Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Thursday, August 08, 2024

El Deporte de las Mil Emociones: An Outlaw For The Save

Week 31: An Outlaw For The Save

EB: One week after Aniversario 90 ,a house show was held in Caguas. The top three matches for that July 14th card were all rematches from Aniverario. We have a Caribbean title rematch between invader #1 and Leo Burke. We have a rematch between Scott Hall and Atkie Mulumba. And, after a heated encounter on the Campeones tv program, a last minute addition to the card is Carlos Colon facing TNT in a non-title match. We have footage from these three bouts, so let’s go first to the Caribbean title rematch. Leo Burke lost in a boxing match and feels embarrassed by the loss, since the stipulations were selected by Leo and Chicky Starr to ensure they had the upper hand on Invader. However, Invader #1 prevailed thanks to a tape assisted heart punch (his hands were taped up beneath the  boxing glove and, as has been documented, Invader #1’s taped fist heart punch is considered a potentially deadly maneuver). Leo has gotten a normal wrestling rules rematch and is looking to make the new champion’s reign a short one.

We go to the closing moments of the match, as Invader is down on the mat with Leo advancing towards him. According to Hugo on commentary, Invader seems to have run into the referee, which sent El Vikingo flying to the outside. For now, there is no referee. Leo sends Invader into the ropes but they each duck a clothesline attempt from the other and end up colliding when they go for headbutts. Now both wrestlers and the referee are down. Chicky Starr goes over to where Leo Burke is (Chicky ends up standing right by the knocked out referee), puts a piece of metal on top of Leo’s hand and then starts taping up Burke’s hand. Chicky finishes taping up Burke’s hand just as the referee manages to crawl back into the ring, completely unaware of what Chicky had been up to. Both wrestlers slowly get back up and Leo decks Invader with the loaded punch. Leo covers and waits for the count, as El Vikingo stumbles around still loopy from the hit he took earlier. Still, El Vikingo manages to get into position and counts three. Burke has regained the Caribbean title via a loaded taped fist punch (there's definitely a message being sent to Invader via the use of a taped fist knockout). Chicky gets in the ring to celebrate with Leo,as the ref is still holding his head and half out of it. The ref hands the title belt to Leo ,who kisses it in celebration. Hugo then says let’s see what happened moments later. We cut to the ringside doctor checking on the still prone Invader, as Burke is heading towards the stairs that lead to the locker room (which is a feature of the arena in Caguas). However, it looks like all of the tecnicos have come up the stairs to head Burke off. Super Medico #1 grabs Burke by the arm and the tecnicos drag Burke over to ringside so the ref can see Leo’s loaded taped fust. El Vikingo finds the piece of metal and reverses the decision, awarding the match to Invader by DQ. El Vikingo takes back the title belt, puts it on the still prone on the mat Invader and raises his arm as the winner.  

MD: Just the last couple of minutes here. They crash into each other and Burke lands with his hand out of the ring. That lets Chicky tape up the fist (moving right on to taped fists after the Boxing Glove gimmick paid off?) and Burke clocks Invader, seemingly getting the win and the title. The babyface locker room storms out, presents Burke’s taped fist to the ref, and the decision gets reversed. It’s a fun image to see Hall and everyone else hold Burke’s hand into the fire at least.

EB: Leo and Chicky were foiled in their attempt to regain the Caribbean title, but once again they used the power of the punch against Invader #1. And it was a taped fist punch at that. With all that has happened between Burke and Invader, the time has come to finally settle things. To settle once and for all who has the power of the punch, Invader #1 and Leo Burke will face off one more time on July 21 in a taped fist match. With the history behind Inavder’s taped fist, this may end up being Burke’s undoing or the ultimate embarrassment for Invader #1.  

Also on July 14, Scott Hall took on Atkie Mulumba in a rematch from Aniversario 90. Their match then ended in a double countout, maybe this time we will have a definitive winner.

