Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, June 06, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: The Number One Contender

Week 26: The Number One Contender

EB: There are certain expectations when you are a member of El Ejercito de la Justicia. You watch each other's backs. You stand united against the rudos. You come to each other’s aid when the odds are against you. Someone will always team up with you when you need a partner. And one of the longstanding tenets of El Ejercito de la Justicia is the understanding that you do not challenge another member for a title they hold. It’s a gentleman’s agreement that has been respected for as long as El Ejercito de la Justicia has been around. Our journey through 1990 has given us many examples of these expectations in action. 

When Carlos Colon tried to regain the title from Leo Burke and El Club Deportivo kept interfering and injured his trainer Barba Roja, there was Invader #1 and TNT to team up with Carlos in his tag battles. When TNT was cheated out of his face paint, Carlos Colon ceded his upcoming title match to TNT so he could get his revenge on Burke and Chicky. When Burke and Chicky kept cheating against TNT, the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia were there to have his back, leading to TNT winning the Universal title. When TNT had his first match with Abdullah the Butcher as Universal champion, the entire tecnico locker room came out to alert the referee of what had gone down and the match was restarted. When Carlos Colon was being attacked by the Iron Sheik and the rudo alliance came out to form a human barrier, that did not stop the tecnicos from coming out to fight, with TNT managing to break the Iron Sheik’s camel clutch with a charishot. More recently we saw El Ejercito de la Justicia come out to stop Scott Hall from stealing a pinfall win over TNT on tv.

But perhaps most relevant to our current situation are the actions of Carlos Colon in late February. When TNT and Leo Burke finished their Universal title series, a new number one contender to the Universal title was named. It turned out to be Carlos Colon, who found himself in the position of having a fellow El Ejercito de la Justicia member as the Universal champion. It was unfamiliar territory for Carlos since he was always the only one from the tecnico side to hold the title. But keeping to what was considered proper etiquette, Colon decided to forego challenging TNT for the title with the explanation that it was in the tecnico camp and in good hands. This caused the number two contender to get the title shot and Abdullah the Butcher eventually defeated TNT for the title. This opened the door for Colon to challenge once more for the Universal title, something he mentioned on tv that he was hoping for if he made it to the number one contender position again. Colon did become the number one contender and was able to win the Universal title once more. 

Now in May 1990 we have a similar situation, as both the Universal champion and the number one contender are members of El Ejercito de la Justicia. Colon is in his familiar role as the Universal champion, while TNT is the number one contender. But unlike previous occasions where such a scenario could have occurred, TNT has gotten a taste of being the Universal champion. His win earlier in the year was the first time someone other than Carlos Colon had won the Universal title from the tecnico side. TNT’s reign was short, only lasting a month and a half, And while we can’t be sure because of the scarcity of results, it’s likely that he didn’t get a rematch after losing. TNT has climbed to the top of the rankings and now has a decision to make. The expectation from the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia is that the gentlemen’s agreement will be honored and they will continue operating as they always have, a united front. But TNT has not yet made his decision.

Not helping matters is one Chicky Starr, who has been seeding discord and stirring the pot with his comments. Chicky has been saying that he thinks TNT has the right to challenge for the Universal title since he is the  number one contender, that TNT is young, strong and progressed a lot in his career. Even though Chicky sent Scott Hall after TNT, he still has been talking positively about TNT, while doubling down on running down Carlos Colon. Chicky has been saying Colon is old, weak, past his prime, and that he’s hiding from having to defend against TNT. We saw how Chicky framed what happened during the tag match between Carlos & TNT and Mulumba & Hall. And discord and frustration does appear to be taking hold. TNT can set things in order by making the decision that is expected, but his desires may point him elsewhere. This is where we are at right now, waiting for TNT to make a decision, standing at the crossroads of expectation and desire. We’ll find out shortly what path TNT will take.   

MD: In my mind, we’ve reached this point for two potential reasons. The first is that despite a strong native babyface bench (Colon, TNT, Invader, Super Medico, Castillo, Perez) there is a deficit of heels with Race and Manny gone, Albright and Styles not quite having worked out, and Malumba more or less blown off. The second, and this is only a guess, is that they saw the success of WM6 and Hogan vs Warrior and wanted to tap into that zeitgeist. This is all new to me so I’m curious to see if plays out as face vs face like Summerslam 92 (with Chicky in the Flair role potentially) or if there’s a turn coming.

EB: We’re in another ‘dark’  period for results and footage about the goings on in CSP. The readily 

available results have a card result for May 5 and then the next one is from June 16. There are a couple of title changes in the listings for this period, although those are not necessarily always correct. For example, we saw the Caribbean singles title change hands on May 19 (which is evidenced by the footage we have). But the title history also lists the Caribbean tag title as changing hands on May 5, and as we’ll soon see, the footage we have points to that title change not actually occurring (we’ll discuss soon how the lineage should actually go). The few matches we have from this period are TV showcase matches, so we’ll take the opportunity to try to bridge the gap of where the wrestlers are going as we move from May into June. We’ll begin with a TV match featuring the team of the Invaders, which appears to be from early May.

