El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: A Devastating Arrival
Week 44: A Devastating Arrival
As we covered last time, the Universal title is no longer vacant. Carlos Colon was able to defeat Greg Valentine in a cage match and has once again ascended to the top of the WWC mountain. But Colon’s celebration would turn out to be a very short one,as almost immediately after being given the Universal title belt while still recovering outside of the cage, Dick Murdoch rushed out and attacked the unaware Colon. Murdoch had said in interviews that he wanted Colon and he was wasting no time in making sure that message was understood. The attack ended when Murdoch left Carlos laid out on the ballfield with a brainbuster. It certainly looks like we have a new Universal title challenger already. As for the other title matches held on February 2, with the exception of the World tag team titles, all other titles remained with their current holders. Invader #1 and Bronco #1 were able to use the taped fist to their advantage and become the new World tag team champions. Does this mean that the feud with the Texas Hangmen is finally settled? Let’s go to the February 9 Campeones episode and see where things stand.
Hugo and Profe welcome the viewers by going over what we’ll have on the program today, and also talk about the latest happenings. This includes what’s new in the Miguelito Perez and Kim Duk rivalry, what happened in Bayamon between the Super Medicos and Valentine & Mendoza, and what happened at the past week’s TV taping between TNT and the Original TNT. They'll also show the lumberjack match from a few weeks back between Invader #1 and Bronco #1 against the former World tag team champions the Texas Hangmen (to which Profe gets snippy about Hugo emphasizing former in his mention of the match). But before all that, first we’ll see the latest in the ongoing rivalry between Sasha and Monster Ripper.The clip rolls and we go to January 26 in Caguas, as Sasha gets a pin attempt off a small package. Ripper is able to grab Sasha and throw her to the outside, giving Ripper a chance to catch her breath and showboat a little. Sasha tries to get back in but is kicked back down by Ripper. A second attempt by Sasha is also met with a kick and this time Ripper follows outside to continue the attack. Ripper tries to ram Sasha ino the ringside table, but Sasha blocks it and instead rams Ripper. As the two women fight around the table and then on the ground, the ref calls for the bell. It’s a double countout but the two wrestlers continue fighting on the arena floor.
Due to this result a few weeks ago, tonight Sasha and Monster Ripper will face off in a streetfight. Hugo also mentions that tonight will see the debut of a new associate of El Profe along with said associate’s new wrestler, as General Skandor Akbar and the Motor City Madman have arrived in Puerto Rico. We will have TV title and World tag title rematches tonight as well. Hugo also takes a moment to highlight the merchandise available for fans at the events And with that we go to our first match of the program, as Miguelito Perez takes on Kim Duk.
MD: We get the last couple of minutes here. Ripper does a good job keeping Sasha out of the ring and thrashing her in the ringside area. Sasha definitely fits the territory as a sympathetic babyface who can draw he support of the crowd from underneath. She comes back at the last moment as Ripper tries to run her into a table on the outside and takes over wildly before the whole thing gets thrown out.
EB: This is from February 2 as Miguekito is looking to get revenge for his car windshield being cracked by Duk. Perez wastes no time and attacks Duk on the field, getting several blows in before tossing Duk into the ring to formally begin the match. Hugo runs down the list of things Duk has done to Miguelito (including salt thrown into the face and the car incident), but Profe immediately protests that no one saw Duk smash the windshield and he has been unjustly targeted for this. Miguelito continues the attack with standing punches in the corner, and then follows up with chops, punches and a clothesline. Perez even bites Duk on the forehead. Miguelito’s assault is stopped when Duk sneaks in a jab to the throat. Another jab allows Duk to slow things down and he resorts to raking Perez’s eyes.
We go to a commercial with Duk in control but come back with Perez hitting a powerslam. Profe jumps up on the apron and Perez goes after him, saving Duk for the moment from potentially being pinned. Duk takes advantage and knees Perez from behind. Hugo gives Profe some static about interfering but Profe says that he was just minding his business. Sometime during the break, Huracan Castillo has come to ringside to back up Miguelito. Huracan is out there to counteract Profe, although Profe on commentary says that there is no reason for Castillo to be out there to make it a two on one disadvantage for Duk. Kim does a tree of woe and some chokes in the corner, but Perez is able to counter with a back suplex. However, Duk hits a back suplex of his own when Perez goes for a side headlock. Perez is able to do a reversal out of the corner to try for a pin attempt but things break down a bit as Castillo starts yelling at the ref, who decides to stop the count and go argue with Huracan. Profe comes in and misses a kendo stick swing, hitting Duk by accident. This time the three count goes through and Perez wins the match. Hugo starts getting on Profe’s case about the screw up costing Duk the match, as we see Duk mad at Profe. Eventually Profe is able to calm down Duk, but Kim was not happy with getting hit by the kendo stick. Profe on commentary says that it is all good now, Duk has a bit of a temper and it’s understandable that he would react like that in the heat of the moment.