Hall is waiting in the ring as Atkie and El Profe are at ringside. We have Hugo and Carlos on commentary, with Hugo highlighting that this is the big rematch from Aniversario between Hall and Mulumba. The bell rings and Atkie gets in the ring, but Hall immediately charges and starts punching Mulumba. They exchange punches and Atkie gets a headbutt in, but Scott remains unfazed and fires off several punches that stagger Atkie. Hall continues unrelenting with his attack but Atkie is able to fire back with some unanswered punches of his own and sends Hall into the ropes, leading to Atkie clotheslining Hall over the top rope to the outside. Hugo mentions that since it wasn’t intentional (momentum took Hall over), then the ref cannot disqualify Mulumba. Hall is trying to get up but Atkie goes outside and starts attacking Hall. Atkie drags Hall over to the ring and starts ramming Hall’s head on the ring apron. Atkie tosses Hall back in the ring and chokes him on the middle rope. When the ref gets Atkie to break, Profe takes the opportunity to get a punch in on Hall. Atkie slams Hall and does a falling headbutt. As Mulumba continues his attack by ramming Hall’s head on the top turnbuckle, Carlos mentions that he has never seen a wrestler the size of Mulumba have the speed and quickness he displays.

Atkie continues attacking Hall, but Hall is able to stop one of the turnbuckle rams and counters with his own. The crowd comes alive as Hall stars making a comeback. Mulumba is sent into the ropes and Hall hits a dropkick that knocks Mulumba backwards onto the middle rope, almost sending him to the outside. Hall follows up with some kicks and a clothesline off the ropes that staggers Atkie but does not knock him down. Hall grabs Mulumba and slams him to the mat. As a fired up Hall plays to the crowd, Atkie haphazardly rolls to the outside. Atkie decides to hide under the ring, but Hall manages to get outside as Atkie is still crawling underneath the ring. Hall grabs Atkie’s leg but ends up following him underneath the ring. As the ref and El Profe are trying to figure out what is happening down there, there seems to be some movement on the canvas. El Vikingo is startled by the movement and jumps onto the bottom turnbuckle to get off the mat. Hugo talks about how it is dangerous underneath the ring since you have the metal supports down there, and Carlos comments that the ring is moving. At that moment, the camera does a closeup of the ring and you can see that the ring itself is moving up and down with whatever is happening down there. Carlos says it’s a shame there is not a camera down there since it looks like there is a dog fight going on. Finally Mulumba and Hall emerge from underneath the ring, Atkie is bleeding from his head and Hall presses the attack with more unanswered punches. Hall continues attacking Mulumba outside of the ring, as they head near the commentary table and the stairs that lead to the locker room. The ref is doing his ring out count and we hear Eliud Gonzalez make the five minutes time call. Hall rams Atkie into the fence by the stairs, which knocks Atkie down to the floor right at the top of the stairs. Hall continues attacking Mulumba as they descend the stairs into the locker room, with the ref counting both men out. The ref leaves the ring and runs over to the stairs to check on the wrestlers as El Profe is left at ringside somewhat perplexed at the turn of events. Hall starts coming back up the stairs as Eliud Gonzalez announces it was a double countout. The video then cuts to Carlos and Hugo, with Hugo closing the show by asking Carlos his thoughts about the upcoming Universal title rematch on Fan Appreciation Day.  It looks like the feud between Hall and Mulumba is not over.

MD: This was a blast. Five minutes but all action. Hall had really, finally, figured out how to be a top babyface, the successor to Magnum TA. It’s such a victim of timing. If he had peaked like this a couple of years before, he could have made a major impact for JCP. A year later, maybe you could have built Global around him. He took it to Malumba right from the start, matching blows until Malumba bowled him over with a charge. Eventually (after a cheapshot from Profe), they went out to the floor and eventually went under the ring which you really don’t see much in Puerto Rico and seems rare in general with a guy Malumba’s size. They did a deal where they pressed up on the mat from underneath in a way you never see at all which was a great comedic visual that had the crowd going. Then they brawled down the stairs and into the locker room. Great spectacle.

