Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Saturday, July 09, 2011

NWA Wildside- Throwback Review Episode 42


Long intro, starting with Steve Martin (was not in Roxanne) and Jeff G. Bailey riding to the arena, Martin explaining how he is going to confront Stone Mountain (may or may not have shot his father). Then the NWA Elite goes into the ring and Martin goes "like I told you in the car, I am calling out Stone Mountain." I am not sure why I needed the car ride about the confrontation and the actual confrontation. Martin offers Mountain a place in the NWA Elite, gets the third finger and we get a big brawl between Scotty Wrenn and Mountain with chair shots and broken handcuffs.

Jesse Taylor v. Stan "The Man" Lee

A match with plenty of entertaining pieces to it, although didn't really come together as a match. Lee is an old school Southern indy guy I have always enjoyed, kind of a poor mans Mike Davis. The match was going along at a nice pace before the blew a top rope rana which ended up spiking both guys awkwardly on their necks. It was touch and go for a bit, although they were able to bring the match back eventually.

Jon Phoenix v. Lazz

Onyx runs out during Lazz's dance routine and hits him with the light heavyweight belt (which looked like crap because Lazz went down way too early.) Phoenix hits a top rope splash and pins him. Lazz's shtick is starting to get really over with the crowd.

They have a WOW magazine segment with Bill Apter where a young wrestler named Ron Starr (a black guy, not Rugged Ron Starr) calls out Bill Beherens for not returning his calls, or giving him a booking. Kind of a weird angle, not sure if it ever went anywhere

SHANK!! is in the ring. He wants to give a shout out to all of his Overweight Lovers in the house. God has healed his hand, and he is challenging Timber the Lumberjack to a Cellblock Rules match at Freedom Fight, that is a steel cage match out in the parking lot. He tells Timber that there won't be any Vaseline, and he he can either run and hide, or bend over and take it like a man. Everything you want it to be. Man I hope they show us the Cellblock match.

Rock and Roll Express v. Bad Attitude

Joined in progress which is a bummer. We see Young get worked over and make the hot tag and Bad Attitude get the pin with a couple of top rope moves. Steve Martin (not King Tut) comes out and changes it to a 2/3 falls match. Rock and Rolls get a sort of double dropkick (Morton hit it, Gibson looked like his dropkicking days were in the past) and win a quick second fall. Fun third fall with the heel Rock and Rolls working over Michaels leg, until a hot tag, a mistimed chain throw by Martina and a Bad Attitude win. NWA Elite jumps Young and Michaels, but Morton and Gibson revert to their babyface ways and run them off.

First part of the show is skippable, but the Shank promo is Shank at his best, and I dug the main event tag.

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