Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Low-Ki Advent Calendar Night 16: Kaval vs. Cottonwood

Kaval vs. Eli Cottonwood WWE 6/22/10 - GREAT

PAS: This was a short TV match against a giant guy who barely had a career, but was actually really nifty and an example of what a long WWE run Ki could have had. Ki takes huge bumps for all of Cottonwoods offense, flying all around the ring on every throw, and hit a couple of super cool moves including a diving double stomp to the back off Cottonwoods neck while Cottonwood was standing, Cottonwood was 7'0 feet legit and it looked awesome. Great way to spend four minutes

ER: AND SO BEGINS OUR ELI COTTONWOOD COMPLETE AND ACCURATE! But I really thought this was awesome. I don't imagine there's anyone on the roster at the time that could have made Cottonwood's offense look any cooler. Cottonwood looked like a gigantic Matt Hardy and doesn't totally know what to do in the ring, but this whole thing had a fun 90s WWF freakshow vibe to it that really worked. Ki flies around for offense in such a unique way that it looked super cool seeing him stick and move (his springboard kick looked like it razor slashed across Cottonwood's cheek) and Ki bumps for his throws by getting hung up in the ropes in cool ways. They built this in a real satisfying way, letting Ki stick and move and letting him land on his feet a lot when getting caught by Cottonwood, and they find nice ways to set up spots. I really loved Ki getting tossed chest first into the buckles, and like him getting violently hoisted onto the top rope, allowing him to grab Cottonwood's arm in his ropes assisted armbar. Cottonwood has long as hell arms so Ki was really able to grab and bend that thing, made for an awesome visual. The Warriors Way to a standing giant looked killer, stomping him right in the back of the neck, also felt huge as it was the first and only time Cottonwood hit the mat. Ki worked a perfect match around Cottonwood, plus we get to see Laycool. That's a major win.


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