Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, May 30, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: A Cowboy Comes Rolling In

Week 25: A Cowboy Comes Rolling In

EB: As we head into May, there are some new developments that should be mentioned. There is a new permanent home for the TV tapings, starting from around this time CSP will be holding their Wednesday TV tapings at the boxing gym located at the former Naval station located in Miramar.

The second development is that the yearly Aniversario show will be taking place a couple of months earlier than is customary. Due to the experience with the most recent hurricane seasons (as we discussed previously, the 1989 show was postponed due to Hurricane Hugo, but there was also a close call in 1988 where a hurricane passed to the south of the island the day of the Aniversario show), it has been announced that Aniversario 1990 will be taking place on  July 7 in Bayamon. We’ll have to pay attention to future announcements for the show, but for now it is expected that the Universal title will be defended at the show against the number one contender that the championship committee will name.We will have to see who the champion and number one contender will be, although Abdullah the Butcher never got a rematch and may be a possibility.  

The last new development of note is that we have a new arrival to CSP, joining the rudo coalition headed by Chicky Starr and El Profe (El Jeque is no longer managing in the territory by this point). It’s a cowboy with a large mustache, blonde hair and a signature move known as the crucifix. The wrestler’s name is Scott Hall. Let’s see him in action against Miguel Perez Jr.

This is our first look at the Scott Hall in Puerto Rico. He has Chicky Starr seconding him at ringside and Hall’s opponent is Miguelito Perez. Hugo and Carlos are on commentary, and as the two wrestlers lockup. They talk about Hall’’s credentials and that Carlos feels that Hall will be making waves in CSP. Perez backs Hall into a corner and they get into a shoving match after Perez breaks the lockup. They lock up again and this time Hall backs Perez into the corner and fires off a series of chops. Perez counters by throwing Hall into the corner and firing off his own series of chops, punctuated with a chop off the ropes that sends Hall to the outside. Chicky goes over to offer advice to Hall. Scott reenters the ring and Hugo takes the opportunity to remind  the fans that tomorrow they will be in Moca for a show. Hall gets a side headlock on Perez, but Miguelito quickly counters into a headscissors. Hall quickly breaks the hold and they go into a sequence where they repeat the side headlock into a headscissors a couple of times. After the third time, Hall exits the ring and slams the apron in frustration, Miguelito is getting to him. The fans get on Hall’s case as Chicky again goes over to help Hall regroup. Hall and Chicky complain that Perez pulled Hall’s hair. Hall gets back in the ring and Carlos talks about how the rudo alliance has brought in some great reinforcements, with Hall joining El Club Deportivo and the menace that has been Atkie Mulumba for La Real Academia. Carlos adds that tonight  in Caguas he’s facing Atkie Mulumba for the Universal title and El Profe is banned from ringside (he’ll be in a cage at ringside to prevent him from interfering. Hugo congratulates Carlos on the battle he had with Mulumba the week before, saying that not many people would have been able to stand toe to toe with Mulumba and Hugo mentions that Carlos was able to bust open Atkie (we’ll discuss more about this feud shortly).

Back in the ring, Hall puts Perez in an armlock and yanks Perez down by his hair. Miguelito kips back up and Hall repeats the hair pull a couple of times with Perez kipping right back up. Perez yanks Hall down by his hair, and Hall complains about that to the ref. Hall takes his time staring at Perez and decides to challenge Miguelito to a test of strength. While this is going on, Carlos asks Hugo what he thinks will happen tonight in his match against Mulumba since El Profe will be neutralized in a cage. Hugo thinks that it’ll be 50/50 on who will win, but it’ll come down to who is able to withstand the punishment more. Perez declines to engage in the test of strength and Hall backs away to flex a bit for the crowd. After a few false starts, both men finally lock up in a test of strength, one that sees Hall use his leg to push Perez to the ground. Miguelito goes down but in a bridge position and is able to push himself back up. Just when it seems Miguelito is going to start pushing Hall back, Scott immediately cuts Perez off with a knee to the midsection and forces Perez back down. Hall works the test of strength for a while, but Perez is able to fight back and breaks it by monkey flipping Hall. Scott stares at Perez, visibly frustrated at how Miguelito has handled everything thus far, and leans over the ropes to talk strategy with Chicky. Hall is able to punch Perez out of the ring and continues the attack on the outside, sending Miguelito into the railing. Hall continues the attack and forcibly throws Miguelito back into the ring.

