Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Andre's Across the Street from the Embassy Suites

ER: Man the Chase is a great venue to host Andre. Andre looks incredible in the Chase, like he shouldn't be working in a building that he can make look this small. I need to find and watch every match Andre ever worked in intimate venues. He looks downright joyful when he comes to the ring, bouncing and smiling his way through the crowd. Fuji does a great hide the weapon routine that works the crowd up into an absolute lather, with people standing and screaming at Fuji and the ref as Fuji kept hiding a packet of salt all over his person. Fuji shifts it from his hand to his tights to his armpit and back to his tights, and that fucking salt never even comes into play. I love it. Fuji is a real shit and it's fun watching Andre deal with a little shit. Fuji actually backs Andre into a corner with chops, nice karate thrusts to the throat, and unless you have a sling and some rocks, a thrust to the throat is maybe the most believable way to defeat a giant. It works for 15 seconds or so, and then Andre realizes he can cave in Fuji's chest with a single chop. He throws several great chops and Fuji gets knocked down more and more with each one. I loved the way Fuji sold them, falling deeper into the ropes with every chop. There are some great Andre spots, like Fuji running the ropes and running squarely into Andre's posterior, but before long Tiger Chung Lee gets on the apron and starts beating Andre with a stick. Fuji and Lee double team Andre with Lee just beating on him with that stick, and the crowd gets actually upset at all of this shit. Andre again realizes that he is a Giant and just wastes both of them with a noggin knocker, then Fuji and Lee each take big bumps to the floor getting tossed by Andre. This would be the last time Andre would ever wrestle at the Chase.  


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