EB: The third and final match we have some footage from the July 14 card is the Colon vs TNT non-title challenge match. TNT did not want to wait until August 4 to face Colon and, after a heated encounter on Campeones, Colon accepted the challenge. Let’s go to a segment from Campeones that shows the match finish and the ensuing aftermath.

The clip begins as TNT reverses an Irish whip attempt by Carlos. TNT tries to follow up with a dynamite kick, but Carlos gets out of the way and TNT hits the tunbuckle instead. Colon takes advantage and knocks TNT to the mat and works over the leg to set up for a figure four attempt. Colon gets the figure four on in the middle of the ring. As the camera goes to a wide shot, you can see that Chicky Starr and El Profe are both at ringside for some reason (so far TNT has not formally aligned with either manager but they appear to be watching the match from ringside). Aa TNT struggles in the hold, Chicky and Profe start talking to each other and Chicky signals to Profe to go ahead. El Profe runs towards the stairs and to the locker room  as TNT continues to struggle in the figure four leglock. Chicky remains at ringside, either jawing at the ref or trying to encourage TNT, when Profe runs back into view and he seems to be waving somebody on. It’s Atkie Mulumba (complete with a bandaged forehead as a result of the earlier match with Scott Hall), who proceeds to get in the ring and splashes Carlos Colon. This breaks the figure four on TNT but also causes a disqualification. Atkie proceeds to attack Carlos as TNT is on the mat, trying to get some feeling back in his leg. The clip cuts to Carlos getting the better of Atkie in their punch exchange, with TNT standing in the corner still shaking his leg. TNT sneaks up behind Colon and locks in the Cobra Dinamita. Colon tries to get out of the hold by grabbing the ropes for leverage, but TNT is able to yank him away each time and keeps the hold locked on. Carlos starts to fade when Scott Hall emerges from the stairwell. The fans cheer on as Hall takes out both Chicky and Profe with a double clothesline. Mulumba tries to head Hall off on the ring apron,but Hall starts hammering Atkie with several punches. TNT has Colon out in the cobra hold, but releases it to go help Atkie with Hall. Scott actually holds off both rudos for a while but eventually the two on one advantage comes into play as TNT catches Hall from behind. The clip then cuts to both Colon and Hall out on the mat, as the other tecnicos have come to the ring to chase Mulumna and TNT away. Hugo explains that TNT had also locked Hall in the Cobra Dinamita and had left him laid out on the mat. As the ringside physician and the tecnicos check on Colon and Hall, the camera cuts to TNT and Atkie (both bleeding) standing on the arena floor, as TNT points at what appears to be a new ally in Atkie.

We go to a promo with TNT, Atkie and El Profe. It seems that after what happened in Caguas, a tag match has been signed for July 21 between the teams of TNT & Atkie Mulumba and Carlos Colon & Scott Hall. El Profe dos the initial talking: “Carlos Colon, you think you have saved yourself because you got that traitor cowboy, but you are making a big mistake because tonight in Caguas you are facing the New Terror Express” Look like Profe has given a name to the team of Mulumba and TNT. Profe says that this new team will write their name in gold with Colon and Hall’s blood. TNT comments that last week he had given a beating to old man Colon and then the dog mounting traitor cowboy decided to get involved. Last week he took both of them down and tonight, with the help of Atkie Mulumba, he will take them to the valley of slumber with the Cobra Dinamita. 

We then go to Carlos Colon and Scott hall. Carlos opens by thanking Hall for coming to his aid last week. Hall then hypes up the first time teaming of Colon and Hall. Colon then says that Hall has said it all, the fans have seen how upset Hall is about this situation. Colon says that if it weren't for Hall’s help last week, who knows what would have ended up happening to him. Colon then directs a message to TNT, saying that last week he took advantage of Mulumba’s interference to put Colon out with the cobra, but this time its two on two. With how riled up they are it will be the end of TNT and Mulumba. Tonight in Caguas they are going to receive the beating of their lives. Colon then turns to Hall and tells him that he just told the fans we are going to beat the heck out of these two guys. The promo ends with both Hall and Colon yelling some final words at the camera (Colon says “We’ll finish with all of you tonight, get ready TNT, get ready Mulumba!”).