Hall puts Perez in single leg crab and Carlos again mentions that this man Scott Hall is one to watch out for.  Hall works the hold and uses the ropes for leverage, but Perez refuses to submit. The ref checks but Hall has let go of the ropes and Chicky grabs onto the ropes to hide the fact that they were shaking from Hall holding on to them. Hall switches to an abdominal stretch (while also using the ropes for leverage) but again is not able to get Perez to submit.  Perez is finally  able to counter with a hip toss but is to beat up to immediately follow up. Hall hits an elbow drop and goes for the cover but only gets two. Hugo on commentary reminds the fans that tomorrow Sunday they will be in Moca and that this Friday they will be in Arecibo. Hall hits a clothesline and again only gets a two count. Miguelito attempts a sunset flip but Hall cuts it off with a punch to Perez’s head. Hall and Perez exchange punches, with Perez eventually winning that exchange and proceeding to ram Hall’s head into different turnbuckles around the ring. Perez is able to hit his powerslam but instead of going for the cover, Perez decides to follow up with a splash. Hall counters by getting his knees up and Perez is down. Hall gets to his feet first and raises his arm to signal for something. He grabs Perez and proceeds to hit what he calls the crucifix (or as we’ll know it in the future, the Razor’s / Outsider's Edge). Hall covers and gets the pinfall win over Miguelito Perez.

MD: This is a full match at 11 minutes. Hall does a lot of things well. He throws his head back as he’s getting hit in the corners (you have no idea how important that is to me). He feeds and stooges and clubbers and grabs the ropes when he has a crab or an abdominal stretch on. A lot of it is refreshing to watch in 2024, but even then, I’m just not sure it all comes together to be greater than the sum of its parts. Some of it feels like him going through the motions. I wouldn’t be surprised if a run here in Puerto Rico is what helped him work it all out though. Here Perez has a big comeback and hits the power slam but then instead of pinning Hall, goes for a splash and eats some knees. That let’s Hall hit the Razor’s Edge/Diamond Death Drop (Which was called a “crucifix” on commentary) for the win.

EB: Since Scott Hall is a part of the rudo coalition, specifically El Club Deportivo, Chicky is going to use him as part of their effort to take out the members of El Ejercito de la Justicia. As an example, we heard that there is an upcoming card in Arecibo (likely the May 11th card). Here is an interview with Hall about an upcoming match he has scheduled with Invader #1 for that card.

Chicky is conducting the promo at ringside and Hall has a bullrope with him. Hall talks about knowing Invader’s reputation. He sees Invader as a stepping stone on the way to the top and that in Arecibo Invader will be facing one big, tough and nasty cowboy.  Invader will end up kneeling before the crucifix. Chicky translates and mentions that this man is on the hunt for the Universal title. We go to a promo with Hugo and Invader #1. Hugo mentions that Invader has a tough challenge against Hall, a man that has such impressive moves such as the crucifix and a backbreaker variant (I assume Hugo is referring to the fallaway slam). The reigning Caribbean champion mentions that it will be a tough challenge, in the short time Hall has been in Puerto Rico he has made quite the name for himself. Hall has defeated all of his opponents, has the experience, is strong, tall, wily and he will be tough competition. But Invader loves competition and it doesn’t matter if Hall is 6’7”, once the bell rings Invader wil bring him down to his size. He’ll do everything in his power to defeat Hall, which may be easier said than done. But Invader is counting on his experience seeing him to victory.

