Segunda Caida

Phil Schneider, Eric Ritz, Matt D, Sebastian, and other friends write about pro wrestling. Follow us @segundacaida

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Black Terry May Simply Be a Single Drop of Rain

I was looking through the C+A Black Terry and realized the last match on the list was the incredible Mr. Condor match in 2021, so I wanted to check in and see what he has been up to in the last couple of years as he moves into his 70s

Black Terry vs. Arandu Dark Sun Wrestling 5/30/22 - GREAT

PAS: This was a maestro match between Terry and long time Monterey rudo Arandu, and hit all of the points you would expect in a match like this. Opening with matwork, moving into some chair shots and some nasty punch exchanges. It was a solid performance by a pair of pros who know exactly how to deliver the hits to an audience. Terry took some bumps and threw some good looking rights and lefts. It didn't really have the moments to elevate it to the next level, more of a solid B, then an A+, but it definitely showed Terry still has some juice. 

Black Terry vs. Vinny Massaro Lucha Memes 9/18/22 - GREAT

I remember digging Vinny in the early 2000s in APW, as a guy with some nice suplex. He fell off my radar for decades, but came back as a guy who is working a bunch in California indies in dream match scenarios. He is a fun guy to get the chance to travel to Mexico, and I dug this as a pair of trainers from very different worlds matching up. Massaro has nice open hand shots and the best parts of the match were the pair of these guys throwing at each other, and Massaro looked solid on the mat, and I liked his Fujiwara finish. There were a couple of moments near the end where they were slightly on the wrong page, and it was an opening round tourney match, so they never really pushed it to the next level, still a fun WAR booking match.

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