The announced lineup for July 21 in Caguas is as follows: Carlos Colon & Scott Hall vs TNT & Atkie Mulumba; a taped fist match for the Caribbean title as Invader #1 defends against Leo Burke; the Super Medicos defend the World tag team titles against Los Mercenarios; Gama Singh vs Rick Valentine; a mixed tag match with Invader #4 & Aguilita Solitaria taking on El Profe & Espectrito; and Miguelito Perez taks on Chicky Starr.  

MD: Just the end of this one. I think Chicky might have been at ringside, but this is more about Profe. Once Colon has TNT in the figure four, Malumba (head bandaged) runs out to attack. TNT stands back and watches for a bit but then slaps the Cobra onto Colon, really cementing an actual heel turn instead of the shades of grey stuff he’d been doing. Scott Hall comes out to make the save, setting up a big tag match. Hall’s promo here is funny as he mentions the Puerto Rican Legend and the Blonde Outlaw coming together and everyone’s big move and says to bring your mother. Then Colon cuts a promo in Spanish and ends it by telling Hall in English that he told the fans “We’re going to beat the heck out of these two guys.” Like usual, they set up another big, novel match that people would want to see. That’s probably good as the undercard was full of things we’ve seen before that maybe feel a bit long in the tooth (Invader vs Burke/Super Medicos vs Mercenarios).

EB: We now head to the July 21 tv programs we have available. First is the Campeones episode, where we have Hugo and Chicky (who is introduced by Hugo as the man who has self proclaimed himself as the king of wrestling) serving as hosts for this week’s program. With one exception, the matches included on this episode are old ones that we won’t cover in detail. However, if anyone wants to watch the Caribbean Express vs the Battens, Mr. Pogo vs Invader #2 (shown because Pogo is returning according to Hugo) or Invader #1 vs Super Black Ninja (aka Keiji Muto) in a streetfight the episode link will be below.  The one match relevant to our current time period is the finish of the July 14 Colon vs TNT match, which we just covered.

Beside the matches, there are some promos from Gama Sing and Rick valentine about their upcoming match that night, and we also get some banter from Hugo and Chicky throughout the show. Chicky is pro TNT on commentary, echoing that talking points about Carlos being too old. Hugo says that the matches have been very hard fought and close, with Hugo thinking that Chhicky is biased towards TNT because he wants TNT under contract. Chicky mentions that the viewers should watch out for his Esquina Caliente segment later in the show (which we do not have on this version of the episode), since he has a big surprise coming up for the viewers. We’ll discuss the surprise in a bit.
We also get a funny exchange before the main event, with Hugo needling Chicky about how he had heard that Chicky and Leo Burke were crying in the locker room after Aniversario after losing the Caribbean title to Invader #1. Chicky gets annoyed at Hugo bringing up things that are not relevant to the matter at hand  and Hugo keeps needling him. Chicky closes the show by mentioning that the new blood is going to persevere, and by new blood he means TNT (naturally with Chicky Starr’s help and the support of El Profe and his Real Academia).

MD: The only thing of note here is that Gama Singh went out of his way to explain how Rick Valentine had a big mouth and was, in fact, living proof of the existence of Pac-Man. Then poor Hugo had to figure out how to translate it.

EB: The other episode we have available from July 21  is the west coast version of Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre. So once again, remember that the references made throughout will be about the shows that have happened in the west coast.