EB: The Invaders are facing the team of Eddie Watts and El Gran Mendoza. Weirdly enough, instead of a bell we hear an air horn and both Watts and Invader #4 charge to the middle of the ring to start for their teams. Watts yells at the crowd and they lock up, with Invader #4  getting an armbar and then tagging in Invader #1. Watts and Invader #1 exchange arm wringers but Invader #1 wins that exchange and tags his brother back in. Invader #4 comes off the top with an ax handle onto Eddie’s arm. Another arm wringer and quick tag brings Invader #1 back in, who takes down Watts with a leg grapevine and then goes for a hammerlock. Invader # 1 and Watts exchange counters and again a quick tag is made to Invader #4. Watts is able to grab onto Invader #4’s mask for some leverage and is able to pull him into the rudo corner. Watts and Mendoza briefly double team Invader #4 and Mendoza is tagged in. Mendoza hits a backdrop on Invader #4, but he is able to land on his feet and dropkicks Mendoza. Another arm wringer quick tag sequence leads to Invader #1 irish whipping Invader #4 into a prone Mendoza in the corner, leading to a monkey flip. Mendoza grabs Invader #4 and pushes him back once more into the corner, where Watts is tagged in and is able to get some offense on Invader #4. Watts hits a running powerslam and tags Mendoza back in. Mendoza hits a back elbow for a pin attempt, but Invader #1 comes in to break it up. Mendoza hits a gutwrench suplex and Invader #1 again breaks up the pin attempt. Mendoza hits a slam, but misses an elbow drop from the middle turnbuckle. Invader #4 rolls over to tag Invader #1, who proceeds to clean house on both Mendoza and Watts. All four men end up in the ring and the Invaders try to whip the rudos into each other. Mendoza leapfrogs over Watts to avoid colliding but ends up getting hit with a heart punch from Invader #1. Invader #4 and Watts are fighting in a corner as Invader #1 covers and gets the three count. The Invaders raise theur hands in victory. We then go to Hugo in the studio for the show closing (looks like this was the last match for that specific TV episode). This Thursday they will be in Naranjito, Friday they will be in Yauco, and on Saturday they return to Estadio Hiram Bithorn in San Juan. 

MD: I kind of feel for Estrada, Jr. They were running a new Invader at the same exact time he was in as the new Super Medico and Huertas was wrestling like a guy who was going to do everything he could to make the most of the opportunity, full of flash and style. You’d think that Estrada, Jr. would be bringing that as the new Super Medico but he was getting outshined on a weekly basis by Invader 4, really through no fault of his own. Watts and Mendoza worked well here but the only thing you’ll really remember is the clever finishing sequence as Mendoza ran right into the heart punch. I usually like just a little more wind up for the move but here it was slick enough that it worked.

EB: Based on the threads we have been able to follow, it seems that after the May 5 match between the Invaders and Chicky & Burke (where the Invaders won by dq but did not win the Caribbean tag titles) the Invaders are moving away from being a full time tag team. The rivalry has become more focused on Invader #1 and Leo Burke.battling for the Caribbean singles little. We’ve seen how Leo Burke has taken to wearing boxing gloves and brag about being a Canadian boxing champion, mostly as a dig at Invader #1 and his famed heart punch. Burke used the boxing glove to knock out Invader #1 and win the Caribbean singles title (making Burke a double champion), and it appears that Burke and Chicky have taken a similar tactic to when they won the Caribbean tag titles. They are trying to avoid giving Invader #1 a legitimate rematch (or are cheating when they face off). As June approaches, Invader #1 has grown frustrated and is demanding a match vs Burke, no matter the stipulation. Burke and Chicky have jumped on this and say they have an idea for a match that will play to Leo’s skills. We’ll update this story as we get nearer to Aniversario 90.

As for Invader #4, he is going to remain active wrestling as a singles wrestler and also teaming up with different members of El Ejercito de la Justicia. Case in point, let’s go to a tv match where Invader #4 is teaming up with Huracan Castillo to face Los Mercenarios, a match that appears to be from the May 12 weekend.

EB: Los Mercenarios are taking on the team of Huracan Castillo and Invader #4. The teams stare at each other as Invader #4 finishes taking off his jumpsuit. Moyano on commentary mentions that the tecnico team will have speed and quickness to their advantage here. Invader #4 and Ron Starr start off and jockey for position. This leads to each man briefly punching the other in the corner, but Ron irish whips Invader #4 into the opposite corner. A charging elbow is dodged by Invader #4, who is able to grab Ron from behind and hold him for an incoming Castillo charge and monkey flip attempt. This time Starr is able to get loose and Castillo ends up accidentally monkey flipping Invader #4, who manages to land right on his feet and proceeds to punch out Mercenario #1 on the apron as Castillo punches Ron. Castillo remains in the ring and puts Starr in a side headlock. Starr is sent into the ropes and hits a leapfrog but is knocked down by a Castillo clothesline. They jockey for a full nelson position, countering each other’s holds until Ron is able to do an armbar takedown on Huracan. Mercenario #1 is tagged in but Castillo is able to regain control with a headlock. Castillo is sent into the ropes, but hits a shoulder tackle, two dropkicks and two slams on Acevedo. Castillo is cut off by a knee to the midsection and Ron Starr is tagged back in. Ron does an arm wringer into a clothesline, and then rams Castillo’s head into the turnbuckle. Huracan blocks a punch and grabs a headlock, but Ron counters with a back suplex. Los Mercenarios do some quick tags so they can double team Castillo in their corner. Castillo is able to hit Starr with a clothesline that gives him the opening to tag Invader #4 in, who fights off both Mercenarios with punches. All four men end up in the ring.  Castill whips Ron into a  corner but misses a shoulder block, ending up outside of the ring. This allows Los Mercenarios to double team Invader #4. As Ron Starr continues the attack, Acevedo decides to leave the ring and goes in search of a chair. He promptly brings the chair to the ring and attacks Invader #4 with it (as somehow the ref doesn't notice as Ron Starr has him distracted).  Los Mercenarios set up Invader #4 for a spike piledriver but before they can hit it the Super Medicos run in and save Invader #4. The bell rings and Los Mercenarios and Super Medicos continue fighting on the outside of the ring. Ron leaves but Acevedo is double teamed by both Medicos, as Castillo checks on Invader #4. Ron Starr emerges from the locker area with a chair and uses it to attack both Super Medicos and help his partner. Los Mercenarios leave as both Super Medicos are on the ground from the chair shots. 

We then go to a couple of promos where El Proge is with the Mercenarios and mentions that tonight the two teams are facing off in a Texas Death Match at Hiram Bithorn (this is likely May 12 and would be the week after the cage match the teams had). Anything goes and there won’t be winners, only survivors who will naturally be Los Mercenarios. Ron Starr offers some comments about the match. The Super Medicos also cut a promo indicating they will go all out since anything goes. Medico #1 mentions that it’s a Texas Death match, so they can hit them with chairs, with anything, even in the ‘jewels’ (he actually says jewels in English to get around not being able to say it in Spanish). The World tag team titles are not on the line, but they are physically and mentally ready for tonight. It looks like the cage match was not the last part of this feud, but it is close to wrapping up as both teams will be moving on to other challenges in the second half of May. 

