Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eddie Kingston's Crew is From the East, He Leavin' At Least 20 Police Deceased

Eddie Kingston/Joker vs. Super Dragon/Necro Butcher CZW 2/11/06 - GREAT

PAS: It would be nearly impossible for any match to live up to that lineup of insane asskickers. It's like Kurisu and Kurisu vs. Kurisu and Kurisu. Match opens up with Dragon and Kingston exchanging slaps,  which is great, and then into some mat wrestling, which you know, fine and all, but not what I am here for. It picks up quite a bit when they brawl to the floor, the camera focuses on Kingston vs. Necro which rules, but you get little pieces out of the corner of you eye of Super Dragon braining Joker with a chair or curb stomping him on the floor. There is a beatdown section on Kingston which is good, but I kind of wan't a Super Dragon and Necro beatdown on Eddie Kingston to be the best tag beat down ever, and it wasn't that. The Joker hot tag is fun and there is this amazing moment of Necro grabbing Joker by his shirt and punching him fifteen times directly in the jaw. The finish had some moments, but I didn't love the backdrop no-sells, and the Joker roll up is more cutesy then this match deserved. This is well worth watching, the great stuff in it is really great, but this was closer to the 100th best match of 2006, and I wanted it to be closer to the best.

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Blogger Funkle Joe said...

Dude was the title a Big L song reference? If so kudos

5:09 AM  

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