Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Indy WWE Gimmick Matches

Violence is Forever (Kevin Ku/Dominick Garini) vs. South Pacific Savages(Juicy Finau/Zilla Fatu) vs. Los Macizos (Ciclope/Meido Extremo) vs. Bollywood Boyz (Gurv Shira/Harv Shira) Punjabi Prison Match GCW 4/6/24

PAS: This was a batch of fun, basically a typical wild GCW brawl in a unique setting. The creakiness of the Punjabi prison added a bunch to the match, multiple guys climbed up the structure and it really looked like it would fall apart plummeting them to their death, and I liked how they would use the extra bamboo stalks as weapons, it would really suck to get smashed with one of them. Good performance by all the teams, Bollywood Boyz took some big bumps and both bled pretty disgustingly, VIF was crowbaring everyone, and the finish with a Ku double stomp off the top of the bamboo structure through a contraption was really nasty. Maciszo took some big bumps too and really reckless hit people with chair shots. I loved the South Pacific Savages here, Juicy Finau was basically wrestling this match like Andre the Giant wobbling with every shot, and when he finally got taken down it was like a felled oak tree. This was only Zilla's 10th match, and he just has it, he comes off like a huge star and has a ton of obvious athletic explosiveness, he is already better then either of the Guerrillas of Destiny and I honestly would rather see him then either of the tired Usos as this point too. I would like to see GCW try to run a big match without the crutch of doors, but otherwise I think this was a big success

Cono Cappuccia vs. Gabriel Skye vs. David Graham vs. Percy Ryan vs. Dezmond Cole vs. Matt Tremont Elimination Chamber Remarkable Wrestling 6/29/24

PAS: This was a match with a lot of big individual moments, which like many indy gimmick matches in 2024, was ultimately a victim of it's hubris. The actual Elimination Chamber structure had a fun DYI vibe to it, the plexiglass chambers, wood sides and cage all felt a bit rickety in a cool way, and the spots involving the chamber were by far the highlights of the match. Tremont came into the match by spearing Ryan through the plexiglass chamber which looked like a mini trunk driving through a wall. Skye powerbombed Cappucia through the stage and then followed up with a double stomp off of the chamber into the hole, like someone free jumping into an abyss. Some of the individual brawling looked good too, I like Tremonts uppercuts, Cole has some fun babyface fire, and both Ryan and Graham are fun sleazy bumping heels, kind of a poor man's Long Island PG-13. Still this went insanely long, nearly 50 minutes, and it was shot through with indy wrestling superkicks and cutters and all of that stuff. They also broke out tables and ladders and pizza cutters and thumbtacks and skewers and staple guns, none of which were necessary and took the shine off of the actually gimmick which was unique and cool. If they had edited this a bunch, got rid of the extra shit, and kept it to a tight 25 minutes focused on the huge moments, it would have been really cool, it just overdid it and lost me. 

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