With the win, Miguelito has earned a shot at the Caribbean title tonight in Caguas. Profe and Duk give an interview about the upcoming title defense, with Profe insisting that the win was only due to a small accident. Tonight there won't be any accidents. Duk says some words and promises to show Perez who is better with no accidents happening. Miguelito says that he was able to win last week despite the attempts by Profe and Duk to cheat him out of the victory. Perez promises that tonight he will be focused on winning the Caribbean title.
MD: Perez had a car to avenge and came in hot. Duk really showed how valuable he could still be in a mid-card feud here. You wouldn’t necessarily want him higher but he fed for Perez early, played hide the object and went for the eyes later on, and then took a couple of belly to backs and played right into the interference laden finish where Castillo tried to counter Profe (who had disrupted a power slam pin midway through the match) only for Profe to try to interfere as the ref was distracted with Castillo; it backfired, Perez won, and Profe and Duk almost came to blows postmatch. In the subsequent promos Perez noted if he did it once, he could do it again for the belt and Duk and Profe assured one another that there would be no further accidents this time. Perez does feel elevated by this feud.
EB: Monster Ripper is with Rick Valentine and Galan Mendoza. Ripper says some words about Sasha getting involved again and promises that she will get hers. They show what happened at the recent TV tapings, where Sasha pulled Medico #3 out of the way of Mednoza’s loaded glove punch, and then put an object inside of Medico #3’s mask. One loaded headbutt later and Medico #3 gets the win. Back in the studio, Ripper continues complaining about the Medicos having to use Sasha’s help in order to cheat their way to victory, But it won’t matter tonight. Mendoza says that it is beyond the pale that Medico #3 had to use a woman’s help and a foreign object to defeat him. Tonight Ripper will take care of Sasha and they will take care of the Medicos. Ripper closes by saying that she’ll make sure that Sasha won’t even be able to make it to ringside once Ripper is done with her in the streetfight.
We get a rundown for tonight’s card in Caguas: a TV title rematch as TNT challenges Original TNT; rematch for the World tag team titles as the new champions Invader #1 & Bronco #1 defend against the former champions the Texas Hangmen; rematch for the Caribbean tag titles as the Super Medicos challenge Galan Mendoza & Rick Valentine; Caribbean title match with Miguelito Perez challenging Kim Duk; a streetfight between Sasha and Monster Ripper; Giant Warrior vs the Motor City Madman; and a rematch for the World Jr title as Huracan Castillo Jr. defends against Mr. Pogo.
MD: Lots of help from Sasha here as she both rolled a Medico out of the way of the loaded fist drop but also loaded up his mask so he could hit a headbutt and score the win. Mendoza is really looking like Chicky at this point. I wonder if that was intentional.
Lots of returns matches on the upcoming card, and the Motor City Madman is in to fight Giant Warrior. And there’s a Mr. Belvedere commercial.
EB: Our next match is from February 2, as Dick Murdoch takes on El Corsario. This was supposed to be Norman the Lunatic but it looks like Norman did not appear. Murdoch has Joe Smith at ringside. The match is pretty much a Dick Murdoch showcase, as Murdoch immediately goes after Corsario and does not let up. On commentary, Profe starts asking where Carlos Colon is, insinuating that Colon has been hiding since the attack Murdoch did last week after the cage match. Profe starts saying what kind of a man Colon is by hiding, typical Puerto Rican (or at least that’s what Profe says Murdoch told him). In the ring, Murdoch decides to toss Corsario outside and take him over to the fence in order to ram Corsario into the chain link. Murdoch exchanges some words with the fans and grabs a piece of wood from the dugout. Corsario gets hit on the back with the piece of wood and Murdoch drags Cosario back to the ring area, ramming Corsario headfirst into a ringpost. A shoulder breaker into the ringpost follows, and Hugo complains about Murdoch’s wild style (although Profe says now one can see why Carlos Colon is in hiding). The announcers briefly talk about Joe Smith and how Murdoch says he is going to train Joe into becoming a wrestler, as Murdoch ends the match with a brainbuster.