The program starts with Hugo doing his usual show introduction, running down what will be shown on the program. The big news is that the Chicky Starr Sports Shop segment will have as a guest the number one contender for the Universal title, one TNT, and it is expected that some huge news will be coming from this segment. Among the matches to be featured on the show is a tag match featuring a newly arrived wrestler named Lance Idol (who has the nickname of The Continental Dream). Since this is the west coast version of Superestrellas, Hugo talks about the next day’s card in Aguadilla. The main event will be a rematch from the previous week, as Invader #1 faces TNT. Besides the main event, Scott Hall will take on Atkie Mulumba, the Super Medicos defend their World tag titles against Los Mercenarios, Aguilita Solitaria vs Espectrito; Miguelito Perez vs Rick Valentine; and Gama Singh vs Lance Idol. Based on the lineups for this weekend, it looks like the White Angel was only around for the previous week. Hugo finishes up the intro segment by announcing to the fans that the Fan Appreciation Day show for the west coast will be held August 5 in San German. The main event will be the Universal title rematch between Carlos colon and TNT and the stipulation is that this match cannot be stopped due to blood loss (remember, the west coast Aniversario match ended by blood stoppage instead of a  time limit draw).

Our first match of the program has Super Medico #1 facing Mercenario #1 (accompanied as always by El Profe). The bell rings but Mercenario has yet to take off his jacket and hat. The wrestlers circle each other and a lock up leads to Medico backing Mercenario into a corner. A clean break follows.  Another lock up leads to Mercenario not giving a clean break, but Medico counters back with punches of his own. Tempers flare and they exchange slaps to the face. Medico gets a headlock on Mercenario, and a rope throw counter results in Medico knocking Acevedo down with a shoulder block. Medico hits a dropkick and a slam, with Acevedo trying to beg off and complain his tights were pulled afterwards. Another Medico headlock turns into Acevedo hitting a clothesline after shooting Medico into the ropes. Acevedo controls the next moments of the match with several blows that include illegal throat punches. Medico makes a brief comeback with some punches of his own, but Acevedo knocks him down with a big punch. A backdrop attempt is countered by Medico with a kick to the head, and Medico follows up with his ‘hit machine’ sequence of punches. Medico hits a headbutt and sends Acevedo into the ropes but this time it’s Medico who makes the mistake of putting his head down too early. Acevedo takes advantage and hits a DDT for a two count. Profe gets up on the apron to distract the referee and Acevedo takes the opportunity to knock Medico out with a foreign object. Acevedo gets the pinfall win.

Post match, Acevedo tries to take off Medico #1’s mask but Medico #3 runs in to stop the attempted unmasking. Medico #3 hits several punches on Acevedo (with the crowd ‘huah-ing’ along). Medico #3 tries an attack from the top turnbuckle but is pushed off by Ron Starr, coming to his tag partner’s aid. Medico #3 punches Ron off the apron but is grabbed from behind by Acevedo. Ron comes in with a chair and attempts to hit Medico #3, but Medico #1 makes the save by grabbing the chair. Los Mercenarios bail to the locker room as the crowd cheers on the Super Medicos. Afterwards we get promos at ringside from both teams about their upcoming title match in Aguadilla. Hector Moyano interviews both Medicos, with Medico #1 re-lacing his mask as they start. Medico #3 says that what the Mercenarios tried to do to his father has no name and that they’ll get payback tomorrow. Medico #1 echoes that sentiment, promising to avenge what the Mercenarios tried to do just now and that they will be destroyed in Aguadilla. This is followed by El Profe and Los Mercenarios talking about the upcoming match in Aguadilla. Ron Starr says Profe has had them training hard for the match and they will defeat them tomorrow. Acevedo actually says some words, mentioning that the filthy city of Aguadilla will see the end of the Medicos. El Profe chimes in saying that they are not just coming for the titles, they are coming for the Medicos’ heads and masks. There will be nothing left of the super imbeciles known as the Medicos. 

