reacted to his decision, someone getting into his ear or a combination of these and other factors, TNT has become more aggressive and abrasive in his quest for the Universal title. He has recently taken to not waking up his opponents from the Cobra Dinamita and he has really amped up his comments on Carlos Colon being old and  past his prime.
On the other hand, the tecnicos have also been a bit aggressive towards TNT after the decision he made. Their position has been one of ‘if he’s not with us then good riddance’ and of saying that TNT will be taught a lesson for daring to break the code. Not helping matters has been Chicky Starr, stirring the pot as usual and trying to get into TNT’s good graces. Chicky had promised to sign on as TNT’s manager by tonight’s event and be in his corner, but there has been no confirmation as of yet if Chicky had succeeded. TNT had continued denying he was with Chicky, but it’s clear that he is not in sync with the tecnicos either. Both Colon and TNT have been training intensely for their upcoming match and the moment has arrived.

TNT comes to the ring accompanied by ninjas and martial artists, but Chicky Starr is nowhere to be seen. It seems that TNT has been telling the truth about not being aligned with Chicky Starr. Carlos Colon makes his entrance accompanied by who I'm almost certain are two of his children as flag bearers (it looks like Stacy and Carlito). Eliud Gonzalez does the ring introductions and both men get a good reaction from the crowd, it seems that TNT still has his supporters going into the match. The ref gives instructions to both wrestlers and the match begins with a series of lockups and a feeling out process between Carlos and TNT. Colon gets the better of these initial exchanges, although TNT is able to hold his own for the most part. As these exchanges occur, you can see that the ring mat is pretty dirty, likely a consequence of rain making the surrounding area muddy (of the two locations for Aniversario this match is taking place in the open air one). Carlos is able to hit a dropkick on TNT off the ropes after another exchange and it looks like TNT is sliding out the ring as the camera cuts to a close up on Carlos Colon. A freeze frame sends us further ahead in the match.

We continue with both men getting up from the mat and deciding to each bounce off the ropes for a dropkick. They both miss and go down again. The mat is dirtier than before and you can see some cups that have been thrown into the ring. Another rope running sequence leads to a shoulder block by Colon that sends both men down once again. It’s clear that the match has been going on for a while at this point, we’ll have to wait for a time call to get an idea of how much time has passed. As both men struggle to get to their knees, you can see that both are covered in mud from the mat and that TNT is bleeding from his head. A headbutt battle ensues between Colon and TNT, both men on their knees and trying to get the better of the exchange. Colon staggers TNT and is able to launch him into the ropes, getting a sleeperhold on TNT. We have all four announcers chiming in at different times throughout this match, and they highlight how Carlos is using a sleeperhold against someone who is a master at this type of hold. TNT looks to be almost out of it but answers the referee’s check of the arms and starts trying to fight out of it. Carlos keeps the hold on, but TNT manages to break it when the ref gets too close to check the hold and is grabbed by TNT to use as leverage to get Colon off him. Lysette Santiago makes the observation that TNT’s training came into play here, since he had done a bit of underwater training which requires being without oxygen for periods of time, and right now he had to withstand a hold where his oxygen was being cut off. Both men struggle to their feet once more (the exhaustion is setting in), and TNT is the one that is able to get the advantage with some quick blows and a roundhouse kick. TNT goes for a cover but Carlos gets his foot on the rope to break the count. Hector Moyano mentions that the match had been a clean one at first but things changed once TNT decided to grab the ropes (we missed it due to the clipping in order to fit the match on the home video release). As TNT starts hitting the prone Colon with some overhand chops to the head, Eliud Gonzalez makes the time call that 36 minutes have elapsed. Hector Moyano quips that if this match keeps going on like this that Hugo will need a two hour episode just to show this match on tv when the time comes. 

