Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Tuesday is French Catch Day: Rene Ben! Cesca! Bibi! Bernaert! Delaporte! Cowboy Jack!

Rene Ben Chemoul/Gilbert Cesca vs. Cheri Bibi/Pierre Bernaert 5/6/60

SR:2/3 falls match going about 35 minutes. This matchup is kind of the French Rock’n’Roll Express vs. Anderson Brothers where you know exactly what you are getting. The predictable layout was that the Chemoul/Cesca tandem were the far superior wrestlers, so Bibi and Bernaert had to even the score by being absolute pricks. That could get tedious in such a long match, but I thought Bernaert and Bibi kept this interesting simply by continously escalating the beatings. It started with something like a forearm to the back of the head and by the end they were stomping the shit out of their opponents. Loved that big swinging bodyslam from Bibi, who may have carried the heel side. Needless to say, Chemoul and Cesca were incredibly slick. This was going along until the 3rd fall which got pretty crazy with Chemoul busting out something resembling a springboard dropkick and multiple double stamp where he planted guys hard.

MD: Fairly exceptional, if by the books, tag. The books are the books for a reason. As best as I can tell, this was out there but it was the 80s version with clipping and cut outs to a "modern" crowd watching in color and making comments. This longer version went over around 40 minutes and a few things will stick with you. This is the best Bibi and Bernaert have looked as a unit. I'm not saying I ever dreaded seeing him, but in the early Bibi appearances we had, it was much more about seeing how his opponent dealt with him and his limitations. In this setting, he shined as a bullying, mean-mugging spoiler, cutting off the ring and laying in some really nasty offense. He'd really pinball and opponent back and forth, either into the ropes or into Bernaert. Their cheating was more subtle and refined than a lot of what we've seen so far from the footage. The rest of the story was Ben Chemoul though. I know our invisible fourth, OJ, has gone deeper into the footage and has been sort of disappointed by Ben Chemoul based on his rep, but he was absolutely electric here. High energy. So much of these tags are about the big babyface revenge spots and he made them sing. At one point, he did this leap to the top followed by a twist and a tight missile dropkick which would be an awe-inspiring spot even today. All the while, he was able to balance it with that full body selling that really got across the toil of the match. I'm sure the clipped version of this was fine but the full match was excellent and you should check it out even if you'd seen the existing version previously.

PAS: Really cool stuff, Sebastian compared it to R+Rs versus Andersons, but it had way more modern offense (despite being 25 years earlier). I loved all of the hammerlock stuff with Bibi and Pierre locking in nasty hammerlocks and Cesca trying to flip his way out and failing. Very cool way to control the opening of a match. Both heels took big nasty bumps into the ropes with Bernaert getting hung by the neck as Rene Ben ran the ropes to jar him. That Chemoul top rope dropkick was awesome stuff, it felt like something you would see from a Fenix or Ricochet level flier today. An exciting babyface tag team against a pair of brutish heels, just pro-wrestling at it's finest.

Roger Delaporte vs. Cowboy Jack Bence 5/26/60

SR:2/3 falls match going about 35 minutes. Cowboy Jack Bence was a US worker who toured the globe. I don’t know if my eyes were playing tricks on me but he looked like he had ridiculously long legs and almost no upper body, like he was 3/4ths legs. We have talked about how ahead of their time the French workers were, but looking at Jack Bence here reinforces how little we actually know about what pre-80s wrestling anywhere looked like. He had no problem doing some really athletic shit, including the bridge up that I thought only European workers and certain joshi wrestlers did, and at one point he fucking backflipped out of an attempted leg trip. Bence looked quite the top flight worker here and knowing guys like him that I never even heard of before this project were this good just makes me think the greatest match of all time happened somewhere between 1950 and 1970 and had no chance of ever being taped. Delaporte was at the top of his usual underhaded, stooging game and they had quite a great old school match. Bence had really fast throws and I loved all the complex control segments through wristlocks where Bence would grab a fast takedown in the middle of an exchange. Delaporte finally got the upper hand when he was able to twist up Bences leg in the ropes badly. That usually led to a quick finish in past Delaporte matches but In this case we got this great extended selling performance from Bence building to his triumphant comeback where he near twisted Delaportes leg off in return. Seeing so many French babyfaces blow off limbwork made this feel like a distinctly American touch. After that Andre Bollet in a suit came into the ring looking to have a go at Bence and ended up getting thrown around and taking an awesome bump to the crowds delight, with Delaporte forfeitting the 3rd fall seconds later. If this was Jack Bences TV debut it was enviable as he got to look like a million bucks taking out a top heel and setting up a match with another. 

MD: This is our only look at Bence and he's got sort of a babyface Dick Murdoch (to balance Gastel's heel version) vibe to him. Maybe in another setting he'd be a heel, but it's hard to be a heel against Delaporte with his cowardice and whining and dangerous, dangerous cheapshots and advantage-taking. Bence's selling was fairly excellent throughout. I'm not sure if it's because he came from a different school of wrestling than most of those that we've been seeing, but he was good at letting the effects of Delaporte's offense linger for a bit, and, of course, for the long-term selling of the leg mid-match, especially when he went back on offense. While that faded later on, it came back to lead into the finish and there's no way that would have worked so well if he didn't put the time and effort into it. He wasn't always the smoothest when it came to some of his holds and escapes, and I think his ambition outweighed his ability, but it all sort of worked in a gritty, competitive way. There was a rustic charm to his stumbles, a yee-haw fortune seeking Amerian bootstrap ambition, maybe? Delaporte didn't surprise here, but he did delight. I'm not sure I can name a wrestler better at begging off in the corner; just amazing facial expressions as he portrays fear, pain, or pig-headed viciousness.

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Blogger Rob B said...

Cant wait to check these out later! Don't know if any of you participated in the Pro Wrestling Only top 100 wrestlers list a few years ago, but having now watched a lot of 50s and 60s French stuff which wasn't previously available would anyone from the footage likely make your top 100 of all time?

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Jetlag said...

Yeah, there are a few guys who are definite contenders. Since there are talks of doing another GWE poll soon, I will probably start making/updating threads at PWO soon.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Matt D said...

1. I've been informed we have another Bence match (vs Guttier in a couple of weeks) so that's good.
2. GWE is tricky. We need enough matches, so that makes someone like Tony Oliver a tough pick. I've been suggesting people start with Delaporte because we have a lot of matches with him against a number of opponents over a span of years. Leduc is another good choice along those lines. Petit Prince because the talent is so obvious. In the end, it'll depend on your personal criteria and just how much you need. I could see a guy Ami Sola making someone's list based on the ten matches we have with him and that would be totally legitimate but I'm not sure I'd be confident enough about him to put him on my list.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanksso much for posting this match! Bence was a native of Pittsfield, MA near my stomping grounds.

8:22 AM  

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