Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Big Boss Man & the Bodyslam

Big Boss Man vs. The Hurricane WWF Metal 2/2/02

ER: When you have less than 3 minutes to work with it comes off extra impressive to me when you can build to big moments within the minuscule narrative you created. We start with Hurricane trying to just take Boss Man off his feet any way he can, not budging him with a shoulderblock and getting the back of his head elbowed after a couple of failed bodyslam attempts. Boss Man throws Hurricane around with real strength, a nice mix of Boss Man's power and Hurricane's big bumping, and Boss Man's right hand variations in the corner look real mean. Boss Man had a limited moveset at this point but was super smart about utilizing every little movement and making stories out of those movements. Here, Molly hits him with a missile dropkick behind Nick Patrick's back and slips out of the ring, but Boss Man uses his slide to the floor to chase after her, sliding out of the ring and chasing her back in, and upon sliding back in Hurricane intercepts him and uses his chase momentum to actually hit that bodyslam. The crowd erupted for that bodyslam like Hurricane had just won the match, or even a title. Hurricane tries to take it too far and hit the chokeslam, but Boss Man shrugs him off, sends him into the ropes, and puts him away with the Boss Man Slam. How many throwaway bodyslams have you seen in all your years of watching wrestling, and here's Boss Man constructing a short match to make one actually feel like a major highspot. That's the story here.

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