MD: Unfortunately one-sided, but it is a pretty solid destruction of Corsario outside the ring and then inside. The best bit was when they were headed for the dugout with people throwing things at Murdoch and he just found a random piece of wood to clock Corsario with. He ran him shoulder first into the post as he is want to do and then finished him with a brainbuster in the ring. His second was out there in a baseball uniform. I would have liked to see him backpedal a bit but maybe not against Corsario.
EB: The Super Medicos get a chance to say their piece about tonight’s match. Medico #3 says that the rudos have been complaining about what happened at Miramar with the loaded headbutt, but they conveniently forget what they did last week in Bayamon. They show the clip of the ending of the February 2 no-DQ match. Mendoza uses his loaded glove to attack Medico #3, but since it is no-DQ it is legal .The ref escorts Mendoza out of the ring and Medico #1 breaks up Valentine’s cover. He then switches out with Medico #3. Medico #1 also has an object in his mask and hits Valentine with a headbutt to potentially get the win. But the ref had been taken out earlier with a missed crossbody attempt and was not able to make the count. As Medico #1 waits making the cover, Monster Ripper comes in and hits Medico #1 with her boot. Ripper puts Valentine on top of Medico #1, the ref comes too and the rudos retain the Caribbean tag titles. Back to the Super Medicos in the studio, Medico #1 states that is why they did the loaded headbutt at Miramar, and if the rudos want to play dirty, then they can do that as well as anybody.
MD: That match was full of hooha, shall we say. We just get a minute of it but there was masked confusion, a loaded mask, a ref bump, Ripper interfering, etc. I’m starting to wonder if this feud has maybe run its course. You can only keep tweaking things week after week for so long.
EB: El Profe and the Texas Hangmen are hyped for tonight’s World tag title match since Invader won’t have the taped fist, and they promise the new champions’ reign will be the shortest ever. Invader and Bronco know that the Texas Hangmen are going to be coming on strong tonight because they are upset about losing the titles. They won’t make it easy for the Hangmen and will be ready.
After the card rundown for tonight’s house show, we go to the feature match of the program. It’s the lumberjack match from a few weeks back between the Texas Hangmen and Invader #1 & Bronco #1. The tecnicos control the first part of the match via quick tags and working Psycho’s arm. The tecnicos remain in control as we go to commercial break, but once we return Invader eats some boots to the face on a corner charge. The Hangmen work over Invader with some facelocks on the mta, as the lumberjacks look on. Invader tries a comeback but gets cut off, as it seems that Hugo has finally learned how to tell the Hangmen apart on commentary. The tide turns in the tecnicos favor when Psycho goes to the top turnbuckle and Invader runs into the ropes, causing Psycho to crotch himself on the top rope. Invader makes the tag to Bronco, who comes in hot. Bronco gets several pin attempts on Psycho, but Killer comes in to break up each attempt. Invader recovers and all four men end up in the ring. The lumberjacks start getting restless as Galan Mendoza jumps up on the ring apron and grabs Bronco. All of the other lumberjacks gather to where Mendoza is, with the tecnicos trying to pull Mendoza off and the rudos trying to stop the tecnicos. The referee goes over to try to get Mendoza to let go of Bronco and, in the confusion, the Hangmen grab the bullrope and use it to knock out Invader. The Hangmen cover and retain the World tag titles.
MD: This feud isn’t quite there yet though. It’s still churning. Pretty soon they’d do well to switch the babyface teams maybe? I don’t know. I love how animated the Hangmen are in their promo. Bronco’s holding the mic for their promo for some reason which is kind of weird. Most important thing to know about the shine is that right before it goes to commercial (after a chaotic start where Bronco and Invader take over and the Hangmen feed/stooge like crazy), Invader does the Garvin Stomp which I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him do before. He looks great in general but once we hit the break he gets swept under quickly.
That means he continues to look great as a face-in-peril, sneaking in those hope spots, before he is able to lunge at the ropes to knock a Hangman down upon them, crocheting him. The lumberjacks have really only made this match feel more contained by this point; kept it in the ring solely by their presence alone, but none of the previous matches have been so contained so this feels actively different. And then, you know what, Invader looks great after the hot tag when he gets to come in again to set up the finish. More than that, Mendoza, as a lumberjack gets involved, which is interesting considering what I was just saying (they’re hearing me through history or maybe this all just makes sense), allowing the ref to get distracted and the cowbell to end things for the good guys.
EB: To close the show, Hugo presents some fan drawings they have received, with Profe saying the only good one was the one of him. Hugo does a final sell for tonight’s card in Caguas and they sign off.
