Segunda Caida

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Wednesday, January 03, 2024

2021 Ongoing MOTY List: Creeds vs. Vets


62. The Creed Brothers vs. Grizzled Young Vets NXT 2.0 12/21

ER: The Creed Brothers were the far and away greatest thing to happen in NXT 2.0, a team of fully formed 2000 Brock Lesnars who looked completely unstoppable and wrestled like two guys who had zero hobbies other than circuit training and putting raw meat in their protein shakes. They were folkstyle Road Warriors and they're somehow currently in the exact same place they were when they debuted. I don't know if there is a Creeds match I've disliked, but this was their earliest and best "complete" match. This was only their 10th match and was the best fusion of their total dominance with them making believable (but brief) openings for their opponents. Of the Vets, James Drake had a supremely good showing. Not only did he spend the most time getting thrown around but gutwrench variations and acting as the New Housing Development Arrow for the Creeds' sign spinning, but he was also the Vet making his strikes all look like something that would actually momentarily stun either brick-headed brother. Drake's spinning heel kick actually looked like it would knock a big guy loopy, and his late match suicide dive into the back of Julius's head was awesome. The Creeds were surprisingly good at alternating bulldozing with strong selling, as it felt like they understood how to sell for who they are rather than sell like a mortal man might. It ended in a DQ and a useless angle with Ikemen Jiro and Kushida took too much away from it, but we're overdue celebrating the Creeds on Segunda Caida. 


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