We’ll continue to monitor Hall’s progress and see who Chikcy will send him after. Also, for those curious, the lineup for that card in Arecibo is as follows:

Rematch: Carlos Colon vs Atkie Mulumba
Invader #1 vs ‘Cowboy’ Scott Hall
TNT vs Rick Valentine
Los Super Medicos vs Los Mercenarios
Miguelito Perez vs Chicky Starr
Huracan Castillo vs Eddie Watts
Invader #4 vs El Profe

MD: You have to imagine being Scott Hall at this point of his career. He’s in his early thirties. He’d been an American Starship, Magnum, Gator, and now he was a cowboy. He still had the mustache but had developed the handwipe motion already and the arms out for a crucifix. I haven’t seen a ton of 90 Hall but I have seen a lot of 91-92 Diamond Studd and I can’t help but think that he and Invader could have a good match.We’ve also been seeing enough squash matches lately that some of these featured matches make sense. Colon vs Malumba is built up. TNT vs Valentine has heat with the blood and the title switch. Likewise, Mercenarios vs Super Medicos. Even with Race and Manny gone, they put together a pretty good card here.

EB: As the month of May begins, we have a card scheduled for Caguas on the 5th (the same card Carlos and Hugo were referencing in the Hall vs Perez match). Let’s go to a segment of El Deporte es la Solucion from that day’s Campeones tv episode. The segment features TNT showing off martial arts techniques with some volunteers. TNT has had an up and down 1990 so far, but currently is the reigning TV champion and has been building momentum since losing the Universal title to Abdullah the Butcher. He still has an ongoing feud with Rick Valentine that is close to wrapping up and he’s ready to face any possible challengers for the TV title. After the El Deporte es la Solucion segment we get the May 5 card rundown.

The first segment has TNT talking that he is back to teach the kids at home another martial arts technique (it seems he’s been showing off different techniques in the previous weeks) and he hopes that they have a family member or friend to help practice. TNT also mentions that he hopes that the kids will participate in a martial arts summer camp that they are holding, where they’ll learn techniques from jiu jitsu, taekwondo, aikido, etc. He mentions the address to participate in the summer camp contest and all you have to do is send in the name of today’’s technique, which is the Hammer Technique #1. TNT talks about the technique as two kids demonstrate. The point of the technique is for a smaller kid to defend themselves from a larger one. They show off the technique and then go over it step by step. This technique will allow a smaller kid to defend himself anywhere and you can learn this and other techniques at different taekwondo dojos around the island. TNT reminds the viewers about the summer camp and that now they will; have five winners for the contest. TNT signs off by reminding the viewers that these techniques are to be practiced only for your defense, they are not for attacking anyone unprovoked. Remember that practice makes perfect and that sports is the answer.
Afterward we get the rundown for the May 5th card, which is as follows:

Universal title rematch with El Profe in a cage: Carlos Colon defends against Atkie Mulumba
TV title: TNT defends against Dragon Master
Cage Match: Super Medicos 1 and 3 vs Los Mercenarios
Caribbean tag titles: The Invaders 1 and 4 challenge Chicky Starr and Leo Burke
Super Medico 4 vs Scott Hall
Coal Miner’s Glove Match for the World Junior title: Huracan Castillo defends against Eddie Watts
Miguelito Perez vs Rick Valentine

MD: TNT teaches kids karate, this time hammer technique 1, and if you send the name of the technique in on a postcard, well, you could win something. This was nice feel-good stuff but it would have been great if Rick Valentine came out from behind a tree and assaulted him or something.

EB: We’ve had several feuds going on as April ended, with one of the main ones being Carlos Colon vs Atkie Mulumba. This rivalry started soon after Colon’s series of matches with the Iron Sheik, when Atkie attacked Carlos in a show in Mayaguez. Since then they've had a series of matches where there has been no decisive winner, where blood has been spilled on both parts and El Profe has gotten involved on Mulumba’s behalf during the matches. Let’s go to a TV match featuring Mulumba as he gears up to continue his feud with Carlos Colon in Caguas.