MD: There’s a drawing here of Rafael The Ninja Turtle and Carlitos Colon. I’ll let Esteban explain it. I love that some kid cared enough about Giant Warrior to draw him too. That’s very charming.
EB: So what happened during the title matches on February 9? We actually have a bit of footage of what happened during that weekend during the following week’s TV programs. Let’s find out how things advanced as we first go to the west coast version of Superestrellas from February 16.
Hugo welcomes the viewers and immediately the video cuts to Hugo introducing a clip of what happened this past Saturday in Caguas between the Super Medicos with Sasha in their corner and Rick Valentine & Galan Mendoza with Monster Ripper in their corner. We go to the clip and Medico #3 has Rick Valentine in an airplane spin. After tossing Valentine to the mat, Medico #3 goes for a cover but Monster Ripper jumps on the apron to distract the referee. As the ref is busy telling Ripper to get off the apron, Mendoza comes in and hits Medico #3 with the loaded glove. However, when the ref turns around, he sees Mendoza in the ring and escorts him back to the rudo corner. As this is happening, Medico #1 gets in the ring, breaks up the cover Valentine has on Medico #3, and them rolls Medico #3 out of the ring in order to switch places with him. When the ref focuses back on the wrestlers in the ring, it’s Medico #1 who is in there. Medico #1 fires off some punches and knocks Valentine down with a clothesline. As Mendoza protests and inadvertently distracts the ref, Medico #1 leans over to where Sasha is. Sasha puts an object inside Medico #1’s mask. The action continues and Medico #1 gets a backslide on Valentine, but Mendoza jumps in and breaks it up. Medico #1 hits Mendoza with a headbutt that sends Mendoza flying to the outside. Valentine sneaks up behind Medico #1 and hits a back suplex. Medico #1 is able to counter being sent into the ropes with a sleeper and at this point the seconds get involved. Ripper hits Medico #1 with a boot to break up the sleeperhold and Sasha comes in to go after Ripper. Sasha and Medico #1 drive Ripper and Valentine away, meanwhile Mendoza and Medico #3 remain knocked out on the floor thanks to the loaded hits they took.
Due to what happened, tomorrow in Hormigueros we will have a rematch for the Caribbean tag titles but Sasha and Monster Ripper will be handcuffed to each other at ringside. We will also have a rematch for the Caribbean title, with Miguelito Perez challenging Kim Duk. Last week in Hormiguero, Kim Duk did not appear and Hugo showed a clip to explain why he didn’t appear. During the match in Caguas on February 9, El Profe had another accident and hit Duk in the throat with the kendo stick when Perez ducked out of the way. Due to the pain Duk was in from that blow, he wasn't able to appear last Sunday but the rematch will happen tomorrow. The main event for Sunday will be a rematch for the World tag team titles, as new champions the Texas Hangmen (who regained the belts last Sunday in Hormigueros) defend against Invader #1 and Bronco #1 in a streetfight. The card will also have Giant Warrior vs the Motor City Madman, Original TNT vs Huracan Castillo Jr, and Invader #4 vs. Mr. Pogo.
MD: I could be wrong but this feels like the opposite camera angle of how we saw it last time. Still lots of moving parts and I think it’s leading to Sasha handcuffed to Ripper.
EB: Our first match of the program is one we have covered previously, the Kim Duk vs Super Medico #4 match from January 6. After the match, we get promos from the teams involved in the Caribbean tag tile feud. Ripper promises that Sasha will not be able to get away with interfering since they will be handcuffed together. Valentine insults Sasha by calling her stinky. The Super Medicos and Sasha respond, with Medico #1 saying that Ripper won’t be able to interfere since Sasha will be handcuffed to her and this time that will be the difference maker in their quest to win the Carribean tag titles.
MD: Ripper/Mendoza/Valentine have swanky new robes and… well, whatever sci fi thing Ripper has. They’re all hyping up the match with Sasha handcuffed to Ripper. I really do get the sense that Sasha “gets it” and was very good at what she did.
EB: Miguelito Perez is up next and talks about Duk not appearing last week after the kendo stick mishap. Perez is thankful that he wasn’t the one hurt but will be ready for tomorrow. He also warns Kim Duk to be wary, but not of him. Duk needs to be wary of El Profe, since he keeps hitting Duk on acccident and Duk may end up not being able to wrestle.
MD: They did a good job here of making it seem like Perez was going to win the title off of Duk (or at least that he had a much better chance than he would have a few months earlier) given the build and the miscommunication. By the way, in the promo for the live show when they announce the jackets, Perez is out with his Ribera jacket.