MD: Here, Invader 4 fits right in with Castillo. They had some clever stuff early on in the corner where Ron Starr moved at the last second forcing the tecnicos to basically monkey flip one another only to land on their feet and immediately move into the next attack. Later on a hot comeback got cut off as Castillo went sailing into the post shoulder first and they were able to commit highway robbery with a chair with a barely distracted ref. As they set up for the spike pile driver (with a nice wheelbarrow sort of entry point), the Super Medicos came out to save Invader. Things broke down with the Super Medicos controlling on Assassin until Starr came back out with a chair to ambush them. I’m a little surprised that the run-in happened before the match ended as you didn’t really need to protect the hodgepodge team of Castillo and Invader 4. 

EB: The feud between Los Mercenarios and the Super Medicos that has been on and off since February looks to be finally over after the Texas Death match. Both teams will move into other things as the month of June approaches. In the case of Los Mercenarios, it will be the rekindling of an old rivalry. We’ll discuss soon what lies ahead for the Super Medicos.

As mentioned, Invader #4 will also focus a bit more on the singles division, as we have a match from that May 12 house show where Invader #4 takes on the former World Junior champion Eddie Watts.

The match is in progress with Watts in control, choking  Invader #4 with his boot on the ropes. Invader #4 ends up basically in a bridge position over the bottom rope with his head hanging outside of the ring, so Watts goes out to chop and hit Invader #4. Watts hits a suplex for a two count as Hugo explains that Invader #4 was controlling the match with his high flying moves until Watts resorted to some illegal tactics to take over. Watts rams Invader #4 into a corner and then process to repeatedly stomp him while daring Invader #4 to get up. Watts again puts Invader #4 in the corner to chop him, but Invader #4 counters with chops of his own. Invader #4 Irish whips Watts across the ring but then  runs into Eddie’s boots when following up with a charge. Watts takes too long to jump off the middle turnbuckle with an elbow drop and Invader#4 rolls out of the way. Watts regains control by scraping his knee across Invader #4’s eyes. Watts attempts what looks to be a suplex to the apron, but Invader #4 blocks it and counters with his own suplex. Watts tries for a piledriver but it’s also blocked and countered with a backdrop. After a brief flurry of blows by Invader #4, both men end up knocking each other down with clotheslines. Watts gets to his feet first and slams Invader #4. Eddie goes to the top rope to attempt a Canadian guillotine, but again takes too long and Invader #4 rolls out of the way. From this point Invader #4 takes control of the match, firing off several punches and a clothesline. Watts begs off and ends up in the ropes, leading to a fun sequence where Invader #4 punches Watts and Eddie seesaws upside down on the ropes before being flipped up and punched again. A backdrop leads to a sunset flip by Invader #4 but it only gets a two count. Invader #4 counters a Watts slam attempt into a small package, but again only gets two. Both men trade punches and Invader #4 tries a standing switch into a roll up, but Watts holds onto the ropes and causes Invader #4 to crash land on the mat. Watts thinks he has it now, but misses an elbow drop. Invader #4 hits a body slam and splash for a two count. Watts whips Invader #4 into a corner, but Invader #4 leaps onto the turnbuckles and comes off with a reverse flying bodypress that gets the three count. A good win for Invader #4 over the former World Junior champion.

MD: Invader 4 comes off as more competent than any “4” you’d see and it does keep throwing me a little. This was a perfectly fine GWF Light Heavyweight match. If Watts had come long five years earlier, he probably could have had a good run in Alabama facing a younger Armstrong brother or Tim Horner or someone. Here he worked the arm early and ultimately missed a top rope elbow drop and a legdrop and a conventional elbow drop. Great teeter-totting by Watts in the ropes as he went heels over head and completely vertical. This had a pretty hot finishing stretch with nearfalls before Invader hit the back body press for the win.

EB: With the Invaders focusing less on being a full time team, that means that there is an opening for a tecnico team to fill that spot. The Caribbean Express spent most of 1990 so far focusing more on singles action (although still teaming up occasionally). Hurcana Castillo has found success by winning the World Junior title, while Miguelito Perez has had his ups and downs. It looks like the Caribbean Express have decided to compete once again more often in the tag division and we have a tv showcase match featuring them. 

EB: We join the match in progress as Miguelito has Mr. Tempest #1 (in a blue mask) in an armbar and tags in Castillo. Tempest #1 is sent into the ropes and receives an elbow from Castillo. However, Tempest #1 sees an opening when Huracan tries to pick him up and hits some punches to the midsection to gain control. Tempest #1 backs Castillo into a corner but an irish whip attempt is revered by Huracan. A hiptoss by Castillo is followed by a nice sequence of two flying headscissor takedowns. Tempet #1 is so flustered that he falls down before a third attempt is made and tags out. Huracan tags in Miguelito and Perez is able to slam and hit a legdrop on Tempest #2 (in a red mask). Perez foregoes a pin attempt and sends Tempest #2 into the ropes for a dropkick. Tempest #2 gets some blows in and backs Perez into the rudo corner with a headbutt, but it looks like he hurt himself in the process and falls down. Perez hits a back elbow on Tempest #1 and then grabs Tempest #2 to try to knock the two rudo heads together. Tempest #1 tags in but Miguelito continues on the attack, just beating on Tempest #1 for almost a minute. Tempest #2 eventually tries to come in but is met by a dropkick from Perez. Migueltio slams Tempest #1 and tags Castillo, who goes to the top and then stands on Perez’s shoulders to deliver a crossbody block for the pinfall. The Caribbean Express gets the win and it looks like they are ready to once again become more active in the tag division.  