MD: Quick match where Assassin won with an illegal object as Profe had the ref distracted. A good quick look at the two of them though. Assassin was a gravitational force controlling the center and striking out from it. Medico carried himself like a star and fired back only to get cut off with cheapshots. It could have used a few more minutes, maybe a bit more shine, and an actual finishing stretch but it was mainly to put heat on another Medicos vs Mercenarios tag. Post-match, Medico 3 made the save, almost got clocked by a chair for his trouble, only for Medico 1 to save him and run the heels off. The promos were by ringside. Medico 3 referred to Medico 1 as his father for maybe the first time I can remember. Starr said they were training on the beaches (hard to believe with Assassin’s look?) and that they had a new secret move. And hey, Assassin even got to talk which he rarely did in this era.

EB: Next is Chicky Starr’s Sports Shop with TNT as the announced guest. Chicky does his usual brief intro to the segment and then gets right to the point. He wants to show the viewers the contract signing of someone he has long wanted in his organization. Yes, it appears that Chicky has finally been able to convince TNT to join El Club Deportivo. I would not be surprised if the Esquina Caliente segment on Campeones featured the contract signing. We go to a room that looks suspiciously familiar (I’m pretty sure it is the same office room that was used for some of the previous contract signing segments), only that this is clearly supposed to be Chicky Starr’s office since he has a big portrait of himself hanging on the wall behind him. Chicky is behind the desk, with TNT sitting in front of him with a pen and paper in hand. Hugo is also there with a microphone, telling the viewers that we are here for a historic moment. Hugo starts asking TNT if he knows what he is signing when Chicky cuts him off. ‘First, I did say the cameras and microphone of Capitol TV could be here but you can’t be here since you weren’t invited. Go over there with your friend Carlos Colon and the rest of El Ejercito de la Justicia’. Hugo says he is only doing his job but Chicky is having none of that and tells him to kindly leave again. Hugo leaves the room as Chicky grabs the mic and provides commentary on what’s going on. TNT has already signed the contract so Chicky is proceeding to sign his part of the document. Chicky finishes singing it and says that this signals a warm welcome for TNT into El Club Deportivo. Chicky says that TNT is an important pillar in his organization, to keep on moving forward and triumphing as he has done so far, and he will soon see what he will reap. TNT says that the only reason he isn’t the Universal champion right now is because he did not have a manager in his corner, he was robbed of the Universal title. We immediately cut back to the Sports Shop set where TNT is now with Chicky. Again Chicky mentions that TNT is an important part of his organization now and that TNT will now talk about what will happen on August 5 when the Universal title rematch takes place. Last time the match was stopped due to Carlos Colon being covered in blood, and Chicky agrees with TNT that Carlos is old,tired and exhausted. This time the match won’t be stopped due to blood. TNT says he still insists that Carlos Colon is old and he’s ready for the rematch. Through TNT’s veins runs Puerto Rican blood, the same as Carlos Colon. But TNT’s blood is young, hungry to be champion, and he is willing to do what it takes to win the title. He’s going to have his manager Chicky Starr with him, and TNT wants Carlos to remember that the Puerto Rican people are still behind TNT. ‘You’re still old Carlos Colon ,every minute, every second, every hour, every day, you are still old! This is the beginning of the end for El Ejercito de la Justicia!’.

MD: Here it is, the logical next steps for the feud, TNT signing with Chicky Starr, embracing him, saying that he’d tear down justice and all that it stands for. It had been a gradual path here but now there was no going back and it was certainly a way to ramp up the pressure. It felt a little like, for instance, Savage going with Sherri after WM V, which was only a year prior, just a way to double down on a new lead heel.