EB:Next is Dick Murdoch facing off against Sabud, who wastes no time in going after Murdoch and gets some martial arts thrusts in. Murdoch flees the ring and ends up in the boxing ring that is nearby. Sabud makes a mistake by going in after Murdoch and gets caught. Murdoch quickly throws Sabud outside of the boxing ring and rams Sabud face first into the ringpost. Murdoch briefly rolls back into the wrestling ring to break up the ref’s ring out count, and then goes back to attacking Sabud on the outside by ramming him into a table and using a chair. Joe Smith is at ringside watching all of the action go down. Both men end up in the ring and Murdoch makes short work of Sabud to get the win. Afterwards, Murdoch motions for the camera to follow him and he goes to the ringside table to get a microphone, but the video cuts away before he can talk.
MD: Murdoch is even more unleashed than usual in Puerto Rico, even more onerous, probably driven by real things it’s best not to focus on. Here he feeds a bit for Sabu’s karate shots but then ducks into a different ring (there was a regulation boxing one set up here too) befuddling his opponent so he could take over. From there it was chairs and cheapshots and some brutal elbows as he got quick revenge.
EB: Kim Duk and El Profe are interviewed by Hugo about tomorrow’s Caribbean title match. Hugo makes sure to stir things up by bringing up Profe’s accidental hits during the last couple of weeks. Profe gets defensive, insisting that those were accidents and they won’t happen again. Hugo actually tells Kim that he hopes his neck is feeling better before Duk talks about the upcoming match. Duk says he accepts Profe’s explanation that it was a mistake that won’t happen again.
MD: We are reassured here that Profe won’t make the same mistake again. I can’t see a Kim Duk babyface run (though we do have that 70s Korea match with him now), but could see this covering a title switch.
EB: Motor City Madman is next with a promo on his rematch with Giant Warrior, promising that what he did last week to Warrior is nothing compared to what will happen tomorrow. We go to Giant Warrior, who says that Madman showed his true colors last week by jumping Warrior from behind. Warrior will be ready this week, since he now knows that Madman does not play by the rules. Giant Warrior will walk out the winner tomorrow.
Afterrthe promos, we get a TV studio match with Motor City Madman taking on Justo Maldonado. Hugo mentions that Madman is a recent acquisition for El Club Deportivo courtesy of Skandor Akbar and El Profe. The match lasts less than a minute, as Madman gets Justo up into an inverted backbreaker vice and then proceeds to ram Justo’s head into the turnbuckle several times while in the hold. After the match, Invader #4 and the Medicos helped take Justo out of the ring on a stretcher.
MD: They’re promising me Skandor Akbar with Madman and he just hasn’t shown up yet. After the lovely picture we saw from some kid last week, I do believe Giant Warrior when he says in his southern drawl that he has a connection with the fine people of Caguas. Maldonado was not a small guy so Mad Man crashing through him and hitting his finish of the backbreaker into the repeated head drops onto the top rope (did he do that in WCW? I have to take a look) is impressive. I enjoyed the Medicos being out there to stretcher Maldonado out. It just makes sense.
EB: Hugo introduces a clip of what happened last week in Hormigueros when Invader # and Bronco #1 were defending the World tag team titles against the Texas Hangmen. All four men are in the ring but Bronco and Psycho go outside. Invader and Killer remain in the ring and Invader is whipped into a corner. Invader does a reverse bodypress out of the corner but Killer ducks and Invader accidentally takes out the referee instead. Invader gets a small package but there is no one to count. Profe stands at ringside shaking his head no (indicating that this wasn’t going to work for Invader) and Bronco gets back in the ring to find the ref out on the mat. For some reason, Bronco decides to make the three count himself and Invader lets go of the hold. The Hangmen jump the tecnicos, but an attempted irish whip results in Bronco and Killer colliding. Invader and Psycho end up as the wrestlers in the ring. Invader starts to go after Psycho in a corner but Profe gets in the ring to try to help his guys out. Invader sees Profe and attacks him before Profe can do anything, but this gives the Hangmen a chance to get the bullrope and hit Invader with it to get the win to regain the World tag titles.
We go to an interview where Profe and the Hangmen are celebrating their title win, but Hugo mentions that there will be a rematch under streetfight rules. Psycho says that brawling is up the Hangmen's alley, so they’ll bust the tecnicos up. Killer reiterates that they like bloody brawls and will leave the tecnicos in a pool of blood. Invader and Bronco respond, with Invader saying that any fans that can’t stand to see the sight of blood to not show up tomorrow since they will leave the Hangmen drenched in blood. They are on a mission to regain the World tag team titles.