EB: This is our first look at the new TV taping location at Miramar. We heard earlier on commentary that Carlos had busted Muluma open the previous week and you can see Atkie bandaged up for this match. You’ll also  notice that El Profe is wearing a neckbrace, this was due to some damage Profe took during one of the Carlos Colon vs Atkie Mulumba matches that devolved into a no contest. How exaggerated the injury is we can't be sure of (it is El Profe after all) but he’s claiming that he’s been severely hurt due to the actions of Colon. Atkie’s opponent is Super Medico #4,and this is not Jose Estrada Jr. This is actually Julio Estrada, the younger Estrada son. He is joining his dad and brother in the family legacy and will pop up sporadically from this point forward as he gains more experience. Medico #4 has a very tough draw in Mulumba, who despite his bandaged head remains very dangerous.  Medico #4 immediately charges at Mulumba as the bell rings, firing off a series of punch combinations to stagger Mulumba. Medico #4 is able to keep up the offensive attack for the first half minute, but is caught by a series of headbutts from Atkie. The headbutts reopen Atkie’s head wound and you can see the blood seeping through the bandages when Atkie slams Medico #4. You can also see that some of the blood has stained the white mask of Medico #4. Mulumba immediately hits the splash and gets the win. But that’s not enough for Atkie, who decides to throw Medico #4 to the outside and continue attacking him near the fence. Medico #4 tries to fight back but Atkie continues attacking with headbutts and chokes. This attack brings out both Super Medico #1 and #3 to chase off Atkie and help their family member. Atkie and El Profe leave, with the camera showing a bloody Atkie chanting as he leaves ringside.

MD: Whatever we’ve missed here, it looks to have been interesting. Malumba is bandaged up. Profe has a neckbrace. Medico 4 takes it right to him and does well for a bit, opening up the bandaged wound which is a sight to see. Malumba cuts him off and crushes him with a slam and a splash for the quick win. Post match, he does damage until Medico 1 makes the save.

EB: We unfortunately haven’t located footage from the matches in the Colon vs Mulumba feud, from the bits we have it definitely appears to have been a bloody and hard hitting rivalry. We do have a  music video for Atkie Mulumba that includes highlights from some of the encounters between Mulumba and Colon.

Besides the highlights against Carlos Colon (the first clip being from the March 5 match), we also see Mulumba dominating in a handicap squash match and also in action against Invader #1 and TNT. The last clip appears to be from the match where both Colon and Mulumba ended up busted open. We see highlights of Atkie attacking Carlos and, if you look closely, you can see near the end that El Profe is standing near the ring holding his head and looking in pain (I’m guessing this is where the neckbrace comes from). Not shown is Carlos attacking Mulumba with a chain (we’ll see a clip of this in a future installment), so this feud definitely reached some violent highs.
MD: Two minutes of the Beast killing guys, flying around, and sticking his tongue out while they occasionally cut to stock footage of jungle animals. Yes, he wasn’t Kamala but it’s not like he didn’t bring a lot to the table in his own (admittedly similar) way.

EB: We mentioned the May 5 card rundown, but what actually happened that night? Based on the results we have, Colon vs Mulumba ended up as  a double countout (I’m guessing the feud was settled at some point in May with a stipulation match). The Super Medicos look to have settled their feud with Los Mercenarios by winning the cage match. Scott Hall defeated Super Medico #4 and Rick Valentine defeated Miguelito Perez. In the battle for the World Junior title, it seems Huracan Castillo has ended his feud with Eddie Watts by winning the coal miner's glove match.

Of the remaining two matches, let’s talk first  about the Caribbean tag title match between Chicky Starr and Leo Burke and the Invaders. This feud started at the end of March and Chicky and Burke have been doing everything possible to avoid giving the Invaders a fair rematch for the titles. One thing you may have noticed earlier during the May 5 card rundown is that, when announcing the Caribbean tag title match, the images shown of Chicky and Leo Burke had Burke wearing boxing gloves. It seems that at some point during this feud with the Invaders, since Invader #1 is known for his heart punch, that Leo and Chicky have taken to talking uo Burke’s experience and knowledge as an amateur boxer. Because of this, Burke has taken to showing up for matches with boxing gloves on. It’s likely that this is a tactic to get in Invader #1’s head and also to potentially have another weapon to use during their matches. Regardless, the Invaders were able to win the May 5 match by dq but did not regain the Caribbean tag titles from Chicky Starr and Leo Burke. But that was not the end of the feud, as Burke would challenge Invader #1 for the Caribbean singles title on May 19.