MD: Three minute enhancement match. I do like when there are jobbers with corresponding masks of different color (one red, one blue). At one point, Perez got worked into the heel corner just so he could fight out. That was the only drama here. Finish was Castillo standing on Perez’s shoulders in the corner and leaping off; usually that’s for a splash but here it was for a flying body press.

EB: The Caribbean Express will find themselves rekindling an old rivalry in the second half of May. We’ll discuss what their path to Aniversario 90 is next time.  But in more pressing news, it looks like TNT has decided what he will do. TNT has decided to… challenge for the Universal title. This decision was met with confusion and frustration from the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia. This is not how they operate and they think that TNT is confused. Different people expressed their concerns to TNT about pursuing this course of action and an emergency meeting has been organized so that the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia can talk things out and have the situation cleared up. Let’s go to that meeting, taking place in mid May (likely May 19).

The video opens with the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia all sitting around a table as Hugo is present and commenting. Hugo thanks the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia for allowing them to have a camera present and observe this meeting. The topic of the meeting is related to TNT and his stated intent to challenge for the Universal title.  Hugo says that we have been waiting for quite a  while for the meeting to officially begin. The holdup is that TNT has not arrived and they are waiting on him. At the table we have Carlos Colon, Super Medico #1 in representation of all of the Super Medicos, Miguelito Perez, Huracan Castillo Jr., and the Invaders #1 and #4. Hugo goes over to ask Castillo if TNT was aware of the meeting’s start time. Castillo says that they’re all sitting here wondering, since it’s been about an hour since they were all supposed to be here and TNT has not arrived yet. Hugo addresses the viewers, mentioning who is at the meeting and that they’re discussing the direction El Ejercito de la Justicia should take. ‘We’re going to stay and observe what happens regarding TNT and El Ejercito de la Justicia’. The camera focuses on the wrestlers gathered around the table and we hear their conversation: ‘Did you call his house?’ ‘Yeah, we need to see what’s going on.’ ‘I called him earlier. I can call him again if you want.’ ’See if you can, this is very important.’ As the conversation is going on we see Carlos get up and try calling TNT on the phone, he gets no response. ‘I haven't really seen him acting weird in the locker room, he’s been his usual self.’ ‘Have any of you had a conversation with him?’ ‘The Universal title got in his head.’

We cut back to Hugo (it looks like it’s a bit later) and he tells the viewers that we still are waiting and still no TNT. Hugo says the atmosphere here is getting a bit hot as we go back to the conversation around the table. Maelo (Invader #4) says that he saw TNT a bit restless last night and he thinks there's a 90% chance he’s gone from the group. Super Medico #1 says that ‘TNT is the TV champion, we (El Ejercito de la Justicia) have treated him well, I don’t know why TNT has taken this attitude.’ Invader #4 responds that ‘He’s focused on the Universal title, he’s gotten that into his head’. Invader #1 interrupts by saying ‘’The title is already in good hands, it’s in our camp’, but Maelo responds with ‘TNT isn’t looking at it the way we are, I don’t know, it’s something that’s gotten into his head’. Super Medico #1 goes ‘Or someone has stuck that idea in his head.’ Invader 1 replies ‘I think that’s it.’’ 

Hugo mentions that there seems to be doubts about TNT but goes back to the table when Carlos starts speaking. ‘We have to remain united.’ All put their hands together as remarks of ‘Onwards’, ‘Always united’ are heard. Miguelito comments ‘We’ll always stay united and if TNT leaves, then we don’t want him. If Chicky Starr wants him ,then he can have him. But we’ll continue to be El Ejercito de la Justicia and united’ The camera focuses again on Hugo as he remarks we are at a historic moment for El Ejercito de la Justicia.There are doubts about TNT going with Chicky Starr. Hugo goes over to talk with Carlos, the man who would practically be in danger if this is what has happened. Hugo thanks Carlos for allowing them to be here and be with the guys for this meeting. Hugo laments that TNT is not here at this moment, because he knows the viewers at home are saddened by this. ‘Carlos, since he hasn’t shown up, nor called, nor given an excuse, what does this officially mean to you so the viewers watching Super Estrellas may know?’ ‘Well Hugo, it would mean that this would be a big blow for us. As I’ve always said, we are a family here, and he (TNT) is one of the pillars of this organization. If he’s gone, which I’m sure is the case because he promised me, gave me his word as a man that he would be here with us. He has not arrived, to me that means that he is over there. And I tell you, it’s a big blow for us, it hurts us a lot, but we’ll continue on whether it’s without him or with him. So TNT, if you want the championship, we’ll give you the opportunity. But we’ll give you a lesson that you will never forget, because you have betrayed us, and betrayed us in a very bad way. So TNT, you’ll hold to the consequences now.’ The camera zooms around one more time at the wrestlers before we cut.

We immediately go to an interview where Hugo has tracked down TNT after the meeting held by El Ejercito de la Justicia and is looking for answers. Hugo is in the middle of asking TNT if this means that he has officially joined Chicky Starr’s El Club Deportivo. TNT responds ‘That is not true, sir.’ Hugo replies  ‘But you weren't there at the meeting El Ejerctio de la Justicia held!’ TNT replies with a bit of heat in his voice: ‘Hugo, in the first place I had nothing to do in that meeting. Secondly, they wanted to change my goals and that goal is the Universal championship. And in the third place, they and no one will change that idea I have about the Universal championship. Many people close to me, loved by me, advised me to not challenge Carlos Colon for the Universal title. An old school teacher of mine also told me the same thing. Huracan Castillo Sr. called me up at home and asked what was going on with me, why was I talking about the Universal championship if I knew that Carlos Colon is holding it. And I told him that I am simply doing something that he taught me to do, and that was to set goals for myself. I have that goal and that goal is the Universal championship. All of those people that offered me advice did not waste their time, but they also didn’t change my mind. In turn Carlos Colon, you have spent too long as Universal champion. You have been president of El Ejercito de la Justicia for a long time, and you have spent a long time wrestling in Puerto Rico and across the world. Carlos Colon, I think that you are getting up there in age. And if we add all of those years up, that is a lot of years Carlos Colon. On the other hand, TNT is a young man, with a hunger to be the Universal champion, and Carlos Colon, I am challenging you for the Universal title. I want to be the new Universal champion, and Carlos Colon, remember one thing, TNT is Puerto Rican just like you. And no one, no one!, will change my mind about this, whether you like it or not.’