TNT sends Carlos into the ropes and knocks him down with another strike. Eliud comments that in the fan interviews leading up to the event, there were many people who said Carlos would win, but at this moment he notices the crowd is a bit quiet because right now they don’t know who will prevail. Hugo chimes in that it’s due to the level of respect the fans have for both wrestlers, they know the quality of both Carlos and TNT, and they are witnessing two men who are giving it their all. In the ring, Carlos and TNT exchange blows and TNT sends Carlos down with what may have been a thrust to the throat. TNT starts biting Colon’s forehead and continues on the attack with a dropkick that gets a two count when Carlos gets his leg on the rope again. As TNT continues pressing the advantage, Hugo reminisces about Colon’s past rivalries and feuds and how right now he is facing a young and hungry wrestler who knows Colon’s style very well from having shared a locker room with Colon for the past few years. TNT gets a snap suplex but Colon kicks out. TNT works a nerve hold on Carlos and we can now see that Carlos is also bleeding from his forehead. Carlos fights out of the nerve hold but is hit with a shoulder block. TNT makes another pin attempt but Carlos kicks out. The announcers mention that at this point, all thoughts of playing clean and fair are out the window and it’s going to come down to who can fight and claw their way to that win. TNT goes back to the nerve hold and we are now at the 40 minute mark. TNT starts getting a bit more desperate as he adds some eye and head rakes while working the nerve hold.

Carlos eventually fights to his feet and breaks the hold with a reverse foul kick to TNT. Carlos gets a slam and a leg drop for a two count (and you can see the mud fly off the mat when TNT hits the canvas after the slam). Colon starts working the leg and then gets a headlock on TNT, who reverses it with a headscissors counter. Colon bridges out of it and both men are locked on the mat trying to bridge out of the pin attempt. TNT is able to bridge out and counter with a backslide, but Colon again kicks out. Carlos does another headlock takedown on TNT. Both men fight for position on the mat, with TNT eventually getting control and decking Carlos with several punches to the face. Both wrestlers get to their feet and TNT lands a series of blows that knock Colon down for another unsuccessful pin attempt. TNT goes back to the nerve hold and we hear the 45 minute time call. Carlos fights to his feet and gets a brief offensive flurry on TNT that the crowd cheers along with. However, an attempted charge into the corner is dodged by TNT and Carlos ends up hanging upside down in the tree of woe position. TNT uses the opening to kick Carlos in the midsection and follow up with a series of unanswered strikes and punches. Hugo says that TNT’s strategy seems to be to make Carlos lose more blood and thus weaken him more.

TNT tries to put on the Cobra Dinamita a few times but Carlos quickly pushes him away on the attempts, his training kicking in. Carlos comes back with some kicks and punches that knock TNT down for an unsuccessful pin attempt. TNT is able to counter off the ropes with a dynamite kick and this time gets the Cobra Dinamita on Carlos. TNT tightens the hold and yanks Colon away from the ropes when Carlos briefly is able to touch the top rope to try to break the hold. TNT takes Carlos down to the mat and it looks like Carlos is almost out of it. But, as Colon’s arm goes down, it falls underneath the bottom rope. The ref calls for TNT to break and he mistakenly thinks that the match is over, that Colon was out and the ref had called the match. As TNT starts raising his arms in victory, Colon quickly is back on his feet and rushes TNT from behind, surprising TNT with a roll up that gets two. TNT goes back to the Cobra Dinamita as we are now at the 50 minute mark. TNT again yanks Carlos away from the ropes but the crowd starts amping up and cheering for Carlos. This time, Carlos manages to break the hold by running into the corner and ducking in order to ram TNT’s face into the top turnbuckle. Colon covers but gets only two. TNT hits a slam but misses a senton, with Colon then trying for another unsuccessful pin attempt. TNT sends Colon into the corner and follows up with a clothesline that sends Colon down. TNT makes a pin attempt and gets his leg on the ropes for leverage (with the crowd getting notably louder when this occurred). Carlos breaks this pin attempt by punching TNT right in the face. Carlos starts punching and kicking TNT on the left leg as Hugo mentions that time is starting to favor the champion (TNT as the challenger has to win by pinfall or submission). TNT cuts off Carlos with a kick and hits a flying clothesline, but Carlos kicks out. Carlos again starts focusing on TNT’s left leg and eventually takes him down to the crowd’s cheers. Carlos continues with several focused attacks on TNT’s leg and it’s clear he is setting up for the figure four.  We are at the 55 minute mark, there are five minutes left in the time limit.