This match is from a Camepeones airing sometime in June, with Hugo and Chicky on commentary. Invader #1 has his mask on for this match and Chicky is at ringside seconding Burke. Invader controls the first couple of minutes of the match by working several side headlocks on Burke. Leo tries to counter and escapes a few times, but Invader ends up placing Burke back in the side headlock. We go to a break as Invader and Burke continue jockeying for position and come back to Invader coming back with a headbutt to the midsection on Burke. Leo grabs Invader's tights and uses them as leverage to throw Invader to the outside. Burke follows but Invader is able to counter and ram Burke headfirst a few times into the timekeeper’s table. Invader grabs the Caribbean title belt on the table and hits Burke over the head with it. Invader is limping slightly but remains in control, ramming Burke headfirst into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Invader starts getting fired up and hits several punches and chops on Burke. Invader remains in control but a reversed irish whip attempt leads to Invader ducking a clothesline from Burke that ends up hitting the ref instead. Invader rolls up Burke but El Vikingo is climbing back into the ring and unable to make the count. Burke kicks out and sends Invader flying into El Vikingo, knocking the ref back outside. Chicky actually goes over to help Vikingo back into the ring, as Burke sidesteps an Invader charge into the corner. Burke cradles Invader and puts both legs on the ropes for leverage but Invader is able to kick out at two! Invader pushes Burke into the ropes and both men collide on the rebound, knocking Invader down and sending Burke outside of the ring. Leo disappears underneath the ring for a moment, as Chicky gets up on the apron to distract the ref. Burke emerges with a boxing glove on, which he uses to knock out Invader. Burke quickly tosses the glove away and covers Invader for the three count. Leo Burke has won the Caribbean title thanks to using the boxing glove.Burke is barely able to stand but celebrates with the title as Invader remains knocked out on the mat.  

MD: We get the beginning and end of this and miss the middle, which is a shame because what we got was really good. Burke is a guy that I’d like to call a ring general but that term doesn’t mean much anymore after years of it being used to refer to heel Dibiase or Hunter. He’s so good at doing the absolute basic stuff, working in and out of a headlock, taking a powder, going up and down and up again, but making it feel alive and compelling. He’s never going through the motions but it’s so sound. We come in after the break with both guys hurting and selling legs and what not. Burke has a nominal advantage but Invader has his usual great comeback on the floor with the table and belt. They cycle into two great ref bumps and a visual pin by Invader and a nice near-fall with Burke’s feet on the ropes. It ends with Burke under the ring as Chicky distracts the ref which means we get the loaded boxing glove and tons of heat once again.

EB: If you think Leo Burke using the boxing glove to get the better of Invader #1 would be the end of using the boxing gloves, then you would be wrong. Burke and Chicky would lean even more into the great punching skills of Burke after using the glove to win the Caribbean title. As an example, here is a TV match featuring Leo Burke taking on Super Medico #1

Elidu Gonzalez is commentating and mentions that Burke is both the Caribbean singles champion as well as the tag champion with Chicky Starr. Super Medico has to wait as Chicky unties the boxing gloves Burke is wearing, he had come out to the ring with the gloves already on. Eliud mentions that the wearing of the gloves has become a habit with Burke. Leo starts off with several punches (again leaning into the great puncher bit) before working over Medico’s midsection and leg with several kicks in the corner. Leo grabs Medico’s left leg and drags him to the ringpost, slamming the leg into the post. He is clearly thinking about setting up the figure four already. Back in the ring, Burke continues relentlessly attacking Medico’s leg. He tries to put on the figure four but Medico manages to kick Burke away. Medico is able to keep Burke at bay by using the turnbuckle for support and kicking Burke away. Medico attempts a slam, but his leg gives out and Burke falls on top for a two count. A rope reversal sequence leads to a Medico crossbody for a two count. Medico fires off a series of ‘hit machines’ leading to a sunset flip for a two count. A backdrop leads to Chicky jumping on the apron, but Medico quickly knocks Chicky down.  Some more punches lead to an irish whip reversal, where Medico attempts a reverse crossbody onto Burke. Leo ducks though, and Medico takes out the ref instead. Chicky tosses the boxing glove to Burke, who uses it to knock out Medico. Burke revives the ref and gets the three count for the win. Chicky jumps into the ring and proceeds to repeatedly stomp and kick the downed Super Medico, which brings out Medico #3 to run both Burke and Chicky off.