MD: We really need to pause here and think about this faction. I’ve seen a lot of wrestling, in the WWF and WCW and AEW and Mexico and England and France and Japan and I can’t think of too many long lasting babyface units, especially ones like this. You’d get Dudes with Attitude or the Union or Sting’s Squadron and it would build to a big match and then everyone would go their separate ways. This, as an established group with bylaws to the point where you can just stick all the tecnicos in a room and it feels like a perfectly natural and normal part of their world, is unique. It’s novel. It’s something that I can’t think really happened anywhere else. Hugo made it seem like these meetings happened all the time. You can just picture it. Abdullah’s back. What are we going to do? Profe has some new guys from Japan. What’s the plan? White Angel just left Chicky. Do we trust him? It’s just one more thing that makes this territory unique and here it worked perfectly to set up this angle and TNT going rogue.

EB: Later on in the same program, we had a Super Medicos match to close the program, followed by some comments from Hugo Savinocih about the situation involving Carlos, TNT and the Universal title. Before going to the match, let’s take a moment to talk about the Super Medicos path into June and towards Aniversario 90. As World tag team champions, the Super Medicos are expected to defend the titles at Aniversario and they will do so against a team to be named. In the meantime, both Super Medico #1 and #3 will get involved in different singles rivalries with some members of El Club Deportivo. Super Medico #3 will cross paths with Rick Valentine, while Super Medico #1 is taking on Leo Burke (it looks like that tv match we covered in our last installment has led to a bit more between them). Now let’s go to that tv match.

The Super Medicos (#1 & # 3) are taking on the team of Eddie Watts and the Blue Angel. Watts is no longer the World Junior champion and it seems like he’s on the downward slide since Chicky is no longer managing him.  Hector Moyano and Eliud Gonzalez are on commentary and Moyano states that Watts and Blue Angel have very tough opponents. Super Medico #1 and Blue Angel start off and Medico #1 controls the match. Watts tags in and fares a bit better, getting a side headlock and a shoulder tackle. Super Medico #1 is able to counter a rope reversal sequence into a hiptoss and Watts begs off after landing right on his butt. Watts claims his tights were pulled (still using those tactics he learned from Chiky and Burke) but the ref isn’t buying it. Blue Angel is tagged in bu Medico #1 takes him down and tags in Super Medico #3. Medico #3 knocks down Blue Angel with a clothesline, but Angel actually comes back with a short offensive flurry where he knocks down Medico #3 with a clothesline of his own. This doesn’t last long as Medico #3 recovers with some punches and an arm wringer. Medico #1 is tagged in and works the arm wringer, but Blue Angel is able to back Medico #1 into the rudo corner.  Watts and Angel take advantage to switch out when the ref is distracted by the incoming Medico #3. Watts gets some punches, a slam and legdrop on Medico #1 and tries a pin off a clothesline, but only gets a one count. Watts tries another clothesline but Medico #1 ducks and counters off the ropes with a crossbody for a two count. They exchange a couple of punches, but Watts grabs a headlock and drags Medico #1 over to the rudo corner. Angel is tagged back in and they try a double team maneuver where Angel goes to the top rope as Watts slams Medico #1. Angel misses the top rope elbow drop and Medico #1 makes the tag to Medico #3. A series of blows leads to an elbow off the ropes and Medico #3 attempts a pin. This brings in both Watts and Medico #1 and all four men briefly scuffle. The Medicos send the rudos into the ropes and hit stereo backdrops, followed by Medico #1 hitting a dropkick on Watts to send him out of the ring. This sets up the finish, as Medico #1 slams Blue Angel and then the Medicos hit a Rocket Launcher to get the pinfall. A solid win for the reigning World tag team champions. 

After the match, we go back to Hugo in the studio for the show's closing. ‘Wow, as always the best wrestling in the world. This Friday we will be in Arecibo and this Saturday we will be in Carolina. It’s unfortunate what we saw today, the peace that existed within El Ejercito de la Justicia has practically vanished. And tying things together, after what we saw in that meeting and the interview we conducted with TNT, it’s almost a certainty that the match of Carlos vs TNT is on. As sure as there is a God in heaven and that the sport of professional wrestling demands that the champion defends their title against the number one contender. To my understanding, I have not a single doubt that the Universal title match between Carlitos and TNT will go ahead’.  Hugo signs off, promising updates next week on the situation between Carlos Colon and TNT regarding the Universal title. There will also be updates on the rivalry between El Club Deportivo and El Ejercito de la Justicia. ‘Remember Aniversario 90 is July 7 at Coliseo Ruben Rodriquez and Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel in Bayamon. 10 super bouts.’’

MD: Not much to say about the Medicos tag. Blue Angel did not have the world’s most marketable mask. I think it was supposed to invoke angel wings with an outline on the front but I wasn’t really seeing it. Watts was bombastic at least. I have to fight the urge to track down his later stuff. He probably doesn’t quite rise to that level. Angel gets a lucky lariat and controls on Medico 1 for a bit, but only a bit as they end up clearing house and hitting a simultaneous back body drop followed by a rocket launcher. Definitive win. 

EB: The members of El Ejercito de la Justicia feel betrayed by TNT’s decision. They are disappointed, frustrated and angry. Carlos Colon would express such sentiments when interviewed about his upcoming matches, saying that this was something he tried to avoid until it wasn't possible. But Carlos wanted TNT to know that it wasn’t because he was afraid of him, but it was done in order to keep the unity and family that is El Ejercito de la Justicia. Unfortunately, TNT has chosen this path and he’ll get his title match, but Carlos wants everyone to know that TNT will be taught a lesson and that there are consequences to this decision. 