EB: After an ad for the Aguadilla show on July 22, we have a showcase match for Gama Singh against Assassin #2. The match cuts off before the finish (although it’s safe to assume Gama won) and then we cut back in to a promo from Gama Singh about his upcoming match against newcomer Lance Idol. Then we have a tag match featuring newcomer Lance Idol teaming with Rick Valentine vs the team of Herbert Goznalez and Tito Carrion. Hector Moyano mentions on commentary that it seems that Valentine has someone who is also from California, so it will be interesting to see how these two blonde men gel together as a team. Idol and Valentine jaw at their opponents and then turn to argue with the crowd. While their backs are turned, Herbert and Tito hit dropkicks to the rudos’ backs, sending them to the outside. Idola and Valentine take exception to this and take control of the match once back in the ring. Idol ends up in the ring with Carrion and again jaws with the crowd after slamming Carrion. The rudos tag in and out and maintain their control on Carrion. Herbert doesn’t get a chance to tag in as Carrion is finished off with a slam by Valentiena and a flying kneedrop from the top rope by Idol. An impressive win for Lance Idol and Rick Valentine. Maybe there is potential for them as a team going forward.

MD: Idol is another guy that worked what I’d call (and I’m just coining this now) the periphery: Vancouver, Stampede, Portland, NWA Hollywood, etc. He’d been a fake Spoiler, a Steve Austin shortly before Steve Austin was Steve Austin, Star Rider. I can’t remember ever seeing him in any meaningful way to be honest. Here he was billed as “The Continental Dream.”

He worked well enough with Valentine, stooging with him (they got dropkicked out of the ring right at the start) and hitting moves in succession. Their finish here was a Valentine over the shoulder power slam followed by a move off the top by Idol. Not a ton to see so far.

EB: We get a series of promos after the match. First is El PRofe with Atkie Mulumba. It seems that Hall was not able to make it to Aguadilla last week (reason given was transportation problems) but Profe thinks that was an excuse to cover for Hall’s cowardice. Profe knows Hall has to show up tomorrow because if not he will be suspended by the WWC, so tomorrow Mulumba will show his power and they will get rid of that traitor cowboy. Hall responds with a promo where he  guarantees that he will be in Aguadilla tomorrow. Hall is coming to take Atkie out. Our third promo is Lance Idol commenting on his match with Gama Singh. Idol talks about destiny being what has led him here and to defeating Gama Singh. Idol also quotes the Joker from Batman 89 to close out his promo ‘Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?’.

MD: When I say Hall had it as a babyface by this point, I generally mean in ring. He was pretty screamy in his promos in a way that maybe wasn’t as effective as it could have been. I was going to praise Idol, on the other hand, but then he started making faces and quoting the Joker from the 89 Batman movie so maybe not.

EB: Up next is Chicky Starr taking on La Sombra in singles action. Chick’s managerial chargers have decreased in number from the first months of 1990, but he’s been pretty active in the ring as well. Chicky mugs for the camera when introduced and right off the bat wants the ref to check La Sombra for potential objects. When the ref asks Sombra, he points at Chicky and tells the ref to check him instead. Chicky starts off with a headlock and shoulder block off the ropes, but a series of rope counters leads to Sombra hitting an armdrag takedown and a dropkick to send Chicky to the outside. Chicky complains about his hair being pulled and slows the tempo of the match down. We again get a headlock and shoulder block, but Chicky is ready for Sombra’s duck down this time, stopping short off the ropes and kicking Sombra’s back. Chicky hits some blows on Sombra, including an elbow to the head and some chops in the corner. La Sombra reverses and hits some chops of his own, but Chicky cuts him off with a knee to the midsection. A chop from Chicky knocks Sombra down. Chicky slams Sombra, but Sombra counters a splash by getting his knees up. Sombra gets a brief offensive flurry but again Chicky cuts him off by lifting his legs as Sombra tries a corner charge. Chicky soon after wins the match after hitting an elbow drop on Sombra. A clear reminder that Chicky can be a threat in the ring beside being a threat at ringside. Chicky proceeds to strut as he leaves ringside and again mugs for the camera.  

MD: Stooging by numbers but entertaining with a definitive Chicky win. He was great getting clowned early and claiming a hairpull or doing a big splash into rising knees and selling with a big puffed out face late. Got to keep him strong with a competitive squash as they’re using him not just beside TNT but also on undercards of shows.