MD: Nice functional five minute TV match. They skipped the shine and Burke went right to the leg, dismantling it over a minute or two. Medico would get hope spots (a lifted kick in the corner, a slam attempt) but would get cut off due to the hurt leg. He eventually got some rope running going and came back with a bunch of great punches (as usual) before they went into maybe my favorite PR ref bump, the one where the ref eats a twisting body press when the heel gets out of the way. Then Chicky, who had been punched off the apron during the comeback, tossed Leo his loaded boxing glove and he ko’d Medico for the win. That’s likely going somewhere.

EB: As seen in the May 5 lineup, The Dragon Master (or Kendo Nagasaki) is once again making an appearance in Puerto Rico. His target this time is TNT. Let’s look at Dragon Master in action in a TV match.

Dragon Master’s opponent is La Sombra. El Profe (with neckbrace) is once again serving as Dragon Master’s manager. This is mainly a showcase for Dragon Master ahead of his TV title challenge later that night. Master controls most of the match, showing off some of his wrestling techniques. At one point we get a shot of an older woman in the crowd, yelling at the rudos and having some missing teeth to boot. Sombra is able to get a brief offensive flurry, including a slam and a legdrop, but a second legdrop attempt misses and from there it’s academic. A side slam and kick to the midsection set up a piledriver for Dragon Master, which gets the win over La Sombra..  

MD: Nagasaki is Dragon Master. Profe has his neckbrace. There’s an old lady missing teeth who gets really into things so I like this venue already. Nagasaki controls early. Sombra takes over but misses a leg drop and is made short work of with a side slam and pile driver.

EB: The May 5 title match saw TNT defeat Dragon Master to retain the title. However,  they would end up having a rematch on TV. But before going to that match, we have an important announcement to make. It appears that the WWC championship committee has revealed the latest rankings. At the moment, the number one ranked contender is none other than TNT.

Hugo and Chicky are on commentary for this match. As TNT and Dragon Master start exchanging blows, the camera cuts to Scott Hall holding a microphone at ringside. He is with El Profe (still in a neckbrace) and Chicky explains that Hall is throwing out a challenge to TNT (likely due to TNT currently being the number one contender and Hall has stated that his goal is to challenge for the Universal title). Chicky also mentions that in his opinion TNT has progressed a lot and that he is currently ranked as the number one contender for the Universal title. Hall and Profe remain at ringside as Dragon Master takes over the match with some kick combinations. On commentary, Hugo mentions they will be Thursday in Naranjito and tomorrow in Aguadilla. Chicky adds that tonight in Caguas there will be a new match concept called ‘lucha de barracon’. The ring will be surrounded by a cage with a roof and 12 wrestlers will compete. Each will put up $2,000 and the winner walks away with all of the money. Chicky will be one of the competitors. In the ring, Dragon Master attempts a pin for two. A front facelock is broken by TNT, leading to a quick pin attempt. Both wrestlers get to their feet and stand off. Dragon Master backs TNT into a corner, firing off several kicks and follows up with a  backbreaker. Master sends TNT to the outside and follows up by throwing TNT into the fence. TNT comes back with several strikes and back into the ring they go. TNT works an arm wringer, but Master counters and hits several kicks. Master attempts a pin but TNT kicks out. Dragon Master chokes TNT but gets thrown off. Back on their feet, Master chokes TNT on the top rope. Master continues with some chokes and strikes but TNT comes back with some strikes and a headbutt. Both men exchange blows, with TNT winning the exchange. A rope running sequence leads to both men colliding and going down. Master gets to his feet first but both men collide again. TNT gets the better of the next exchange and is able to lock in the Cobra Dinamita. TNT gets the submission win but we see Scott Hall is still walking near ringside as the video ends.

