Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Low-Ki Will Give You 100 Ways to Kill the Whole Block

Low-Ki vs. 2 Cold Scorpio DFW 4/9/21 - GREAT

PAS: This is almost a US Indy version of a lucha maestro match, with a pair of legends in their twilight but still with the timing and smarts to put together a cool match. Lots of pacing and circling early with Ki getting the first big move with a straight armbar in the ropes, and much of the rest of match is built around Scorpio with a bum wing. Sadly we don't get as much dynamic Scorpio offense as I wanted. He is still a hard hitter and can land big spots, but he was on the defensive for much of it. The Ki Krusher and finishing double stomp looked great and I loved them cleaning out an invading force of heels like a team of super heroes in the post match. 

ER: It was going to be near impossible to not be disappointed in this one, with two of my all time favorites matching up 15 years after their last - and only other - match. They were in NOAH the exact same time but almost always on a team of gaijin, but this feels like a match every indy should have been booking in the late 2000s. This was very minimal compared to what happened in 2006, and there is still small joys to be had with these legends working minimalist. Scorpio doesn't have the speed he used to have, and his timing wasn't as on point (there was a missed kick spot where Ki was ducked  waiting for 2 Cold to throw the kick he was supposed to be ducking, and I would mention it if it was someone I didn't like so in fairness I gotta call out Scorpio), but he's still a strong salesman and is good at taking tough offense. I was really impressed with how he sold Ki's kick combos, buckling his knee, dropping down to a knee and staggering to his feet, so much more interesting detail than flat back bumps or guys who take a kick to the stomach and just bend at the waist. Seeing Ki mule kick a charging Scorpio, sending Scorpio pinballing back to the other corner, shows there is still a ton of ability to mine from Scorpio even if he lost all flying ability. Ki getting Scorpio up for the Ki Krusher looked incredible, total power move and controlled the entire way, and he sticks that Warrior's Way right under Scorpio's collarbones with that famous Low Ki precision. I will happily watch these two fight in 2031 when it comes, and I enjoyed this 10 minutes, but mostly it made me sad we never got a 2007-2015 match.  


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