MD: Invader’s timing is really good on the finish here where he cuts across the ring to attack Profe and then turns right into the rope shot. Promos worked for me as you had the sense that the Hangmen would be naturals in a streetfight and Invader and especially Bronco were super animated.
EB: Dick Murdcoh is up next with an interview talking about his attack a few weeks back on Carlos Colon right after the cage match against Greg Valentine. Murdoch says that maybe Colon did not attack him, but Murdoch delivered his message. Murdoch wants Colon to stop being a coward and sign the contract for a match against him. Murdoch throws in a few insults about the local culture and also mentions still wanting to train Joe Smith and turn him into a wrestler.
MD: Just a great, great promo here. I can’t do it justice, but Murdoch was next level at being self-aware. No “Let me tell you brothers,” out of him. Real Southern Gothic type stuff in its own way. And then when Hugo (Jerome) translated, he’d be making faces at various words Hugo said. You should go watch this.
EB: We have a match joined in progress between Huracan Castillo Jr and Mr. Pogo, This is from February 9 in Caguas and is for the World Junior title. Hurcana does a sunset flip from the apron into the ring, but Pogo grabs onto the ropes and tries to hold on to avoid going over. The ref kicks Pogo’s hands off the ropes but Castillo only gets a two count. Hugo on commentary actually mentions that he has always felt that the ref should not have the leeway or discretion to kick someone’s hands off the rope in that situation, because he thinks that refs should not physically get involved with the wrestlers. Pogo hits a suplex and puts Castillo in a sleeperhold as Hugo finishes his remarks. Castillo answers the arm check and fights out of the sleeper, but Pogo cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. Pogo misses a fist drop from the turnbuckle, and Castillo starts a comeback that is punctuated with a high knee and several elbow drops. Castillo gets several near falls of different cradle and press attempts, but Pogo stops Castillo with a spinning kick. Pogo misses a splash from the turnbuckle and Castillo goes to the top. A bodypress lands but the momentum is enough for Pogo to roll over Castillo. They end up near the ropes with Pogo’s feet landing on the ropes for leverage. The ref does not see the feet on the ropes and makes the three count. Pogo has won and is now the new World Junior champion.
MD: It’s funny now after we’ve had months and months of Duk that this could have been Pogo’s role. He’s a perfectly credible midcard heel and this is good for what we get of it. I love Castillo’s jumping knee. I meant to say that before. He almost hits more with the inside of the leg than anyone else. It’s a nice move. Pogo has his spinkick cutoff too but then misses a top rope splash. Nice finish as Pogo rolls through on a Castillo flying body press but he lands perfectly with his feet on the ropes to assist with the pin. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that done quite like that before.
EB: The last part of the show features a minis match that we’ve already covered but it is bookended by promos from Original TNT, Huracan Castillo Jr and TNT. Original TNT and Castillo are facing each other tomorrow.in Hormigueros. Original TNT says that he beat up the impostor TNT last week so they should take the name and paint away from that impostor before saying that he will beat Castillo tomorrow as well. Castillo has some remarks about the match tomorrow, with Castillo saying that everyone knows that the real TNT is the one from here. Hugo mentions that Castillo has been taught the sleeperhold by Victor Jovica and that is something that could come into play against the Original TNT. Hugo mentions that we have an interview with Carlos Colon about the recent controversy surrounding Dick Murdoch but it’s cut off in this version of the episode we have.
After the minis match, TNT has some word for Original TNT and Profe, He says that Original TNT defeated him last week but it was due to cheating and help from El Profe. TNT throws out a challenge to Original TNT for a no time limit match and to also put up the name and paint. TNT wants to take everything from Original TNT, the TV title, the face paint and the name. We then get Hugo with the show close where he hypes the card tomorrow in Hormigueros.
MD: Not too much to say about these last promos. Original TNT really does come off as believing his own bluster no matter how ridiculous it is. I wonder if Pogo should be doing the Cobra if Duk and both TNTs also use it but I guess it could set up one more Pogo vs TNT match if they needed to go that way.
EB: We also have the Campeones episode from February 16.
