Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Low-Ki Advent Calendar Night 18: Ki vs. SAT vs. Red

Low-Ki vs. Amazing Red vs. Jose Maximo vs. Joel Maximo NWA-TNA 8/21/02-FUN

PAS: This was an elimination four way for the X Division title, which made no sense, but was undoubtably a barrel of fun. The Maximos are not rewarded by a deeper dive. There are a couple of pretty bad moments, including Jose getting hit with a dropkick and instead of bumping, pausing and then stumbling through the ropes. There were also some triple teams which didn't come off. I did dig Ki just kicking Joel in the face multiple times, and there was some fun Red versus his cousins spots. The Red vs. Ki stuff was great as always, I loved Ki countering the Code Red by hurling him back first into the turnbuckle. We had a bit of a kung fu standoff and a finish with Ki absolutely murdering him with a top rope Ki Krusher. The crowd was clearly ready for Red to get a win over Ki at some point, they blew it by never paying that off.


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