Segunda Caida

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Thursday, June 17, 2021

NXT Worth Watching: Ciampa/Thatcher vs. Strong/Cole

Tommaso Ciampa/Timothy Thatcher vs. Roderick Strong/Adam Cole NXT 2/3/21

ER: NXT has been the most entertaining part of mainstream wrestling TV of 2021 so far, and it feels like a lot of guys recognized to hold back on a lot of the melodrama. There is a lot more personality on NXT lately, beyond "I am serious about this and am shocked when you kick out of my moves". Guys are figuring out how to do "serious" without looking ridiculous, and this tag is a good example of a Mid-South style tag fusing with the modern NXT style. Modern NXT style is too obnoxious uncut, you need to cut it with an older, better regional style to make it bearable and much better. I think Ciampa has really excelled with these changes, going from seeming comically overly serious throughout the latter parts of the Gargano feud, to reigning in the sillier aspects and coming off as much more of an asskicker than before. He is wrestling more like Roderick Strong, which is a good thing. He hits hard on chops and elbows, and makes simple forgotten moments like kicks to the stomach look actually damaging. When a guy makes you notice how painful a transition kick to the stomach looks, it means he's really focusing on all details. Strong is as good as ever, maybe the most underrated worker of NXT brand history. Preposterous to think of him not having the role Cole occupies, while also excelling in the role of the clear #2 of a stable. 

Ciampa and Thatcher spend much of the match cutting Strong off from Cole, and both teams blur the line of face/heel without it ever getting dramatic and scowly. Strong is great at eating a beating while fighting back, and I especially loved a couple of body shots he threw while Thatcher was prepping for a suplex. I thought Ciampa's timing was excellent throughout, thought a knee he rocked Strong with made for a real surprise kickout, and when I rewatched the spot I thought his action was so strong throughout the whole sequence. The pinfall he sinks on Strong really added to the kickout, feels like he's paying the kind of attention to his game that stands out when you watch Bret Hart singles matches. Cole is energetic in his hot tag even if some of his stuff isn't my favorite. He fit into the match fine, and as the match turned into NXT chain spots I thought they built through them well. Strong was really awesome on offense and defense the whole match, loved him flying through the ropes with a Fuerza bump when Ciampa scouted a baseball slide dropkick, love that immediacy Strong brings to his moments. The Dusty Classic has been a fertile ground for quality men's and women's tags, and this is my favorite of the men's side (so far?). 

PAS: This didn't really do it for me. I really enjoyed the Strong vs. Thatcher parts of the match as they really had some nasty grappling and Thatcher has really dug into the sadistic parts of his character. He really does seem to gain joy out of hurting people, and Strong has always been a solid if a little colorless wrestler. Strong hits the mat just as hard, and lands some big chops. I though Ciampa and Cole were pretty bad though, especially in their exchanges which were dancey reversals as bad as the worst of this modern wrestling style. Man do I hate when two people "know each other so well", and this was some very bad "know each other so well" wrestling. Finish run just felt like the same PWG tag finisher spamming stuff we have seen for years. The individual moves look cool, but it was kind of formless and didn't build to anything. That finish run doesn't play to Thatcher's strengths and he was the guy I came into this match wanting to see. 

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