A contract signing would be held for the Universal title match between Carlos Colon and TNT, one that featured the WWC commissioner Hayden T Joseph, the Puerto Rico boxing and wrestling commissioner Felix Suarez ,and representatives of Capitol Sports Promotions (including Victor Jovica). The match would be dubbed ‘Un reto para la historia’ (a challenge for history). Both men wanted to focus on training for the match, but Colon would find things complicated due to a challenge from Scott Hall. Let’s take a look atScott Hall’s debut match in Puerto Rico against Victor Jovica (it goes chronologically before the match vs Miguelito Perez match we covered last week). 

MD: Quick note here. “A Challenge for History” is real close to “The Ultimate Challenge” if you ask me.

EB: Hugo and Chicky are on commentary and their comments are mainly focused on putting over Hall’s credentials and potential to make an impact in CSP. Chicky mentions that he needed to reinforce El Club Deportivo and Hall is the man to take care of any member of El Ejercito de la Justicia, be it Colon, Invader # 1 or TNT. Hugo says that Jovica is really going to have to dig deep to go against Hall just with the size difference alone. They lock up and Hall backs Jovica into the corner as we get an insert promo from Miguelito Perez talking about their match tonight (the one we covered in our last post). They lock up again and this time Jovica backs Hall into a corner before breaking. Hall does a standing switch when they lock up again and tries a cradle for a one count. Jovica is able to get a full nelson on Hall, but Scott is able to power out and counters with his own full nelson. Jovica tries to power out but Hall is too strong. However, Jovica manages to leverage one arm lose and basically judo throws Hall over to break the hold. Hall complains about his tights being pulled as Hugo on commentary says you have to give a lot of credit to Jovica for being able to get out of the hold (although Chicky counters by stating that Jovica must have used up a lot of his strength right there). Hall takes Jovica down and works the leg with kicks and some submissions (kneebar and spinning toe hold). Hugo reminds the fans that they will be this Thursday in Corozal and Friday in Jayuya..  Hall continues working the leg by dragging Jovica to the ring apron and smashing Jovica’s left leg on the edge of the apron. Hall continues kicking Jovica’s leg in the corner, but an eye rake halts Hall’s momentum and gives Jovica a short comeback flurry. Hall cuts it off with an atomic drop and then lifts him up in an inverted body vice (I’m guessing this is the high backbreaker variant Hugo was talking about instead of the fallaway slam). Jovica gives up and Hall gets the win in his debut match.

MD: I maybe give too much credit for people figuring themselves out in Puerto Rico but we have seen it a lot over the years, from Buddy Landel on, and watching this, I get the sense that maybe Hall did as well. He was stooging fine here but a lot of this was him just kicking at the leg or twisting it and some full nelson spots and what not, really leaning into his size and strength more than his style. Even using the over the shoulder backbreaker makes me wonder if he, having Jovica up there, started to wonder about using the Razor’s Edge/Crucifix.

EB: Scott Hall had stated that he wanted to go for the Universal title. Getting the pin over Colon in the tag match only fueled this aspiration more, and Chicky would issue a challenge to Carlos on behalf of Scott Hall. Let’s go to a tv match where Scott Hall is taking on Huracan Castillo.

We join the match in progress as Hall has a spinning toe hold on Castillo. Eliud Gonzalez is mentioning on commentary that Chicky Starr is complaining that the person they are looking for is Carlos Colon. Hector Moyano replies that Chicky never changes, always coming over to the commentary table to complain and rant about the same things and launching insults at them. Hall works Castillo over in the corner, having draped Castillo’s leg over the middle rope. Hall tries to ram Huracan’s head into the turnbuckle but Castillo blocks and rams Hall’s head instead. Moyano mentions that Castillo is trying to come back against Hall, who has dominated most of the match. Hall hits an elbow to stop Castillo’s brief offensive flurry. As Hall continues in control, the announcers talk about Chicky issuing a challenge to Carlos Colon on Hall’s behalf. Hall puts Castillo in a single leg crab hold (although when he started putting it on I thought he was going for a scorpion deathlock) Chicky heads back to the commentary table to yell at Moyano that he should talk clearly and just say that Hall is better than Castillo. Eliud asks Chicky about the rope around his neck, Chicky says that it’s no one's business. By this point, Castillos starts mounting a comeback with a dropkick and a high knee that sends Hall to the outside. Castillo hits a baseball slide on Hall, but is caught on a follow up grab attempt by Hall and dragged to the outside, where they start exchanging blows. Hall is able to ram Castillo into the fence and throws Castillo back into the ring. Hall hits the crucifix and gets the pinfall win.  

MD: Yeah, I’m not sure about Hall at this point, I’m just not. He still seems rough around the edges for a guy with so much experience and for someone who looks like he did put it together by a year later. There was one point where he hit a headbutt to the guts off the ropes where I just don’t know if it was he was even going for and he criss crosses the legs for a scorpion deathlock that somehow becomes a half crab. The transition to set up the finish is really just him pulling Castillo outside to beat on him a bit and a guy like Castillo deserved more than that. 

EB: Carlos would end up facing Chicky Starr on TV (not sure if on the same episode or a bit later) and it led to more fuel being added to the Scott Hall fire. Unfortunately, the video of the Colon vs Chicky match has the audio muted (likely due to a music copyright claim on the added intro to the video). Still, even without the audio it gives more context to the Colon vs Hall series.