Our hosts are Hugo Savinovich and El Profe, with Hugo welcoming the viewers to the usual 4pm Saturday time slot on Channel 11. A lot gets mentioned during the opening segment, as Profe starts bragging about how all of his guys are champions (Texas Hangmen with the World tag titles, Original tNT with the TV title and Kim Duk with the Caribbean title). Hugo also mentions that the supreme leader of El Club Deportivo (referring to El Profe) has been joined by General Skandorr Akbar, to which Profe says that Akbar is not here this week because he is on a scouting trip for new recruits. So El Ejercito de la ‘Inmudicia’ better start shaking in fear of the people Akbar and Profe will soon bring in. Hugo is annoyed that by next week they will have more cheaters, but Profe corrects him and says it will be reinforcements. Profe chuckles as Hugo worries a bit about what the combination of Akbar and Profe might be planning. Hugo then runs down what they'll show on the program, with the featured match being the TV title match between TNT and Original TNT from the previous week. Profe reiterates that the local TNT is the fake one.
Hugo starts talking about tonight’s card in Caguas, starting with the Caribbean title match where Miguelito Perez challenges Kim Duk with the kendo stick on a pole. Hugo points out all of the accidents Profe has had with the kendo stick lately, but Profe says that they’ve been honest mistakes and tonight nothing will happen. Hugo says either way the kendo stick will not be in Profe’s hands tonight and instead it will be up on the pole. Hugo thinks Miguelito has a good chance at winning tonight, but Profe insults Perez by saying “Miguelito may look like a monkey because of all the hair he has, but he doesn’t have the agility of one.”
There will also be a streetfight as the new World tag champs the Texas Hangmen defend against the former champions, Invader #1 and Bronco #1. El Profe thinks the tecnicos are being fools by fighting the Hangmen in a match that is their specialty. The Hangmen are used to fighting with Mexicans and latinos in Texas. Hugo counters that both Bronco and Invader have their experience fighting in brawls, but Profe says it’s not the same thing fighting a couple of drunks in the gutter as fighting tough gangs, not those weak underweight Domincans Bronco fights. Hugo cuts Profe off and we go to the Huracan Castillo Jr vs Johnny Rinco match from earlier in January. The match is joined in progress and gives you a bit of a look at Johnny Ringo in a more competitive match. The match clip is more of a showcase for Castillo though and Huracan retains the World Jr. title.
MD: When you come across someone as off the radar as Ringo, you do give him an extra look and you know what? He was fine. On offense (Castillo missed a corner charge and hit the post), he had a bunch of stuff. I liked his body language as he took things, especially how he tended to drape over the ropes. There just wasn’t a lot of room for juniors in 1991, but he’s another guy who could have fit into the Global light heavyweight division no problem. Castillo came back and won it clean with a Northern Lights which is not something I’ve seen him do too much.
EB: We next have a Dick Murdoch promo that gets cut off but not before he complains about the disgusting beans he’s been forced to eat down here.
MD: This episode is not in full and we get about ten seconds of Murdoch complaining about the local food as only he could.
EB: We go to some promos form Original TNT and Huracan Castillo Jr, who are scheduled for tonight in Caguas. OriginalTtNT insists he beat up the fake TNT last week and promises to also do the same to Castillo tonight. Castllo dares Original TNT to make good on that threat and says that one advantage Castillo has is that he has better endurance.
MD: Again, these are clipped, but they’re setting up Original TNT defending against Castillo (I’m a little surprised he survived TNT so far honestly; seems like a relatively short program to finish things up from the previous feud that never got paid off, but he’s still here and still has the belt) so I guess it was nice we had that competitive win against Ringo for Castillo.
EB: Hugo and Profe introduce a music video for Motor City Madman set to the tune of ‘Born To Be Wild.’ It shows Madman spray painting his name on a chunk of wall, shooting pool, and also highlights from different matches. One impressive clip is from a match vs Giant Warrior where Madman picks up Warrior in an inverted body vice and proceeds to smash Warrior’s head several times into the top turnbuckle. After the video, Madman and Warrior cut promos about their match tonight. Madman says that Warrior will make a big mistake facing him again after causing Warrior to be stretchered out last week. Warrior responds by saying he did not like being humiliated last week and says that he has not lost a match yet in Caguas.
MD: Good for the Madman to get a music video. You get to see him do his over the shoulder backbreaker snake eyes bounce move over and over in this to the music, even to Giant Warrior! Also riding motorcycles, spray painting things, shooting pool. What a guy. Apparently he stretchered Giant Warrior out last week and Warrior wants revenge.
