Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Andre's Final Match

ER: This was Andre's literal final match, and even if he hadn't passed away less than two months after, I'm not sure how many more matches he would have realistically had. This looked like the end of the line, and I'm probably the biggest 1992 Andre booster there is out here. Andre comes to the ring in an MMA train, but it's probably the only MMA train I've seen that exists solely to keep a man on his feet. Andre used the man in front of him as a walker, and the cameraman kindly turned the camera to something else as Andre was struggling to get up the ring steps. But these comedy matches are pretty foolproof. I have the feeling that an old man trios could still work just fine even with two immobile participants, so one isn't going to affect anything. There are still plenty of fun matches, and we get to see the fun things Andre could do when he was literally on his last legs. There's silly comedy, like Rusher blocking Eigen's slaps until Fuchi grabs his arms, and an extended take on Eigen's crowd spitting as he kept trying to get back in the ring on different sides, only to be stopped and chopped by Kimura and Baba each time. 

Kimura is kept away from the giants for long stretches, and when Baba first, then Andre, come in to protect him they get nice "ooooooohs" from the crowd. Andre shoving Rusher behind his back and then challenging anyone to take a come through him first is a great moment. Fuchi always sneaks in stiff shots when opposite Baba, and Baba saves his hardest chop for Fuchi. Fuchi also kicks at Rusher's knee like a real asshole, just teeing off full strength on an old man's ACL and hamstring. Eigen always bumps big for Baba and Rusher, and I love the way he came in fired up and threw chops at Baba, right before getting thrown right under the bus. I assumed Andre wouldn't tag in at all, but he does, and it leads to the best comedy moment of the match. As Eigen heroically/foolishly grabs Andre in a rear waistlock and Okuma tries to attack from the front, Fuchi sneaks in and SMACKS Andre with a big clubbing shot to the back. When Andre turns to face Fuchi with daggers in his eyes, Fuchi points at Eigen and gets the hell out of there. The finish is old guy gold, with everyone playing a game of pickle with Eigen. Andre whips Eigen into a Rusher forearm, Rusher whips Eigen into a big Baba boot, and Baba whips Eigen into an Andre lariat. Once Eigen drops from the lariat, Andre - holding the top rope - just drops his butt right down on Eigen's chest. The man could have gotten away with putting his boot on Eigen for the pin, but he's a showman to the end. 

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