Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida
Damien Wayne v. Pharaoh Pharaoh is a guy I have seen live a handful of times before, and is really great at firing up a crowd of little kids and rednecks and beating on people. This is a long main event title match, and I was really shocked at how good it was. They stuck him with a fake Arab manager, which kind of kills his great afro centric gimmick. Saying "I am Allah" isn't as aggravating to a crowd as saying "I am God." Match itself was pretty damn great, they start off with some simple solid mat wrestling, and then Pharaoh is able to take over with some nasty looking uppercuts and backbreakers. You had a couple of big spots, but this was mostly solid basic wrestling, with everything both guys doing looking great. Wayne might have the best punches in wrestling, and isn't afraid to take some unnecessary bumps. Didn't care for the ending, but it fit the match fine. I really need to see some more main event Pharoah as he might be the best black wrestler on the indies right now.
posted by Phil @ 1:11 AM
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