TNT manages to block the first figure four attempt by yanking Carlos down using the tights for leverage. Carlos goes back on the attack (including a quick shuffle of his feet that amps up the crowd even more), but the second figure four attempt is countered by TNT with an inside cradle. Carlos kicks out and hits a suplex on TNT, as we now have four minutes remaining. Carlos is firmly in control but TNT keeps countering the figure four attempts. TNT gets to his feet, visibly favoring his right leg, but is able to hit a desperation spin kick on Colon. However, TNT is slow to follow up because his left leg is giving him trouble. TNT sends Carlos to the opposite corner but misses a knee charge, which leaves him completely open for Colon to put on the figure four. Carlos makes his fourth attempt of this closing stretch but TNT is able to kick him away. A fifth attempt at the figure four is also countered with a kick. There are now two minutes left in the match and both men are staggered but on their feet. A blow exchange is won by Carlos when he grabs TNT’s leg and shoves him down. Carlos continues attacking TNT’s left leg as we have one minute left in the time limit. TNT is able to get back on his feet, but misses a spin kick attempt. Carlos covers for a two count with 35 seconds left in the match. Carlos finally gets the figure four on TNT with only 20 seconds left in the match. TNT struggles in the hold as Eliud Gonzalez counts down the remaining seconds. TNT keeps emphatically waving no with his arms as the final seconds tick away and the bell rings. We have a sixty minute time limit draw. Carlos Colon retains the Universal title but we have no decisive winner. Both men are exhausted, bleeding and covered in mud. As the video ends, Carlos starts motioning at TNT to get up and looks to want to continue, but TNT’s leg is too hurt for him to stand up properly. .  

MD: We have a little over half of this by my calculations. From what we can see (and there’s so much we can’t), and for how this plays out in my mind, it’s a tale of two matches. They start out even, working holds. TNT will reverse Colon’s hammerlock, but then fall to the reversal to the reversal. They build to dropkicks and eventually to both going for dropkicks at the same time, both going for tecnico coded offense in the same way. When we come back from the cut, many minutes later, TNT is busted open. They throw headbutts and chops, fighting with all their hearts but still, as best as we can tell, fighting clean. Then, suddenly, Colon snatches on a sleeper. This is the end of the first match, the end of the clean match. TNT, in desperation, works towards the ref and sneaks in a foul. 

Everything seems to change from there, including the very nature of the ring. Maybe it’s just more noticeable in this back half. Maybe it’s the ultimate manifestation of the rain and dirt and grime and all the trash that had been thrown in throughout the night and all the more that was thrown in with TNT’s rudo decision. Both men are covered in it however, awash in filth held to their bodies by sweat and by their own blood. This is the true symbol of justice torn asunder, of their union brought down not through villainy but through jealousy and greed and pride and putting rules over people.

This portion of the match consists of small and tight shots, of gripping holds, of each wrestler fighting for every inch. On the other side of it, TNT tries for the cobra, is reversed, is countered, is foiled, until he can finally hit the Dynamite Kick and lock it in. For the first attempt, Colon gets his hand on the rope at the very last second. For the second, Colon, with a last gasp of survival instinct, charges forth and slams TNT’s skull into the corner post.  

Things have changed again. The Cobra failed TNT. He presses onwards and tries to damage Colon, tries to win with even more despicable forms of cheating like his legs upon the ropes, but Colon begins to poke and prod and punch at TNT’s leg in turn. The tide shifts and what has happened so many times before seems like it may happen once again. Colon will call upon an inner strength, will be lifted up by the crowd, will destroy TNT’s leg, will win the day. He tries for the figure four multiple times. TNT avoids it again and again, fights back, even hits the spin wheel kick but he misses a knee in a corner. All the while, the clock counts down, sixty minutes almost spent. Finally, with just twenty seconds to go, Colon locks on the hold, but TNT survives it and the two men are left in the dirt, having both survived the war, having nothing proven, having it all be for what?

EB: The next day (Sunday July 8) the Mayaguez card for Aniversario 90 was held. The Universal title match between Colon and TNT in Mayaguez also ended without a decisive winner, with the match being stopped due to blood. Carlos Colon remains the Universal champion but TNT has taken him to the limit. 

Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, we look at the immediate aftermath of Aniversario 1990. Where do Carlos Colon and TNT go from here? Will Scott Hall continue to be embraced by the fans? Is the rivalry over between Invader #1 and Leo Burke? And who is coming and going out of the territory after Aniiersario? All hopefully will become clear.

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