MD: Interesting he carried on the Dragonmaster gimmick here. If he came out with the giant headdress I guess it makes sense but otherwise, him being painted up has more appeal if he’s wrestling TNT. Hall was out causing a commotion early which distracted TNT and let Kendo take over. Lots of karate shots as you’d expect. TNT fought back on the outside but got cut off in the ring. Finally he came back and, after some nice exchanges back and forth in the corner, won with the cobra clutch.

EB: It looks like TNT has accepted Scott Hall’s challenge and the match is taking place on TV a week or so later.

TNT and Hall start fighting almost immediately, not giving Eliud Gonzalez a chance to finish the ring introductions before the fighting begins. They exchange blows and TNT sends Hall into the ropes. An attempted kick misses as Hall grabs onto the ropes and goes outside to regroup. El Profe (sans neckbrace, looks like he’s finally recovered) is at ringside with Hall, so it appears that Chicky and Profe are sharing managing duties as part of the coalition. Hall gets back in the ring and they fight for position in a lockup. Hall backs TNT into the corner and uses a knee to the midsection to gain control. Several loud chops follow, but TNT reverses and counters with his own strikes. Hall gets sent into the ropes and gets hit with a chop to the chest, which sends Hall back outside. Hall walks around the ring  as Profe complains that the chop was near the throat area. Hall gets back in the ring and ends up countering a TNT corner charge with a boot to the face. Hall kicks TNT down and locks in a single leg crab. TNT refuses to submit. Hall breaks the hold and sends TNT into a corner, following close behind with a nice clothesline. A legdrop leads to a two count as we go to commercials. Back from the break, Hall tries to ram TNT’s head into the turnbuckle, but TNT counters and Hall’s head is the one rammed. TNT is dazed and slow to follow up, but eventually knocks Hall down with a clothesline of his own and gets a one count. A sunset flip by TNT gets two. Hall and TNT exchange blows, with TNT winning the exchange and hitting Hall with a spin kick. Hall goes outside briefly and gets caught by TNT when he gets back in the ring. An irish whip is reversed twice, causing TNT to collide with the referee. Hall starts attacking TNT but is hit by a dynamite kick. TNT locks in the Cobra Dinamita and it looks like Hall is going to lose. El Profe goes to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with a double ax handle blow to TNT’s back, breaking the hold.   Hall hits the crucifix as Profe revives the ref. The ref slowly makes the count but El Ejercito de la Justicia rushes the ring and starts attacking Hall to prevent him from pinning TNT. The rudo locker room immediately comes out and a brawl breaks out in the ring. The wrestlers continue fighting as the video ends.

MD: One thing to note is that all four of the main stars we have now (Colon, TNT, Invader 1, Super Medico 1) are all great at punch/brawling, but it’s all different. Colon’s stuff is almost mythic. Invader will build to these monumental exchanges where each shot feels like a big deal. TNT is much scrappier. Medico has rapid fire combos. Here, Hall looked much more natural, less trying to fill a role and more just scrapping with TNT. Hall does another half crab with the rope being held but TNT comes back for an extended finishing stretch. There is a ref bump. He hits a really great running superkick but Profe rushes in to attack. It looked like Hall would win it with the crucifix but the entire locker room bursts into the ring, with the Invaders and Medicos first and it devolves into chaos before he can get the stolen pin. This was a better use of Hall but that might say more about TNT than anything else.

EB: We’ve seen Carlos Colon feud with Atkie Mulumba and now we’ve seen Scott Hall challenge TNT. In a logical next step, we have all four  men facing each other in tag action, as Colon and TNT take on Mulumba and Hall. Let’s go to a segment of Chicky Starr’s La Esquina Caliente and see what happened when these two teams collided.

