
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Episode 145

Episode 145

ER: The YouTube thumbnail for this episode looks like a Ghost album cover.

Snooty Foxx vs. Ric Converse

ER: Good match, and one that I hadn't really considered since it's face/face. Converse seems really energized by the CW feud, and he knew all the right ways to feed Snooty here, knew how to leave openings for Snooty's strengths. The winner was never really in doubt, but he made Snooty look strong enough that the big bulldog was a legit near fall. I was really impressed by how Converse muscled him around, threw some nice back elbows (and I always like Snooty's back elbows, so we had some good elbows this match), took a huge fast tumbling bump to the floor, and I liked how Converse was working slightly more aggressive. This was face vs. face, but he didn't play it as two best buds shaking hands, he still acted like a man defending his title. Converse is putting in some of the best work of his career.

PAS: There was some awkward moments in this, but a pair of grizzlies pounding on each other shouldn't be silky smooth. I also really bought into the bulldog as the finish, and I loved the veteran getting one up on the rookie with the foot on the ropes. Hard to not enjoy a pair of rawbone guys throwing hands and this was a fun 7 minutes.

Brad Attitude vs. Hurricane Shane Helms

ER: I'm still a bit bummed that we didn't get the Arik Royal TV Title run. I pictured it being like when WWE was giving Matt Hardy, Christian, and Finlay 10 minute TV matches nearly every week with a variety of opponents, guaranteeing a money match. If Helms will actually be showing up regularly to defend, I'll be cool, but I think Royal would have excelled at that role. This never really feels like a title match but it was still good. It was mainly used to set up the Attitude/Sterling rematch, which is fine by me as the BattleCade match was awesome and this should be even better with some hatred sprinkled in. Attitude using the Zig Zag is a great modern dickhead heel shoutout to his modern douche bestie, though I do wish Hurricane would just wrestle as Shane Helms. I never liked some of his Hurricane comedy offense, really don't like his novelty chokeslam. I mean, people know him as Shane Helms, he's among friends. He doesn't have to be Robin Williams being "on" at a small gathering dinner party. But these two are pros, they'd work together well no matter the situation.

PAS: I liked parts of this, Attitude is a guy who is always going to bring fun stuff to every match he is in. He is good at stooging bumps and facial expressions and brought all of that to the match. Helms is also a pro, although he has really dated offense. Early 2000s was a nadir of wrestling offense and his whole arsenal is complete shots and twisty NOVAish neckbreakers and final cuts. Just the worst of Kanyonish innovation that takes forever to set up and doesn't look good. I did like his figure four variation he used, but that felt like a bit of a time killer. Sugar Shane Helms had cool offense, Hurricane Shane Helms does not. This was fine, but I agree with Eric felt a little throwaway for something which was the advertised main event.

ER: Eventually Phil and I will have to go back and watch the early episodes of CWF (or at least cherry pick) and see the original Wilkins/Lee match, but I liked the hype package for it. Wilkins was so skinny and Lee had some really bad hair a few years ago (though his hair against Wilkins was better than his mushroom 'do I've seen in other early Lee).

PAS: I really liked a lot of the stuff they showed from that match, and it got me excited to check out the rematch. Lee looks like he has a bunch of fun spots around the no ropes stip, and I am sure has thought of some new ones in the last couple of years

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