Segunda Caida

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Sunday, August 01, 2021

What's the Best WWF Lex Luger Match? Is it this Other Bret Hart Match?

Lex Luger vs. Bret Hart WWF 5/15/93

ER: This match is structurally identical to the Coliseum video match I talked about here, but it works better because of a hotter crowd. The execution is tight from both, and while this might be one of the smallest WWF Cow Palace crowds I've seen, they are hotly involved with this match and only get louder as it ramps up. And I think Luger is responsible for a lot of that loud reaction, as heel Luger is a real expert at milking the absolutely closest nearfalls. Luger might be the best late kickout man in wrestling.  Early in the match he pulls the same antics as in the prior Bret match, rolling to the floor the second Bret gets in the ring, jawing with ringside fans, and I love the ways Luger stooges into getting repeatedly armdragged by Bret. The ringside brawling is better in this match, and even sees Luger knock down a guardrail after getting thrown hard into it. 

Both guys look really great on offense, with Hart finding smart ways to snap off his Russian legsweep and strong backbreaker, and his leaping elbow looked incredible. Hart doesn't get enough credit for how nasty that 2nd buckle elbow always looks, as the way he throws it (elbow down, momentum leaning forward) makes it incredibly difficult to pull, yet I guarantee Hart never hurt a soul with it. Luger has a great backbreaker of his own, and hits a fantastic back elbow that Hart sells like a pipe to the eye. The pinfall work was strong, as the crowd kept rushing the ringside barricade every time Luger baaaaarely edged a shoulder up before 3, and Luger was great at enraging fans sitting directly at ringside. Luger's pinfall kickouts are a real thing of wrestling beauty, just exquisitely timed, while understanding the value on not doing dramatic arm reaches on the kickouts. Luger knows how to just edge his shoulder up, enough that a kickout can't be denied, yet close enough that 4,000 people think he just got beat. 

This match has the same Razor Ramon DQ run-in as their Coliseum Video match, and that goes differently than the prior match. Here, Hart gets to battle both men and gets a couple cool moments, including pounding Luger in the corner and then flying off the turnbuckles with a no look crossbody on Razor. The fans clearly want the Razor face turn after Luger and Ramon do a little showdown, and the TV starts hinting at that a couple months later. But, since that is after Luger has already turned, we don't wind up getting a televised Luger/Hall singles match until several years later in WCW. 

I think this is, until proven otherwise, the best Lex Luger WWF match. 

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