Carlos is facing the mastermind of El Club Deprotivo himself, the one and only Chicky Starr. Remember that Chicky has issued a challenge on Hall’s behalf and there’s no shortage of reasons for Carlos to want to get his hands on Chicky.. The match is already in progress, with Carlos unleashing a fury of punches on Chicky. The ref tries to back Colon away from the corner but Carlos shoves him aside. While this is happening, Chicky takes a moment to lower his kneepad, and when Carlos gets close, knees him in the midsection. Chciky quickly readjusts the kneepad before El Vikingo can notice it. Chicky kicks and stomps Carlos, but the ref gets Chicky to back off in order to check the kneepad (Carlos must have complained about that happening). Carlos is trying to get up but is holding his stomach in pain. The ref gives the all clear to Chicky after checking his kneepads and Chicky goes right back on the attack. Chicky hits a closed fist punch, which the referee asks him about after a complaint from Carlos. Chicky claims it was an open hand strike. Carlos is able to get to his knees but Chicky starts kicking him again and Colon falls to the mat. Chicky does a series of kneedrops on Colon’s midsection. Chicky fires off a series of punches and cuts off a brief flurry from Carlos with a knee to the midsection. Chicky continues with the illegal punches but Carlos starts getting a second wind and hits a headbutt. Carlos takes down Chicky and does a cartwheel, as Chciky begs off. Carlos continues on the attack, taking Chicky down and starts working over Chicky’s leg. He stomps both of Chicky’s knees and then hits an elbow drop on the right leg, Carlos is setting up for the figure four leglock. The figure four is put on and Chicky is in pain.  But before he can submit, Scott Hall runs out with a bullrope that has a cowbell on it (this is the rope Eliud was asking Chicky about earlier). Hall attacks Colon, forcing him to break the figure for and the match ends in a disqualification. Carlos fires off a punch to defend himself against Hall ,but Hall fires back by hitting Colon with the cowbell. Colon goes down and Hall continues attacking Colon with kicks and hits with the cowbell. The ref tries to get Hall to stop but Hall continues with the assault. El Vikingo calls for the bell to be rung again and tries to get between Hall and the downed Colon. Scott starts kicking El Vikingo for trying to break it up. Carlos is bleeding and tries to grab onto the bullrope, but Hall again hits Carlos and proceeds to tie the bullrope around Colon’s neck. Hall ends up hogtying Colon  and then gets on his back to startt ‘riding’ Carlos as if he were a mule (including mocking slaps on the butt as if he were egging him to go faster). Hall finally stops the attack and raises his arms, then leaves with a beaten up Chicky Starr.  El Vikingo (a bit worse for the wear) checks on Carlos, who is getting loose from the bullrope. Carlos is profusely bleeding and has been humiliated. The winner by dq is Carlos, but he has been left in a bad way.
Next we get promos from Chick and Hall and then a bloody Carlos Colon ,but we unfortunately don’t have the audio for them. Still, we get an impressive visual of a bloody Carlos Colon holding the bullrope and yelling angrily at the camera about what Hall did to him. This rivalry does end up leading to a bullrope match between Carlos Colon and Scott Hall, taking place on June 16 in Caguas. While we don’t have footage of the bullrope match, we do have video of another match from this feud (likely the one before the bullrope match), one where Cbicky Starr was in a cage above the ring to prevent him from interfering. 

MD: Chicky’s act with the kneepad here is great; perfect timing on sneaking it down, getting his shot in, sneaking it back, and limping around a bit for the ref’s sake. I could watch him do it for twenty minutes but we get just a few before Carlos fires back, cartwheels and gets Chicky down for the figure four. I bet the heat for Hall coming out, opening him up with the cowbell and then hogtying him was huge so it’s a shame we can’t hear it. This is definitely Hall as Hansen. It’s a shame we don’t have the blowoff (and even though we don’t have it; again, credit to them for building big matches for Colon), but let’s see what we do have.

This match is from Carolina (so likely early June, either the 2nd or 9th) and is from a Clasicos segment years later (so no original commentary to help with the context). The match is already in progress, with Hall being forced to release a single leg crab hold due to the referee catching Hall using the ropes for leverage. Hall attempts a pin after an elbow drop but Colon kicks out. Hall goes for another cover after a backbreaker but only gets a two count. We see a brief shot of Chicky in the cage as Hall stomps on Colon. Hall hits a slam and a legdrop but again only gets a two count. As Hall again stomps Carlos, we get a camera shot that shows Chicky hanging above the ring. Hall puts Colon in an abdominal stretch and works the hold while also using the ropes for leverage. El Vikingo eventually catches Hall grabbing the ropes and kicks Hall’s arm to get him to let go. Colon takes the opening to hiptoss Hall and break the hold. Colon goes for a splash but hits Hall’s knees instead. Hall does several stomps and then puts Colon in a bearhug. Colon tries to fight out of the hold but Hall wrenches it in ,as we see Chicky in the cage cheering Hall on. Colon tries several headbutts and almost gets the bearhug broken, but Hall regroups and locks it in again. After working the bearhug for a while, the ref checks Colon’s arms but Carlos is able to keep them up before dropping three times. Carlso starts punching Hall and finally breaks the bearhug, but Hall immediately hits a knee to the midsection to stop Colon from gaining any more momentum. Hall sends Colon into the ropes but makes the mistake of putting his head down too early. Carlos stops himself by grabbing the ropes and kicks Hall in the head. Carlos starts getting his second wind (complete with a cartwheel) and hits Hall with punches and a headbutt. Colon rams Hall’s head across the different turnbuckles, but an irish whip charge is countered by Hall lifting his legs to kick an incoming Colon in the face. Hall stomps Colon twice and signals for the crucifix. We see a shot of  a pleased Chicky Starr as Hall sets up Colon for the crucifix. Hall tries to lift Colon from the powerbomb position, but Carlos counters with a backdrop. Colon starts punching and biting Hall on the mat. A headbutt sends a staggered Hall to the outside and Colon follows him out. Carlos hits several blows to Hall’s back and rams his head into the ring apron. Hall tries to get away but Carlos gives chase and rams Hall’s head again against the ring apron. However, this time Hall hits a backward kick to Colon’s groin, sending Carlos crumpling to the floor. Halal attacks Colon, ramming his head against the ringpost as the referee continues the ring out count. Hall poses and again rams Colon’s head against the ringpost. Colon is able to get his bearings and they start exchanging punches as the referee tries to get their attention about getting back in the ring. Hall gets back in the ring and catches Carlos when he follows him back in. Colon is staggering a bit and Hall decides to go to the corner to get the bullrope. Hall proceeds to clothesline Colon with the bullrope, causing the ref to call for the bell as Hall whips Carlos repeatedly with the bullrope. Hall  then wraps the rope around Colon’s neck and tries to lift Carlos up on his back in order to hang him. Carlos is able to flip over on the third attempt and yank the bullrope out of Hall’s hands. It’s now Colon;s turn to use the bullrope, as he starts whipping Hall with it. The video ends with Hall bailing from the ring to escape Colon and the bullrope. Between the attack on tv and the use of the bullrope here, you can see how the logical blow off would be a bullrope match.
MD: In my head, Hall is getting just a little better with each match in Puerto Rico, plus he’s finding a bit more of his act. Here, before the comeback, he teased the “Crucifix” and for the first time that we’ve seen he put his arms out out in the cross position first. It didn’t do him any good as Colon got out but it was another step on the road. He was nice and methodological, confident, took his time on offense, hitting a side slam, locking on the abdominal stretch. Chicky wasn’t there to run interference (he was in a cage after all) so Hall couldn’t cheat. He had a long bearhug that was effective even if not what I’d expect out of him (We just saw a lot of it with Steve Strong for instance). When Colon had him rocked, Hall came back with the bullrope, getting DQ’d. He tried to hang Colon over his shoulder, but in a nice visual, Colon flipped over and fired back clearing the ring and building towards their final encounter.