Chicky starts by saying that he’s going to show the crushing defeat Carlos Colon suffered last week when he teamed with TNT against Atkie Mulumba and Scott hall. But more importantly, Chicky wants the audience to see all of the times Carlos Colon broke the rules of the WWC and of professional wrestling in that match. Let’s all savor that crushing defeat. The clip starts playing as Chicky narrates what he feels went down. TNT is in the ring with Atkie, as Hall and Colon are staring each other down at ringside. The ref tells Colon to get back to his corner as TNT is thrown over the top rope by Atkie. Chicky frames this as Colon not following the rules by remaining in his assigned corner and being the cause of TNT being thrown over the top rope. Carlos goes over to help TNT as Chicky complains that it’s too little too late. We cut to Atkie hitting a slam and splash on TNT, with Colon coming in to break up the pin. Again, Chicky starts complaining that this beating TNT is taking is Colon’s fault and that he is illegally entering the ring to break the pin. Another quick cut to Hall hitting offense on TNT and going for a pin. Carlos breaks it up and Chicky continues complaining that all this is because Carlos was not in the corner earlier to receive the tag and that again Colon is illegally entering the ring. A third pin attempt is broken up by Carlos and Chicky keeps yammering on about the illegal entry into the ring. Another cut to Colon trying to get in the ring and being held back by the ref, as Hall and Mulumba continue attacking TNT. Chicky complains that Colon is failing his partner by allowing the other team to double team TNT. Colon again breaks a submission attempt. We cut to Mulumba hitting a crossbody on TNT. Colon breaks it up. Quick cut to a Hall powerslam and Colon breaks up that pin attempt. Chicky continues complaining that Colon’s mental deficiencies are causing TNT to be severely beaten down in this match. The beatdown and pin breaks continue and Chicky keeps tying all of this pain and suffering that TNT is going through to Carlos not being there for the tag when he was warding off Scott Hall. ‘There’s only one person responsible for this severe beating TNT is taking and that is Carlos Colon’.

We finally reach a cut where all four men are in the ring and the tecnicos whip the rudo team into each other. Malumba falls out of the ring after a kick from TNT, leaving Hall alone in there with TNT and Carlos. Colon grabs Hall from behind, setting up for TNT to deliver a dynamite kick, However, Hall dodges and TNT instead hits Carlos. Chicky starts framing this as TNT is pulling all of the weight on his team, since Colon is so incompetent he can’t even keep a grip on an opponent. ‘Carlos Colon is weak, he doesn’t have any strength left, he is old’. The ref grabs TNT and tells him to leave the ring as Scott Hall sets up Carlos for the crucifix. Chicky mentions that TNT does follow the rules and leaves the ring as instructed,  as Hall hits the crucifix on Colon. Hall gets the win over the reigning Universal champion. Chicky on commentary says that this crushing defeat happened to Colon 'because he is a cheater,  an animal, an idiot, for being weak, for being old ’. TNT comes in to check on Carlos and both men seem to be having a discussion about what happened. It looks like Carlos is not pleased that TNT did not come in the ring to break up the pin like all the times Carlos did for TNT throughout the match. Chicky on commentary keeps running down Carlos, saying that this loss is entirely Colon’s fault, TNT did what he was supposed to do. Both men walk back to the locker room, with Carlos still upset about TNT not trying to break up the pin and a tired TNT seeming to tell Carlos that it wasn’t possible. Chicky ends the video by saying that Carlos didn’t appreciate all the help TNT gave him during that match and that Carlos is the only person responsible for that defeat since he could barely hold on to Scott Hall. ‘Carlos is old and finished. On the other hand, TNT is young and corpulent, and someone who follows the rules of the WWC. There is a huge difference between TNT and Carlos Colon’. Chicky is really stirring the pot here but I’m sure El Ejercito de la Justicia will work it out.

MD: Chicky gets to frame as only he can what went down in the larger than life TNT/Colon vs Hall/Malumba match. Where we come in, they are just destroying TNT. So many big moves: a Malumba gourdbuster, a Hall lariat, a Malumba top rope flying body press, a Hall bulldog, a Malumba big splash, and each time Colon is there to break it up. On the comeback, however, TNT accidentally nails Colon with the superkick and he’s almost immediately pinned by Hall’s crucifix. This is absolutely one way to start a hot and unexpected program out of nowhere.

EB: Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, Scott Hall has scored a pin over Carlos Colon and has his sights set on challenging for the Universal title. Will Carlos be able to hold back this challenge? Aniversario is approaching and the Universal champion is expected to defend against the number one contender. Will Hall interject himself into the title picture? Will TNT remain the number one contender?  The road to Aniversario 90 has begun.

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