EB: Carlos Colon cuts a promo about Dick Murdoch. Carlos says that he understands Dick Murdoch is looking for him, but he must not be looking too well since Carlos is not hard to find. Carlos says it is him who is looking for Murdoch, he wants to avenge what Murdoch did to him many years back while in the U.S. (and also the attack a few weeks ago) and now they are hours away from singing that match. This won’t be just a match, it will be a fight because Murdoch has offended Colon before and now Murdoch will be paid back, especially since they are now in Colon’s homeland of Puerto Rico. Colon guarantees that when they clash, blood will flow, and’ it will be yours dog.’
The feature match is last week's TV title match between Original TNT and TNT. Profe again calls out Juan Rivera as the fake TNT before going to the match .TNT wastes no time in attacking Original TNT, throwing several punches at ringside (and still wearing his gi). TNT takes off his belt and chokes Original TNT with it. They get in the ring and TNT remains in control. Meanwhile, Hugo and Profe are having a back and forth on commentary about Profe not respecting the wrestler’s names and calling TNT out by his real name. Hugo points out that none of them are throwing out Profe’s real name because they are honorable gentlemen and respect that (which causes Profe to be a bit afraid for a moment Hugo was going to give that secret away). The match continues with TNT on the attack, once again taking the match to the arena floor. Hugo starts pointing out that Original TNT can’t hit those kicks and movies like the real TNT can (with Profe complaining that he thinks Juan Rivera must be bribing Hugo to put him over as the eighth wonder of the world apparently).
The beating continues, with TNT hitting several kicks on Original TNT. We go to a commercial break with TNT still getting all of the offense in so far in the match and then come back with Original TNT in control, throwing TNT out of the ring. Profe says that we have things under control now. Hugo mentions that TNT has been dominating most of the match so far, but Profe sas it has been the other way around with Original TNT dominating the impostor Juan Rivera (which causes Hugo to once again admonish Profe for not respecting the wrestler’s names). Profe starts rattling off examples of other wrestlers whose real names are known (specifically the Invaders) but Hugo says that’s different because they have chosen and allowed their names to be known. Meanwhile, Original TNT has rammed TNT into the stacked floor panels near the fence area and goes back to the ring, leaving TNT recovering on the floor. Original TNT goes back out to attack TNT, smashing him face first into the ringside table and then using a chair. Hugo notes that TNT has started bleeding. TNT then gets his head rammed into a ringpost. Original TNT gets back in the ring as TNT struggles to stand up, with his forehead noticeably bleeding.TNT stumbles into the ring and OriginalTtNT starts choking and slapping TNT.
TNT fights out of a chinlock and hits a back suplex, leaving both men down on the mat.We get a second commercial break, and come back with TNT starting a comeback. Hugo mentions that they’ve been fighting for over 25 minutes (in a match with a 30 minute time limit). They go to the outside and TNT rams Original TNT into the ringside table, busting Original TNT open. Back in the ring. TNT bites the cut on Original TNT’s forehead. TNT tries a few pin attempts but Original TNT is able to kick out or get his foot on the ropes. Original TNT is able to get a surprise powerslam and gets the cobra hold on TNT. Profe celebrates at ringside as TNT struggles in the hold but eventually goes to his knees. The bell rings and Original TNT lets go of the hold thinking that he has won the match, but it rang because the time limit has ended. It is a time limit draw.
MD: This gets a ton of time and you get the sense we get most of it. TNT, gi still on, jumps him from the get go. The first third has Jackson flying and bumping and staggering around as TNT hits sweeping blows and karate strikes. Very energized stuff to the crowd’s delight. Original TNT takes over midway through and really grinds TNT down, opening him up. He comes back big and for a while they’re really showing the effects of it all, selling the weight of the match until TNT gets a second wind and takes over in a big way, hitting him with the belt on the floor and biting the wound. Original TNT is able to catch him with a power slam out of nowhere though and locks in the cobra but TNT doesn’t quit. Profe and Jackson think that he does and I’m not quite sure what the ending was as TNT stood tall in the ring as they cut back to the hosts. Past that finish, a very complete match here that got a lot of time for something shown on TV.
EB: We go back to Hugo and Profe for the show close, as Profe insists that Original TNT showed his quality against the imposter Juan Rivera. Hugo reminds the fans to go tonight to Caguas.
Next time on El Deporte de la Mil Emociones, Invader #1 and Bronco #1 face the Texas Hangmen in a streetfight, Colon vs Murdoch is official, Skandor Akbar is back and Ricky Santana makes his return to CSP. Plus, will Profe finally avoid making another mistake in Kim Duk’s match?
Labels: Carlos Colon, Dick Murdoch, El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, Greg Valentine, Kim Duk, Monster Ripper, Puerto Rico, Scott Hall
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