EB: The Colon vs Hall bullrope match was not the only noteworthy match happening on June 16.  TNT was also in action and it was against someone that you wouldn’t have expected just a few weeks before. TNT’s insistence on challenging for the Universal title and the attitude he has taken about has caused a rift between him and the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia, The tecnicos feel that TNT has betrayed them by insisting on this course of action, and they’ve called him out for it. For his part TNT says that he is going to shut them up by beating all of them if needed. His verbiage in interviews has started to take on a more disrespectful tone and he seems to be parroting a lot of phrases that a certain leader of El Club Deportivo has been using to run down Carlos Colon. TNT has not joined the rudos but he sure seems to be thinking a bit like them. On June 16, TNT faced Miguelito Perez in a singles match,  a match where the entire El Ejercito de la Justicia sat at ringside to observe.

This clip is from a  Campeones episode featuring Hugo Savinovich and Huracan Castillo on commentary. Huracan is filling in for Carlos Colon, who is focusing on training for the upcoming Universal title match at Aniversario. We join the match near its conclusion, with Miguelito having TNT down in a sleeperhold and the referee lifting TNT’s arm to check if he was still conscious. TNT keeps the arm up and starts fighting back to his feet as Perez keeps the sleeperhold on. TNT is able to stand up and ram Miguelito backwards into the corner in order to break the sleeper. .An exhausted TNT gives a back elbow to keep Perez at bay and then tries to whip Perez towards the opposite corner. Hugo on commentary mentions that TNT is calling on his knowledge of sleeperholds to recover from the effects. Miguelito reverses the irish whip and it is TNT that goes into the corner. However, Perez puts his head down too early and TNT leapfrogs over Perez, catching him with a dynamite kick. Perez is down and TNT starts pointing to something at ringside. The camera view switches and we see that the  entire El Ejercito de la Justicia is sitting at ringside, observing the match. Hugo mentions this to Castillo, who comments that TNT is pointing at them as if to signal I’ve got this now. TNT puts the Cobra Dinamita on and, as Miguelito struggles to get out of the hold, the tecnicos at ringside stand up and approach the ring. They appear to be clapping and encouraging Perez to get to the ropes and break the hold. Carlos and Invader #1 are shown cheering Miguelito on, but he can’t quite get to the ropes and TNT takes him down in the hold. Perez ends up going unconscious and TNT gets the win. Huracan on commentary mentions that the Cobra Dinamita is too strong of a hold when TNT cinches it in and that it is a very dangerous hold. Hugo says you have to give credit to Miguelito for putting up the fight he did. Still inside the ring, TNT stares at Carlos Colon who is standing at ringside. El Vikingo comes over and tells TNT that he needs to wake up Miguelito from the effects of the cobra. But TNT turns around and walks away, and you can see Super Medico #1 start shouting at TNT to come back. Carlos Colon follows TNT as he walks away from t he ring and starts gesturing at TNT to go back to the ring. TNT goes over to the ringside table and picks up a microphone, and if you look just behind TNT you’ll see Chicky Starr come up the stairs. TNT looks at Carlos and says::” Carlos ‘Viejito’ Colon (viejito means old man), that (points at ring) is what will happen to you at Aniversario 90”. TNT tosses down the microphone and heads down the stairs, with Chicky Starr seemingly leading the way. Carlos grabs the microphone and yells at TNT: “Wake him up, that’s what you have to do. Wake him up!” TNT just ignores Colon and continues downstairs. Hugo says that they are over time and thanks the network for letting them go long. A frustrated Colon turns back towards the ring as the tecnicos start to check on Perez. The video ends there but I imagine Victor Jovica was likely able to help wake Miguelito up from the hold.

MD: Wild angle. Even through the finish, even as Colon and company were cheering on Perez to escape the cobra, TNT was wrestling clean. He had broken the sleeper, had recovered, had leaped over Perez and hit a pretty awesome dynamite kick. There was nothing illegal about the cobra clutch. But then, everything took a turn as he refused to wake Perez up, as he told off Colon, as he seemingly left with Chicky. Even cheating would have somehow been less egregious than putting someone who had so recently been his ally, who still technically was his ally, in mortal danger like that. It seems, at least, that we know now whether this will be tecnico vs tecnico or something else entirely.

EB: Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, we are just a couple of weeks away from Aniversario 1990. We’ll be getting a nice mix of current roster members, returning wrestlers and new faces at the event. We’ll discuss the ten match lineup and the final details surrounding the show. How are Carlos Colon and TNT spending the remaining time before the big match? Has TNT really gone over to Chicky’s side? What’s the match Leo and Chicky have in mind for Invader #1’s challenge? Who will be the challengers for the World tag team titles? What surprising turn of events during a tag match leads to an unexpected match being signed for the show? And what are these rumblings of the tecnicos having a surprise? All will be revealed.

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