Segunda Caida

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Two Short Timers: 2002 Boss Man vs. Perry Saturn

Big Boss Man vs. Perry Saturn WWF Metal 2/16/02

ER: Both guys were close to being gone from the company at this point, but I was still surprised by Boss Man beating Saturn in barely 2 minutes. Both had no problems mixing things up, and I would have loved to see 5 minutes of this. It's a weird match, as much of it is spent one them reversing Irish whips and punching each other into place. It's like they went out and decided to do a quick match with no moves other than the Boss Man Slam. It is entirely punches and kicks, and it kind of rules. Boss Man showed off all his great strikes, and his 1-2 combo of hitting a hard knee to the gut to buckle a guy then following it up with a straight right to the jaw. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite combos. Boss Man threw hard body shots, a straight right to the chin, and a palm strike right between Saturn's eyes. Saturn hit his cool springboard dropkick off the middle rope, and I really loved that as he kept throwing Boss Man with Irish whips, that he actually looked like he was muscling him. So many Irish whips are a guy barely going through the physical motions, relying on the guy getting whipped to just start running as he's pat on the back. But here's Perry Saturn doing some deep knee bends to show his work, really showing that he was putting his full strength into whipping Boss Man, and it works. I loved the spot where Saturn whips Boss Man into the corner: Boss Man hits the buckles chest first, and Saturn sweeps his legs as he's staggering backward. These two clearly had the material for a longer match, so I can only assume the Metal taping ran long and they had to cut this match short. 

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Anonymous Mark said...

You know what a good series would be? In the spirit of the "Best WWF Lex Luger" match, picking the best match for guys whose work with the fed is solid, but generally unheralded. Tatanka, IRS, Duggan, etc. May make for interesting reading. Wouldn't necessarily apply to Bossman, but definitely to Saturn.

9:30 PM  
Blogger EricR said...

It's a good idea, and one I'm kind of slowly working on. I've been going through 1993 WWF in my free time and documenting my favorite stuff, and figure that I'll find someone's "best matches" naturally. I think a lot of these guys likely had their best matches on house shows, especially someone like Tatanka. All of his singles against Bam Bam were pretty great.

You're barking up the wrong tree if you want me to seek out the best IRS match. I'm a dummy who can write about bad wrestling, but I'm not THAT big of a dummy. Besides, his best WWF singles is almost surely his cool match against Kerry von Erich on the 9/9/91 PTW.

Saturn was having a weirdly resurgent 2002, mostly working Metal. Funny story: I sent Phil a tape of a bunch of WWF Metal in 2001/2002 for DVDVR 500 consideration, specifically going to the wall for Saturn. That's how Phil and I first started talking.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Mark said...

I would think IRS's best match would have be when he was with Money, Inc. Probably one of the tags against the Steiners.

10:32 PM  

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