EB: We get another promo from Chicky Starr and TNT, this time about the rematch against Invader #1 tomorrow in Aguadilla. Chicky claims it won’t be like last week when Invader brought out El Ejercito de la Justicia to beat up TNT. Chicky says that won’t happen this time because he’ll be inTNT’s corner. TNT says that Invader knows that last week he had Invader in the Cobra Dinamita and that this time he won’t be able to cheat by having El Ejercito de la justice charge the ring when the cobra is applied. TNT wants to get Invader out of wrestling, and now he is with Chicky Starr, so whatever it takes he will finish Invader in Aguadilla. 

We go to Invader #1 with Hugo to get Invader’s comments about the upcoming rematch with TNT. Hugo mentions  that TNT is dangerous but things are getting more serious now that he is officially with Chicky Starr. Invader responds by wondering why TNT has gone to get Chicky Starr’s help, because TNT is a great wrestler and the fans saw the tremendous match they had last week. He knows that TNT is dangerous and that with Chicky in the corner, anything could be done to defeat him and even take him out of wrestling. Invader will have El Ejercito de la Justicia on standby in case Chicky gets involved. ‘We both have good conditioning and last week it was a fight, which tomorrow it will be as well. Let it be just the two of us without Chicky getting involved and we will see who is left standing at the end’.

We get a third promo in this segment, this time from Carlos Colon. The interview is focused on Colon’s thoughts about the Universal title rematch occurring August 5. Carlos is happy that the rematch is happening on Fan Appreciation Day, since there are special lower ticket prices, which means more people have a chance to be there and see this very important match. He mentions that it;is important because of the new alliance between TNT and Chicky Starr, someone who is diabolical and wicked such as Chicky. and this pair needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Carlos wants to decisively beat TNT and says that TNT joining Chicky is like a nightmare.  
MD: Good fired up promos from TNT and Invader and then a more subdued one from Colon. TNT was the guy teaching kids karate not that long ago and now he came off as pretty scary; I bet there were plenty of kids who had idolized him a couple of months before that were wary of him now.

EB: Our final match on the program is a tag team match featuring the duo of TNT and Atkie Mulumba. Their opponents are Miguelito Perez and Justo Maldonado (it seems that Huracan Castillo has been missing since Aniversario, it may be he is on a foreign tour). El Profe seems excited to be seconding TNT again (remember he was TNT’s manager when they both first showed up in CSP). TNT and Miguelito start off, and Miguelito immediately gets the better of TNT with several holds and elbows. Perez tags in Justo, who briefly maintains the advantage with a dropkick on TNT. However, TNT immediately cuts Justo off and, after some blows, drags Justo over to the rudo corner. Mulumba is tagged in and it’s pretty much all over for Justo. As Mulumba dominates Justo with a variety of headbutts (including an impressive one where hops off the middle rope), Profe brags on commentary that this is an amazing and unique team, no one will be able to deal with this duo. After Atkie hits his clothesline, he tags in TNT who hits a spin kick and then puts the Cobra Dinamita on Justo. Miguelito watches from the apron as TNT keeps the hold on and Justo ends up passing out. The winners are TNT and Mulumba. TNT wakes up Justo without any fuss after the match. We then get the show closing from Hugo, hyping up the show in Aguadilla and the Fan Appreciation Day show. 

MD: TNT was congenial with Malumba. Perez just seemed happy to be there. Maldonado did not seem happy to be there. Perez started against TNT and took the fight right to him but once Justo tagged in TNT (almost) immediately turned it back on him. Then Atkie hit some stuff like his twisting flying clothesline and TNT finished him off with the spin wheel kick and the cobra. He was good enough to wake him up post-match though. Perez looked strong but it was a good showcase for just how dangerous these two were together.

EB; Next time on El Deporte de las Mil Emociones, two big matches headline the July 21 card. Who will triumph in what is likely the final encounter between Invader #1 and Leo Burke? How well will the two teams in the main event work together? Plus, a new arrival for the rudos as we head towards the big Universal title rematch on Fan Appreciation Day.

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